guess who got a cell phone!!!
if you guessed me - YOU ARE CORRECT
if you guessed someone else - you are weird - who did you guess? geez..... ANYWAY!
my number is 397-6943
call me sometime - but dont talk too much because i am not made of minutes (haha, like not made of money, hehe). but i do have free weekends so i can talk all you want on saturdays or sundays. yep. ok. thats enough. :):)
if you wanna talk to me - call me! hehe
harry potter!!
yay!! So harry potter book 6 is coming out on july 16th!! YAY!!! and the movie (the 4th one) is over 2/3 done filming!! yay!! i am excited!
ok back to studying for my last two exams - blah (who decided to put anatomy and politics on the same day - they weren't the brightest. in fact, i think they wanted to kill me. ok. enough.)
ok back to studying for my last two exams - blah (who decided to put anatomy and politics on the same day - they weren't the brightest. in fact, i think they wanted to kill me. ok. enough.)
So I am really really tired of coughing. I have had a cold for who knows how long (i have had a slight cold for a while now, but it has been bad for about a week - i think....). I haven't had much of a voice since last friday. It is getting annoying!! I wanna be able to sing along to the radio again without having a couging fit or forcing myself to stop because i sound so terrible!! its sad. oh well. So how is everyone?? I dont really know why I am blogging because i really have nothing to say (i always say this and then i end up writing a humongous blog about absolutely nothing, probably boring the masses of people that read this thing (being me and the one or two other cool people out there....)). ANYWAY!!
So today I had four classes, like usual. But - three of them were for the last time! yay! I am slightly sad to see the end of one class - innocence and evil - because it was cool. We read poems about all kinds of stuff and then we would dissect the poems and have huge discussions. it was cool but i was getting a little tired of the class. I also had my last advanced mythology class. that class was terribly boring and so i am quite joyous that it is over!! the other last class was politics. I AM SO GLAD ITS OVER!! yay!! hahahaa. ok. enough rejoicing. I also had german, but that is a yearlong class - so it is not over, in any sense of the word. tomorrow i have my last anatomy class, which is kinda sad but kinda not because i like it a lot, but at the same time i am ready to move on to something else. I am excited because i pick up drawing and humanities. I also pick up two religion classes, which will be interesting because they are right in a row. woo. ok.
what else can i talk about...... hmm.......
oh!! I got ALL of my christmas shopping done yesterday!! I was so proud of myself!!! I also didn't spend as much as i thought i was going to and i bought a present for someone i didn't think i was going to! YAY!! So that is really really fun. I like shopping because it sometimes puts me in a good mood (yesterday it did because everyone was in a good mood and there was christmas music playing..... ahhh....). so yesterday I had a really good day. i was quite content.
yep, ok i think i am done rambling. that is basically all that is on my mind. all of my streams of conciousness are on this page at the moment (get the allusiion to the title? haha) ok. i am done.
So today I had four classes, like usual. But - three of them were for the last time! yay! I am slightly sad to see the end of one class - innocence and evil - because it was cool. We read poems about all kinds of stuff and then we would dissect the poems and have huge discussions. it was cool but i was getting a little tired of the class. I also had my last advanced mythology class. that class was terribly boring and so i am quite joyous that it is over!! the other last class was politics. I AM SO GLAD ITS OVER!! yay!! hahahaa. ok. enough rejoicing. I also had german, but that is a yearlong class - so it is not over, in any sense of the word. tomorrow i have my last anatomy class, which is kinda sad but kinda not because i like it a lot, but at the same time i am ready to move on to something else. I am excited because i pick up drawing and humanities. I also pick up two religion classes, which will be interesting because they are right in a row. woo. ok.
what else can i talk about...... hmm.......
oh!! I got ALL of my christmas shopping done yesterday!! I was so proud of myself!!! I also didn't spend as much as i thought i was going to and i bought a present for someone i didn't think i was going to! YAY!! So that is really really fun. I like shopping because it sometimes puts me in a good mood (yesterday it did because everyone was in a good mood and there was christmas music playing..... ahhh....). so yesterday I had a really good day. i was quite content.
yep, ok i think i am done rambling. that is basically all that is on my mind. all of my streams of conciousness are on this page at the moment (get the allusiion to the title? haha) ok. i am done.
Hi!! Sorry that it has been so long since i last blogged. I haven't had much to say/i have been busy. I know that seems like an oxymoron, but really life has just kinda been full but i haven't had much to say about it. Life is going really good right now. I am having a blast with my school buddies. We have lots of laughs. School is going good right now - grades are good, low stress levels... its all good. By the way, may i say that i love open campus. It is so nice. I got to sleep in until 9:15 this morning because i had free first. I didnt have to be at school until 10:15. that was amazing. So i had to work today. that was good.
Guess what! I may be getting a cell phone soon! I am really really excited. I have wanted a cell phone for a while now and I always told myself that I would wait until college. Well that has changed because I often think about it when i am driving. For example, what if i had car trouble or what if i got into a car accident?? I would have to walk to the nearest exit to find some telephone, but what if I didn't have money for a payphone? So that worries me and that has been on my mind a lot especially since Beth and Pat got into a car accident last weekend. Also another part of that is what if mom and dad need to get a hold of me but they don't have phone numbers to reach me? Then also, there are many times when I am going to a friend's house and i am afraid i will get hopelessly lost and not know where I am going. That is my main reasoning behind getting a cell phone. I think they are nifty. :) Julia is gonna take me shopping for one when she gets back to STL for christmas. YAY! hehe
So I really need to get back to homework (i have a huge politics test tomorrow - i have to know all 27 amendments of the constitution, all 8 of the officials of the executive branch of the mo. gov along with their requirements, responsibilities, and salaries, as well as mo history, and i have to be able to label a mo. map with all kinds of stuff.) so yeah, i have to go.... bye :):)
Guess what! I may be getting a cell phone soon! I am really really excited. I have wanted a cell phone for a while now and I always told myself that I would wait until college. Well that has changed because I often think about it when i am driving. For example, what if i had car trouble or what if i got into a car accident?? I would have to walk to the nearest exit to find some telephone, but what if I didn't have money for a payphone? So that worries me and that has been on my mind a lot especially since Beth and Pat got into a car accident last weekend. Also another part of that is what if mom and dad need to get a hold of me but they don't have phone numbers to reach me? Then also, there are many times when I am going to a friend's house and i am afraid i will get hopelessly lost and not know where I am going. That is my main reasoning behind getting a cell phone. I think they are nifty. :) Julia is gonna take me shopping for one when she gets back to STL for christmas. YAY! hehe
So I really need to get back to homework (i have a huge politics test tomorrow - i have to know all 27 amendments of the constitution, all 8 of the officials of the executive branch of the mo. gov along with their requirements, responsibilities, and salaries, as well as mo history, and i have to be able to label a mo. map with all kinds of stuff.) so yeah, i have to go.... bye :):)
ok so seussical is basically my life right now. It is so much fun. The entire cast and crew is made up of some of the best people. They are all my buddies!! I love it! eeee. Ok, so right now you are like "what is seussical??". Seussical is a story that takes a lot of the dr. seuss stories and puts them in play form. there is this kid jojo (a guy in the play, but played by a girl in ours.. haha) and he/she has a lot of unique "thinks" or imaginations. So he meets the cat in the hat and they go on this whole big adventure which includes amazing maysie, gertrude, horton the elepant, the wickersham brothers, and of course the whos. It sounds like a stupid little kid story but it is really really awesome. the music is amazing - its really jazzy and funky sounding. the dancing is modern and a ton of fun to watch. the set is hilarious. (I am on set crew). I am having so much fun. I have been at school so much working on the play (working my booty off -- seriously i have no booty anymore) but it has been so much fun hanging out with all of my friends so much. yep. you should all come see it. this weekend on fri and sun and next weekend fri-sun. if you want tickets call me or whatever. or call school. you know. yeah. I will be there every performance but the friday ones (gotta work. blah). so yeah. that was basically a commercial. haha. whatever.
i feel old!
blah... Tom and I were just talking about Peter's new blog (haha - hi peter!!) and in it Peter mentioned getting a permit! YOU AREN'T OLD ENOUGH!! YOU ARE STILL IN 6TH GRADE!! (ok, not really i know, but geez..... you aren't that old yet are you?). so yeah we were talking about that, and it was funny.
another thing - the entire world is off of school on monday except for nerinx!!! for some reason nerinx is a butt and decided to not let us off the day after halloween!! How inhumane is that? geez. that is not fun. so we have to have our halloween parties on saturday with no fun trick or treaters to tease. isn't that sad. yep. i am sad. you should be sad too. so yeah... that stinks.
life is busy. i am too lazy to write about how busy it is. its just busy. lots of stuff going on. yep yep. ok... too lazy to write more. yep. bye
another thing - the entire world is off of school on monday except for nerinx!!! for some reason nerinx is a butt and decided to not let us off the day after halloween!! How inhumane is that? geez. that is not fun. so we have to have our halloween parties on saturday with no fun trick or treaters to tease. isn't that sad. yep. i am sad. you should be sad too. so yeah... that stinks.
life is busy. i am too lazy to write about how busy it is. its just busy. lots of stuff going on. yep yep. ok... too lazy to write more. yep. bye
Guess what today is!!!!! ITS MY BDAY!!! I just had a conversation with Nathan. He called because he saw my away message that its my bday! hehe. hes funny. It was fun talking to him cause i haven't talked to all my yg friends in forever! You all left me! (yes even you Tom - you and your cross country... tsk tsk tsk...). Anyways...... :):)
Sana - thanks for calling! You are so cute! hehe, I would've called you back but I can't call long distance on the regular phone and my mommy has the cell. I will call you back when she gets home.
anyways... saturday I had a party with all my school buddies and some of my sluh buddies that hang out with my friends. It was fun. We ate pizza, hung out, played spoons and egyptian ratscrew, and gamecube games. I got some fun presents. Yay!! On sunday I did a ton of hw and then Beth and Pat came over. They gave me Pirates of the Carribean! Yay! I love that movie!!! :):):):):):) Tonight mommy and daddy took me out to dinner at Zia's. It was really yummy but I was not hungry because I had a big lunch (i had free during lunch period so I went and go take out from Webster Wok. Yummmmy!!!). Today at school was fun too. I was in a good mood all day on a day on which I probably wouldn't have been in such a great mood (two tests and a big project was due). Oh well. It was fun. After dinner mom and dad gave me a down comforter. Its so comfy!!! It is light blue on one side and then blue striped on the other. It makes me all warm and cozy outside and all happy inside ;).
So life is good at the moment. When I got home from school I checked the answering machine and it was my Grandma!! She called to sing me happy birthday!! she was so cute! I just wanted to fly to Buffalo and give her a big hug and kiss! GUESS WHAT! She is coming into town on Wednesday!! YAY!! I am so excited. She is staying for a week. fun fun fun!! Unfortunately I have school - blah. but o well, I am so excited! EEEEEE!!!
ok, I have to go now.
bye byeee!!
Sana - thanks for calling! You are so cute! hehe, I would've called you back but I can't call long distance on the regular phone and my mommy has the cell. I will call you back when she gets home.
anyways... saturday I had a party with all my school buddies and some of my sluh buddies that hang out with my friends. It was fun. We ate pizza, hung out, played spoons and egyptian ratscrew, and gamecube games. I got some fun presents. Yay!! On sunday I did a ton of hw and then Beth and Pat came over. They gave me Pirates of the Carribean! Yay! I love that movie!!! :):):):):):) Tonight mommy and daddy took me out to dinner at Zia's. It was really yummy but I was not hungry because I had a big lunch (i had free during lunch period so I went and go take out from Webster Wok. Yummmmy!!!). Today at school was fun too. I was in a good mood all day on a day on which I probably wouldn't have been in such a great mood (two tests and a big project was due). Oh well. It was fun. After dinner mom and dad gave me a down comforter. Its so comfy!!! It is light blue on one side and then blue striped on the other. It makes me all warm and cozy outside and all happy inside ;).
So life is good at the moment. When I got home from school I checked the answering machine and it was my Grandma!! She called to sing me happy birthday!! she was so cute! I just wanted to fly to Buffalo and give her a big hug and kiss! GUESS WHAT! She is coming into town on Wednesday!! YAY!! I am so excited. She is staying for a week. fun fun fun!! Unfortunately I have school - blah. but o well, I am so excited! EEEEEE!!!
ok, I have to go now.
bye byeee!!
So nothing is really happening at the moment. I am just sitting here doing this blog with a towel wrapped around my hair. What's with the towel you ask. Well, i shall tell you. i got home from karate about 40 minutes ago and i took a nice shower. i didn't feel like having wet hair around my face so it is all wrapped up in the towel on my head. yep. you thought it was gonna be some interesting explanation didnt you. haha, i tricked you. So i haven't done much lately. I have basically lazed around at home doing homework. Ohh, i got my paycheck last night - $172!! That is record for me because i subbed for a girl twice and i had to come in 45 minutes early on two occasions. so that was cool cause i was like, oooh money. It is always nice to have the assurance of making your own money. yeah... anyway. my muscles are tired. yesterday at karate was a really hard workout class. we did a lot of sparring. It wouldn't seem like it but your arms get really tired because it takes a lot of energy to block a person's arm out of the way so you can punch. then when i had karate today we did a lot more of that sort of stuff. so yeah. that was interesting and now my arms feel like jelly and my fingers are tired. it was really funny last night though because for a lot of the sparring we wear hand pads (not like boxer ones, but they still have a lot of padding on your knuckles etc..) anyway and then we did this exercise where we just blocked and didn't attack and we didn't need the handpads. since we had been working with handpads for so long that night it felt really weird to just be using my hands. so yeah. that was weird. i am all tired. i think i am just gonna sit here and almost fall asleep. gnight.
just kidding, its 1:30 like i could sleep.
yeah, cya later.
oh yeah, something i forgot -
is it weird to anyone else that it is september 11th? that didn't even occur to me til on the way home from karate. I just wanted to pray for all those that were affected by 9/11, especially those that died and their families. It seems weird that it was 3 years ago already. time goes by so fast. it also seems weird that there aren't any big commemorative things like there were the other years. I was thinking about that the other day. I was thinking about how september 11th will always stick out in my mind and whenever i hear that date my mind twitches or something, it like sparks something in my mind for a second. i was thinking about how someday my kids will just see it as any other day, like the day pearl harbor was attacked for our generation. i doubt that most kids will ever be able to tell you the day it happened (Dec. 7th? Am i right?). The fact that Pearl Harbor Day was never really commemorated never bothered me until after 9/11 and i was almost frustrated that there wasn't something for 9/11 this year. It just started me thinking about how i never understood the way those people felt until i had a similar experience. its weird now though, thinking about how much 9/11 has changed our lives. because of it we now have huge lines at airports, a "terror alert system", a paranoia, and a war. It is weird because in politics we were talking about the past election and how Gore would have won had it not been for the electoral college (had it just been popular vote). I was thinking about where we would be today if he was prez? 9/11 probably would have still happened. But would the war have? Would Gore have had the same reaction as Bush? Would he have implemented the same tactics? It is weird to think about what could have been.
ok enough rambling. :)
just kidding, its 1:30 like i could sleep.
yeah, cya later.
oh yeah, something i forgot -
is it weird to anyone else that it is september 11th? that didn't even occur to me til on the way home from karate. I just wanted to pray for all those that were affected by 9/11, especially those that died and their families. It seems weird that it was 3 years ago already. time goes by so fast. it also seems weird that there aren't any big commemorative things like there were the other years. I was thinking about that the other day. I was thinking about how september 11th will always stick out in my mind and whenever i hear that date my mind twitches or something, it like sparks something in my mind for a second. i was thinking about how someday my kids will just see it as any other day, like the day pearl harbor was attacked for our generation. i doubt that most kids will ever be able to tell you the day it happened (Dec. 7th? Am i right?). The fact that Pearl Harbor Day was never really commemorated never bothered me until after 9/11 and i was almost frustrated that there wasn't something for 9/11 this year. It just started me thinking about how i never understood the way those people felt until i had a similar experience. its weird now though, thinking about how much 9/11 has changed our lives. because of it we now have huge lines at airports, a "terror alert system", a paranoia, and a war. It is weird because in politics we were talking about the past election and how Gore would have won had it not been for the electoral college (had it just been popular vote). I was thinking about where we would be today if he was prez? 9/11 probably would have still happened. But would the war have? Would Gore have had the same reaction as Bush? Would he have implemented the same tactics? It is weird to think about what could have been.
ok enough rambling. :)
I just finished my paper! WOO WOO!! Now I just have to pick up the pictures and make them look scrapbooky. :)
So... old news.
Hi. I have decided to blog about hey day even though that was last weekend. When I tried to post it, my blog wasn't working. so here you go (this is copy/pasted from an email to a friend so bear with me....)
Friday was Hey Day at my school. Hey day is awesome because it is the big "lets embaress the freshman/worship the seniors day" so it is so much fun. First the seniors hang out in the gym and practice these dances (i will explain in a moment) while the frosh and juniors eat breakfast and the juniors dress up the frosh in funny outfits, and the sophomores watch a movie. Then the juniors have a parade with their freshman where they do little routines for the seniors where they sing a lot about how cool we are and how much they love us (there is a lot of bowing and screaming during this part). Then there is a scavenger hunt for the soph and frosh people while the juniors and seniors hang out in the gym. Then there is a pep rally for the fall sports. After that is lunch. The seniors buy the freshman lunch from a place in the area of school (subway for me) and they bring it to school that morning and we eat lunch with out little sisters (not biological - our school pairs us up with a freshman and they are our little sis). Then we all go in the auditorium and we have what is called beanie dances. The seniors go up on stage in groups of about 10 and do a dance to a song that they have been practicing etc.... so the dances are pretty cool and range from songs from "rocky- the time (or maybe it was age) of the tiger" to "lady marmalade" to"zero to hero" from hercules. It is absolutely hilarious because then a group of freshman has to come up on stage and do the dance with the seniors. It is so funny because some of the freshman are so embaressed and others get so into it. My group chose to do zero to hero and our dance was awesome - we got lots of cheers. Ask me and i will do it for you sometime :). I was so hyper after that. Then we go home. Its such a fun day. It gave all the seniors a huge power trip and I am now hoarse from screaming and cheering so much. Oh - one more thing - the seniors get no sleep the night before. We all throw parties the night before and get very little/no sleep so we are all slap happy and hyper the entire day. At the party the night before Ella braided all of my hair in little braids so that was fun. Then I went home and went to bed. I was tired. I woke up around 5:30 and had dinner and then went to this huge mixer at SLUH. Mixers are hilarious. I usually don't go to them but this one is tradition because it is the hey day mixer. So all the nerinx girls wear their shirts (oh one thing the juniors all wear wife beaters with the word "junior" on the front with their year (06) and some nickname on the back. Seniors wear baseball tees with "senior" and 05 and a nickname on the back). So its really funny. The mixer was pretty fun because it is inside and outside. There was a tent outside and it was in the gym inside. There are a ton of people that come to this thing. 7,000 kids i think is what they said - i might be totally wrong, but that is what i vaguely remember someone saying.... So its pretty amazing. Then I went over to a friends house for a little while to hang out. That is when I took my braids out. My hair was really poufy and kinda crimpy, it looked hilarious. Then I went home and went to bed at 1:30am and didn't wake up til 1:45pm. haha. :)
ok that is the end of the hey day talk. that was so much fun. i loved it. Then there was this week of school where we have to start wearing our uniforms (which isn't too bad, i don't mind much) but the workload picks up as well. This year instead of having a lot of homework we have more duties. For example we have to do college applications (done!! thank you very much!), then we have to work out our career shadowing, then we have to apply for open campus, then we have to do some national honor society crap, then we have to do a huge senior service packet (complete with a research paper). And of course MOST of this is all do on Tuesday the 7th. So all the seniors are about to tear our hair out over all the stuff we have to remember to do.
speaking of hair - i got a new straightener today. My old one is kinda blah because it is metal and the good ones have ceramic plates that heat up. so that was cool. It wasn't too expensive either. so of course I straightened my hair. :) yeah...
oh my goodness! I can't believe I forgot to complain about this. ok. so earlier i talked about the beanie dances. Well the freshman get beanies (you know the little hats with propellers on top) and they have to wear them all week (which was this past week) all day. If a senior catches a froshie without their beanie on then the senior can make the freshman bring them food (i.e. make me brownies). So that is pretty awesome - right? WRONG! This year the freshman were really mean about it. The seniors weren't even being as predatorish as they have been in the past. The freshman were really snooty and most of the seniors didn't get the food they asked for (its a freshman duty - we had to do it as freshman, now you have to do it!). Also the teachers were being really non-cooperative and whenever freshman were in a classroom the teachers were like "oh this is a beanie-free zone". I understand saying that in the middle of a class, but before the class has even started or after the class has ended why can't the seniors come in to catch people? Also - freshman have to wear their beanies all day- they aren't supposed to take them off. They ALL took them off during classes - even if their teachers would bring them outside for classes. I was so annoyed! The teachers aren't supposed to let them take their beanies off. So the only time you could catch them was at lunch and in the halls. do you know how hard that is? there isn't much time in between classes to catch people and there are no freshman eating senior lunch (that would be suicide!). so it was kinda stinky. I ended up not catching anyone. that was sad. my friends were pretty good at catching people though, so i just begged brownies from them. My last thing to add is that the freshman can make some pretty good brownies.
so that is all. i am done now. sorry for ranting and babbling and rambling your ears off. cya.
Friday was Hey Day at my school. Hey day is awesome because it is the big "lets embaress the freshman/worship the seniors day" so it is so much fun. First the seniors hang out in the gym and practice these dances (i will explain in a moment) while the frosh and juniors eat breakfast and the juniors dress up the frosh in funny outfits, and the sophomores watch a movie. Then the juniors have a parade with their freshman where they do little routines for the seniors where they sing a lot about how cool we are and how much they love us (there is a lot of bowing and screaming during this part). Then there is a scavenger hunt for the soph and frosh people while the juniors and seniors hang out in the gym. Then there is a pep rally for the fall sports. After that is lunch. The seniors buy the freshman lunch from a place in the area of school (subway for me) and they bring it to school that morning and we eat lunch with out little sisters (not biological - our school pairs us up with a freshman and they are our little sis). Then we all go in the auditorium and we have what is called beanie dances. The seniors go up on stage in groups of about 10 and do a dance to a song that they have been practicing etc.... so the dances are pretty cool and range from songs from "rocky- the time (or maybe it was age) of the tiger" to "lady marmalade" to"zero to hero" from hercules. It is absolutely hilarious because then a group of freshman has to come up on stage and do the dance with the seniors. It is so funny because some of the freshman are so embaressed and others get so into it. My group chose to do zero to hero and our dance was awesome - we got lots of cheers. Ask me and i will do it for you sometime :). I was so hyper after that. Then we go home. Its such a fun day. It gave all the seniors a huge power trip and I am now hoarse from screaming and cheering so much. Oh - one more thing - the seniors get no sleep the night before. We all throw parties the night before and get very little/no sleep so we are all slap happy and hyper the entire day. At the party the night before Ella braided all of my hair in little braids so that was fun. Then I went home and went to bed. I was tired. I woke up around 5:30 and had dinner and then went to this huge mixer at SLUH. Mixers are hilarious. I usually don't go to them but this one is tradition because it is the hey day mixer. So all the nerinx girls wear their shirts (oh one thing the juniors all wear wife beaters with the word "junior" on the front with their year (06) and some nickname on the back. Seniors wear baseball tees with "senior" and 05 and a nickname on the back). So its really funny. The mixer was pretty fun because it is inside and outside. There was a tent outside and it was in the gym inside. There are a ton of people that come to this thing. 7,000 kids i think is what they said - i might be totally wrong, but that is what i vaguely remember someone saying.... So its pretty amazing. Then I went over to a friends house for a little while to hang out. That is when I took my braids out. My hair was really poufy and kinda crimpy, it looked hilarious. Then I went home and went to bed at 1:30am and didn't wake up til 1:45pm. haha. :)
ok that is the end of the hey day talk. that was so much fun. i loved it. Then there was this week of school where we have to start wearing our uniforms (which isn't too bad, i don't mind much) but the workload picks up as well. This year instead of having a lot of homework we have more duties. For example we have to do college applications (done!! thank you very much!), then we have to work out our career shadowing, then we have to apply for open campus, then we have to do some national honor society crap, then we have to do a huge senior service packet (complete with a research paper). And of course MOST of this is all do on Tuesday the 7th. So all the seniors are about to tear our hair out over all the stuff we have to remember to do.
speaking of hair - i got a new straightener today. My old one is kinda blah because it is metal and the good ones have ceramic plates that heat up. so that was cool. It wasn't too expensive either. so of course I straightened my hair. :) yeah...
oh my goodness! I can't believe I forgot to complain about this. ok. so earlier i talked about the beanie dances. Well the freshman get beanies (you know the little hats with propellers on top) and they have to wear them all week (which was this past week) all day. If a senior catches a froshie without their beanie on then the senior can make the freshman bring them food (i.e. make me brownies). So that is pretty awesome - right? WRONG! This year the freshman were really mean about it. The seniors weren't even being as predatorish as they have been in the past. The freshman were really snooty and most of the seniors didn't get the food they asked for (its a freshman duty - we had to do it as freshman, now you have to do it!). Also the teachers were being really non-cooperative and whenever freshman were in a classroom the teachers were like "oh this is a beanie-free zone". I understand saying that in the middle of a class, but before the class has even started or after the class has ended why can't the seniors come in to catch people? Also - freshman have to wear their beanies all day- they aren't supposed to take them off. They ALL took them off during classes - even if their teachers would bring them outside for classes. I was so annoyed! The teachers aren't supposed to let them take their beanies off. So the only time you could catch them was at lunch and in the halls. do you know how hard that is? there isn't much time in between classes to catch people and there are no freshman eating senior lunch (that would be suicide!). so it was kinda stinky. I ended up not catching anyone. that was sad. my friends were pretty good at catching people though, so i just begged brownies from them. My last thing to add is that the freshman can make some pretty good brownies.
so that is all. i am done now. sorry for ranting and babbling and rambling your ears off. cya.
So. I started school on thurdsday. That was not so fun (the school part) the friends part was fun. OK i have to explain this part a bit. It is a nerinx tradition that on the first day seniors decide on some theme and dress like that (this year it was senior citizens, get it? haha) and we get there early (6:30 am). then we wait for everyone to arrive. We draw on the sidewalks with chalk, set up games for the underclassmen, etc... We also get to have a dj there so that was cool cause we all were dancing around. Then when the underclassmen start getting there we make them do things. i.e. push us in wheelchairs, have walker races (all going with the theme...), sing the we love you seniors song, bow a little, etc etc... It is fun for us and funny/annoying for the juniors and sophomores because they thought they would get out of it becuase they arent freshman, and then the freshman are just confused and cute. So that was fun and quite hilarious. But another tradition is that all the seniors throw parties the night before and pull all nighters. So I got about an hour of sleep. I think that was actually worse than no sleep because when I woke up my body wasn't happy. So i came really close to sleeping all day long. We had a huge assembly where we basically go over new rules/changes of this year and stuff like that. Then we have each of our classes for 20 minutes. ANNOYING THING!! ok one new rule is that we can't carry around bookbags this year, we have to have them in our locker. So just before the assembly I put my bag right outside my locker (not obstructing traffic mind you) because I was late for the assembly and I couldn't remember my combination at the moment. So I come back after the assembly and my bag is gone, along with about 100 other girls who did the same hting as me. It turns out the associate principal and teachers roamed the halls during the assembly picking up ANYTHING slightly bag-like that was outside a locker and putting it in the associate principals office. We had to go to the office and wait for her so we could get our stuff back. I was so annoyed!! She also said that today was a freebie. After the first day if you have to go retrieve your bookbag from the office you get an automatice detention!!!!! AH!!!!! So that was really really annoying. That was basically the day. I got to go home at 1:00. yay. So I slept for 1 and 1/2 got up, ate, and went to work. That wasn't pleasant because I had to teach 3 and a 1/2 classes. The first class is really cute 4-6 year olds. I just help in that class (keep the kids in lines etc). The next is 7-10 year olds. I don't like this one because I have to teach them actual karate stuff but some of them have the shortest attention spans. its so annoying. then i teach 10-16 year old beginners. That isn't so bad because now they are sane but just stupid (about karate stuff) since they are beginners. Then I had to start the 10-16 year old advanced class. That was so annoying because I know that they know what they are supposed to be doing, but they were being lazy because I was teaching and not mr. jarnigan (the sensei). So yeah..... frustrating. but mr. j. took over in the middle of that class so i could go do HOMEWORK! (bloodcurdling screams). So I was about to fall asleep sitting there doing hw. Then i got off work, went home, did homework, and went to bed at 10:00! woo that was a long day. yeah. so Tom asked me how the first day was and this is my answer (i was to tired to write all this out when he asked). Well, I have to go now because the laundry is done and it is almost time for me to go to my karate class. :)
So I haven't blogged in a while. Yeah. I have been busy but not. My life just feels busy because there is something for me to do everyday. I have been basically working and going to karate and yg. Then I usually hang out with my school buddies. It has been fun. I finished my summer reading today!! YAY!! I have successfully read "Pride and Prejudice" "The Red Tent" and "Lovely Bones" WOO WOO FOR ME!! And I finished a day early! yep I am happy. All of the books were good. I liked them all. It was funny because they were all so radically different. You would have to read them all in a row in the order mentioned above to understand. So school starts in two days. I am split, or I guess I could say I don't really care. I don't want to have to wake up early and be made to think that early, but you know I don't think I will mind. Most of the classes I am taking this year I chose out of my free will and they seem really cool. Also I am going to be a senior so - HELLO! thats cool.
Today was a weird day. I woke up at 8:45!!! Whoa!! I didn't feel like falling back asleep because in health class i learned that when you body wakes up naturally you should get up and not roll over and go back to sleep. Your body is trying to tell you that you have slept long enough. I think it is right. The past few weeks I have slept a lot and then suddenly gotten really tired around 1:30 until about 6:00 and then I am more awake for like 6 hours, and then I go to bed. May I say that it is 2:04 and I am not tired! yay! Anyway. So I read the last 100 pages of "Lovely Bones". Then I got online and emailed a lady at the International Institute about career shadowing - which is bad becasue I am supposed to turn that in by friday- but guess what! She emailed me back already! So I emailed her and I am now waiting for a response. woo hoo! Then I went to the websites of Xavier University, Creighton University, Marquette University, and SLU and started filling out the online applications. I filled out as much as I could (I found out that I don't know what my parent's job titles are or what they have degrees in. hmm... interesting) so i have to wait for the parentals to figure all that out. Then I got to the essay part. I have basically finished the essays. They are easier than I thought because they aren't like school essays where you have to do research because it is all personal experience stuff. And they are short!! All of them are like 150-500 words or less! That is barely a page!! That made me happy. So I might have one more to do but I dunno because I have to ask the parentals if they think this one essay will be good for that one. It rocks because I wrote Marquettes (limit 300 words - so I have 256). I wrote Slu and Xaviers because they have the exact same essay questions (150-500 words - so i have 476). Then Creighton is the one I am unsure about. It's limit is 400 so I would have to cut the Slu/Xavier down a bit but I think the essay can work for the question. So I am kinda done! YAY!! woo hoo! That makes me happy. So today was a busy day. I was a good girl and did the things my parents have been bothering me about for ages! YAY! ok, enough making you so bored your eyes are about to fall out. Cya'll :):)
ps!! I found the coolest thing the other day (or actually a friend told me). She has cingular wireless on her phone and can get text messages. Although I don' t have a cell I can send her texts!! There is a website!! How cool is that??? I send her random ones. its funny. I suggest you do it to brighten the day of someone random (that has cingular of course). is the url. go - text - spread the random happiness.
Today was a weird day. I woke up at 8:45!!! Whoa!! I didn't feel like falling back asleep because in health class i learned that when you body wakes up naturally you should get up and not roll over and go back to sleep. Your body is trying to tell you that you have slept long enough. I think it is right. The past few weeks I have slept a lot and then suddenly gotten really tired around 1:30 until about 6:00 and then I am more awake for like 6 hours, and then I go to bed. May I say that it is 2:04 and I am not tired! yay! Anyway. So I read the last 100 pages of "Lovely Bones". Then I got online and emailed a lady at the International Institute about career shadowing - which is bad becasue I am supposed to turn that in by friday- but guess what! She emailed me back already! So I emailed her and I am now waiting for a response. woo hoo! Then I went to the websites of Xavier University, Creighton University, Marquette University, and SLU and started filling out the online applications. I filled out as much as I could (I found out that I don't know what my parent's job titles are or what they have degrees in. hmm... interesting) so i have to wait for the parentals to figure all that out. Then I got to the essay part. I have basically finished the essays. They are easier than I thought because they aren't like school essays where you have to do research because it is all personal experience stuff. And they are short!! All of them are like 150-500 words or less! That is barely a page!! That made me happy. So I might have one more to do but I dunno because I have to ask the parentals if they think this one essay will be good for that one. It rocks because I wrote Marquettes (limit 300 words - so I have 256). I wrote Slu and Xaviers because they have the exact same essay questions (150-500 words - so i have 476). Then Creighton is the one I am unsure about. It's limit is 400 so I would have to cut the Slu/Xavier down a bit but I think the essay can work for the question. So I am kinda done! YAY!! woo hoo! That makes me happy. So today was a busy day. I was a good girl and did the things my parents have been bothering me about for ages! YAY! ok, enough making you so bored your eyes are about to fall out. Cya'll :):)
ps!! I found the coolest thing the other day (or actually a friend told me). She has cingular wireless on her phone and can get text messages. Although I don' t have a cell I can send her texts!! There is a website!! How cool is that??? I send her random ones. its funny. I suggest you do it to brighten the day of someone random (that has cingular of course). is the url. go - text - spread the random happiness.
So I just got back from the ozarks. It was tres fun. We drove down on wednesday morning. My cousins (Karen - 20, Kevin - 20 (twins), john -22, and their parents (Herb and Mary) went down on monday and are staying til friday). So we went down to join them. They were staying in a condo - we just got a hotel. On wednesday we went out to lunch with them and then went back and swam in the pool and hung out. Then Julia, Paul, and I went to the outlet mall. That was fun. I got a new swimsuit. It is really cute. I like it. On thursday we layed around and then we went back to the outlet mall (the bottoms for my suit were too small, i had to exchange them) and then to my cousins. My dad and Uncle Herb had gone golfing and were still out. Julia, Paul, my cousins and I went to the pool to hang out. The we watched tv and went back to the pool. Then when the dads got back we went and rented a pontoon boat. That was fun. We rode around the lake for 3 hours. We also rented an inner-tube so we did some tubing as well. Tubing is when you tie the inner-tube onto the back of the boat and a person rides in it. It sounds relaxing but it is actually really really bumpy. It was fun but tiring. Your arm muscles get tired from holding on and your butt starts to hurt after a while from all the bumping. So after that we went back to the condo and had ribs for dinner. They were really yummy. After that my family left to go back to stl. I fell asleep and when i woke up we had pulled up to a gas station/baskin robbins. So we got ice cream. yummy. Then i couldn't sleep almost the entire way home. That was stinky but it was only about another hour and a half.
haha- I am kinda burned. I am tan in some places but others are burned. I didn't put enough sunscreen around the edges of the swimsuit so i get kinda burned around there, and then my upper back and face are slightly burned. Another thing that happened is that tubing causes rub burns, and I got two kinda bad ones on my back. one for each side. They are really red and stuff. Its fun. All of this doesn't hurt too much yet. The face does a little but not the back too badly. yep. ok. time for me to go because my typing is getting increasingly worse and it is hard to make good sentences in my head. bye.
haha- I am kinda burned. I am tan in some places but others are burned. I didn't put enough sunscreen around the edges of the swimsuit so i get kinda burned around there, and then my upper back and face are slightly burned. Another thing that happened is that tubing causes rub burns, and I got two kinda bad ones on my back. one for each side. They are really red and stuff. Its fun. All of this doesn't hurt too much yet. The face does a little but not the back too badly. yep. ok. time for me to go because my typing is getting increasingly worse and it is hard to make good sentences in my head. bye.
So I really have absolutely nothing to say. I don't even know why I am blogging. hmmm.... so yeah. I finished my senior service! Woo woo! I have 31 hours and 15 minutes (I needed 30). But now I have to work on the paper etc for that. Blah. If anyone has any ideas for a paper about some injustice or problem I encountered during my service please help me out. :) just kidding, I won't make anyone else go through the agony I am going through. I have also finally started my summer reading. haha. I have to read 3 books. "Pride and Prejudice", "The Red Tent", and "Lovely Bones". I know those should probably be punctuated differently but who really cares? I have started P&P. It is ok. It is a lot of dialogue so I have to keep reminding myself of who is talking. Another thing is that it was written in 1813 so they talk a little different (all prim and proper like) so that is confusing. It is one of those books where you have to be totally focused, you can't let your mind wander a little while reading. So it's tiring and a little frustrating. School starts in 15 days!! Ahh!! I don't want to go back!! No!!! (August 19th). I have finally made my appointment for senior pics as well (or I should say that my mommy did). August 24th at 5:00. Yep. So that is cool. Ohh - tonight I get to go to a baseball game! Yay! That makes me happy. I have only been to one this year. I love baseball. It is really cool - especially since the cards are the best team in bball right now!! Woo woo!! yay for us!
Well I have to go now because I have to go across the street to volunteer in 13 minutes and I have to talk to my mommy before I go. Cya'll later!
Well I have to go now because I have to go across the street to volunteer in 13 minutes and I have to talk to my mommy before I go. Cya'll later!
So... the wedding is over, most relatives have left..... its sad but at the same time a huge relief. Thanks to everyone who came to show their support of Beth and Pat. :) I am so tired. I am still recovering. The past week was nonstop everything (cleaning, partying, greeting, talking, etc). It was crazy. Beth and Pat left this morning for their honeymoon (in jamaica!!). Most of the relatives left yesterday. I was really sad about that. I love my mom's side of the family and I love it when I get to see them. They are fun to hang out with. I wish they could all live around here. It was really cool because I got to see one family that doesn't usually come to family things because they live in texas and that is too far for them to come (their mom is terrified of flying). But they got to come!! It was fun hanging out with them but at the same time awkward because i seriously haven't seen them in at least 2 years. They have all changed so much! So it was pretty busy over here. It was so much fun and if i could go back I don't think I would change a thing. Well, I have to go because I am falling asleep writing this (i know that is sad since it is 3:20 pm but leave me alone). :)
Hey everyone. I just wanted to ask you to please pray for my Grandma because she just caught laryngitis. Anyway, she was supposed to come in tomorrow but she doesn't feel well enough. She may be able to come on friday if she feels better. If not she will miss the wedding!! :(:( please pray for her healing because it would be really sad if she missed it. thanks.
Guess what I did today. After my bored streak (read below) Julia, Paul, and I went to Walgreens. I got some facewash, new lip stuff (its fun and pink!), and HAIR DYE!! In february I highlighted my hair reddish/brown color. Seeing as it is 6 months later it had like 3 inch roots. They weren't too pretty and I wanted to look good for the wedding, so I dyed my hair back to its semi original color. Its weird to have such dark hair again! So after my dying escapades we all went down to the Festival of Nations in Tower Grove Park. That was cool because they had all the cool booths and so much food! I got the most delicious beef kabob I have ever had in my life. It was so yummy and saucy, but some of the sauce dripped on my pants which was sad. It was also funny because I saw Paul (my friend Margaret's boyfriend) and his friend Pat there. A little while later I was thinking about how weird it would have been to introduce everyone because I would have been like "This is Julia, my sister, and Paul, her boyfriend. This is ... Paul...." and if you think about it, Pat is the name of Beth's fiance! haha I thought that was pretty funny. Anyway, after that I went home and watched part of "chicken run". Then Bethie got home! Yay! After that we went to Crown Candy with the family. That place is delicious. I love it. Yummy yummy yummy. :) So that has been the rest of my day. I have to go and hang out with the fam now. bye!
So I have recovered from my cleaning craze. I think I still need to restraighten my room. It was so clean and I was being good about keeping it clean and then Julia gave me a whole box of clothes she doesn't want anymore. I am so happy! So many of these clothes I have been eyeing for years!! Yay!! So anyway, I have no room for these new clothes. So I have to reorganize my dresser and closet but I haven't quite gotten around to that yet. So my new clothes are still in the box and on the floor and on my bed. But I have time because the first family to arrive is my Grandma on tuesday around 6:00 pm or so I think. So I have time!
Today I had karate (what else is new?) only now I am getting worried. See the wedding is next weekend. The past few classes I have had I have gotten some lovely bruises (uh oh). So I am worried that they won't go away before the wedding. See I thought they would go away in a week but I got some bruises last friday (as in the 16th or whatever the date was) and they still haven't gone away. So I am a bit worried. I have 2 on my legs and 2 on my arm. I am hoping that no new ones are developing from today's class but i think I have some new ones coming. The ones on the legs don't bother me cause my dress is long and will cover them. The problem - the dress has no sleeves so the ones on my arm will be visible. I hope they won't look too bad next saturday. We shall see. :)
I really have nothing else to say. It's kinda sad that I just spent an entire paragraph talking about bruises. Oh well. I am bored and I have nothing to say and I don't want to bore you anymore. Luv ya!
Today I had karate (what else is new?) only now I am getting worried. See the wedding is next weekend. The past few classes I have had I have gotten some lovely bruises (uh oh). So I am worried that they won't go away before the wedding. See I thought they would go away in a week but I got some bruises last friday (as in the 16th or whatever the date was) and they still haven't gone away. So I am a bit worried. I have 2 on my legs and 2 on my arm. I am hoping that no new ones are developing from today's class but i think I have some new ones coming. The ones on the legs don't bother me cause my dress is long and will cover them. The problem - the dress has no sleeves so the ones on my arm will be visible. I hope they won't look too bad next saturday. We shall see. :)
I really have nothing else to say. It's kinda sad that I just spent an entire paragraph talking about bruises. Oh well. I am bored and I have nothing to say and I don't want to bore you anymore. Luv ya!
Oh my goodness!! These past two days have been the cleanest/dirtiest of my life!!! My sister is getting married next weekend (yay!) but family starts arriving on tuesday. Since my mom now works full time she asked Julia and me to clean the house. Do you know how big my house is? I hadn't realized it until now. My goodness we have a ton of stuff (especially a lot of wood). Its crazy! Yesterday we took it easy and I cleaned the front two rooms and Julia did half the downstairs bathroom. That wasn't so bad, but it was tiring because I had to vacuum both rooms, then wash all the wood (basboards, the doors, the windows, etc), then dust all the wooden furninture (there is a lot of that downstairs). So that was tiring. Then today I woke up, watched a half an hour of Ellen (funny show) and then started cleaning. I cleaned the downstairs hall, half of Beth's room (Julia did the other half), the stairs, the upstairs hall, the kitchen, and the living room! I am so tired of cleaning! I never knew how many spiderwebs there were in our house and how dusty things could get. Blah. So now I am going to go take a shower and get all the soap/dust and spiderwebs off me. Cya'll later.
hey hey
So what's up? My weekend was alright. It had its ups and downs. Friday was a crazy day. I got up to volunteer at 10:00. I just went across the street to help them sort a delivery of food donations. Then I got to go home, shower, eat, all that good stuff. Then (mom didn't have to work) Mom and I went to my great-Aunt Katie's house. She is so sweet. She is the sister of my grandma. It is weird because sometimes she talks about when they were younger (my Gma was 10 years older). It is weird for me because i don't remember her at all (I was one when she died). Anyway- Mom and I went out to lunch with her in Kimmswick - a cute little town south of Arnold (where Aunt Katie lives). Then we went back to her house and she showed mom how to sew buttonholes on Pat's vests for the wedding. My mom doesn't have a buttonholer on her sewing machine and you need a special thingy for it. Then I went home, ate some more food, changed and went to work. Work was really boring because Mr. Jarnagin is in New Orleans for the Karate Nationals so two of the classes were cancelled because i can't teach them. So from 5:00-7:30 I sat around doing nothing. I talked to some of the guys (they are all black belts ranging from the ages of 14-17 who hang out at karate on friday nights) but they kept coming and going. Then later Kayti came in early and we played cards for about an hour. I was hoping no one would come in for the last class. Unfortunately 2 kids showed up so we had class. It was a big sparring day so we ran for 5 minutes, did sit ups and push ups, and then sparred. It really sucked because we decided to do first person to 10 or 15 points instead of time limit. So all the fights were long and I don't enjoy sparring. Another thing is that I scored a kick to the head for the first time ever!! I was so proud. (3 points by the way which won me the match!!). But then later i had to sparr with DJ (a 15 yr old black belt) and that sucked because he is really good. He went semi easy on me but it is hard to score on him. He kicked to my head and i didn't really block it too well (oops) and it kinda hit my temple. Its really annoying because i have this thing where if i get hit in the head i start to cry - even if it didn't hurt. So i felt like an idiot (and he felt bad which was funny) so yeah i felt stupid. After all of that I went to a party at Angela's house. That was really fun. Afterwards I gave Ella a ride home and we had a really good talk in the car. I haven't hung out with her much this summer so it felt good to catch up about things.
Saturday - I had karate, and then i was lazy. I helped mom and dad with the porch a little (they are replacing a lot of the wood because it was rotting a little). Then Beth came over and we ordered chinese for dinner. yummy. Then dad and i watched tv while beth and mom worked on wedding stuff.
Sunday - so far church and bread co. yummy yummy. The person who took our order was crabby though - i didn't like her. When we were about to leave i saw a girl from grade school. That was weird because i seriously haven't seen her in about 2 years. She looked basically the same. We didn't talk or anything - just waved.
Oh! another thing on saturday- i got my class schedule and all of that for this year. Oh! hah my locker is #40 and my combination is 19-1-21 in case anyone was wondering. So my schedule is good this year. I got most of the classes i wanted etc... so that is good.
I am tired of talking.... If you go to nerinx and wanna compare schedules email me ( or call me or whatever the heck.
cy'all later.
Saturday - I had karate, and then i was lazy. I helped mom and dad with the porch a little (they are replacing a lot of the wood because it was rotting a little). Then Beth came over and we ordered chinese for dinner. yummy. Then dad and i watched tv while beth and mom worked on wedding stuff.
Sunday - so far church and bread co. yummy yummy. The person who took our order was crabby though - i didn't like her. When we were about to leave i saw a girl from grade school. That was weird because i seriously haven't seen her in about 2 years. She looked basically the same. We didn't talk or anything - just waved.
Oh! another thing on saturday- i got my class schedule and all of that for this year. Oh! hah my locker is #40 and my combination is 19-1-21 in case anyone was wondering. So my schedule is good this year. I got most of the classes i wanted etc... so that is good.
I am tired of talking.... If you go to nerinx and wanna compare schedules email me ( or call me or whatever the heck.
cy'all later.
204 Things You May Not Have Known...
I know I had this posted different yesterday but i added to it. so... READ IT AGAIN!
1.Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi
2.Do you cook? Sometimes. I can make some really simple meals for my fam.
3.Pets? Yes! I love pets. I have a cat Emma.
4.Favorite thing for lunch? Peanut butter sandwich – NO JELLY!
5.Do you ever listen to pop? Yep.
6.What are you currently wearing? A big tshirt and shorts (still in pjs)
7.Who's your favorite female singer? I dunno. Maybe Norah Jones. I really like her music.
8.Blondes or brunettes? Brunettes all the way baby.
9.Play in a band? nope
10.Good student? Sure. I guess so.
11.People online now? 7 – not many people are on at the moment cause its 1:00
12.Food or candy? food
13.Who was the last person you touched? My dad. I gave him a hug before he went to sleep (yesterday was his bday)
14.Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? No. but I like to pretend I can (I cover
one with my hand and then raise my eyebrows. Haha)
15.What's your favorite soundtrack? Um… Newsies, Chicago, or Moulin Rouge. It’s hard to decide.
16.Wakeboarding/snowboarding? Dunno I have never done either. I guess wakeboarding though because that would be warmer.
17.How long does your shower last? Usually about 10-15 minutes. (depends on if I have to shave or not)
18.Have you ever sat through an entire 'Dawson's Creek' episode? Nope. I think the most I have seen is when I am flipping through the channels.
19.Ride a bike? Yeah. Not very often but they are fun.
20.Favorite thing to do? I dunno. Read and draw I guess. Or hang out with buddies.
21.Club or houseparty? Houseparty.
22.Like to read? Heck yes.
23.What are you doing this weekend? Hanging out with Julia cause she is coming in town and going to work and karate.
24.Have you ever (or do you) like Hanson? No.
25.What are you doing tomorrow? Volunteering at a summer camp across the street, possibly going to karate later that night. Hanging out. I dunno.
26.Furthest you've been away from home? Germany
27.Nicknames? Katie, Fortune Cookie, Kates, Katydid, hey you, blah….
28.What is the most embarrassing item in your record collection? My hoku cd.
29.What's the last CD you bought? I think chocolat. I dunno.
30.Who are you talking to? Reba (a friend from school)
31.What CD is in your CD player right now? switchfoot
32.Gloves or mittens? Mittens (they are funny)
33.Have you ever thrown a shoe at anyone? Yes – my sisters.
34.How many schools have you been to? 2 (St. Pius and Nerinx)
35.Piercings and where? Ears.
36.Pierced belly button? Nope.
37.Brush your hair? Sometimes. My hair doesn’t need much brushing really. I just kinda run my fingers through it.
38.Do you have any rap CDs? No but I have some rap on my computer.
39.Backstreet Boys or *NSync? Switchfoot? Haha no neither. I don’t like em .
40.Have you run away? no
41.Shy? yes
42.What color is your bedroom? Blue with yellow suns for a border
43.If you won the lottery, what would you do first? Donate and then go shopping.
44.Do you collect anything? No actually I don’t….. hmmm…. Maybe I should though….
45.Oranges or apples? Apples all the way.
46.What are you currently listening to? Norah jones (one flight down)
47.What's your all-time favorite song? I dunno. Maybe “Sugar Sugar” or “Sweet Dreams” by the Eurythimics (?) or “The Way You Make Me Feel” by Michael Jackson
48.Siblings? Yep – two sisters (both older)
49.When's the last time you cried? Um… last Saturday night.
50.What's one thing you wish you could do but can't? flips
51.Nearest picture? Pictures of beth, Julia, and me from when I was in about 3rd grade that were gifts to our parents for their anniversary. (they are above the computer)
52.What kind of books do you like to read? Fantasy. Witches and wizards and dragons and princesses and princes. (Harry Potter especially)
53.Take a shower every day? Usually.
54.How many CD's do you own? 55 (I think, that was just on a quick count)
55.Looking at the keyboard? Nope! Woo woo – go freshman keyboarding!
56.Favorite writing instrument? Pen.
57.Are you eating? Not at the moment = no
58.Favorite Sesame Street character? Hmm…. Elmo or Grover
59.Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? Yes – my comfy blue one.
60.Cake or ice cream? Ice cream
61.Do you play guitar? Nope
62.Have you cheated on a test? Yes – in first grade. It was a spelling test. I felt SO bad about it that I am like scared to ever cheat on a test again.
63.Favorite communication method? im
64.Spice Girls or N*Sync? Spice girls baby.
65.Boy's names? Elliot, Charlie, George, I know there are more but I can’t think of them sadly. ;(
66.First kiss? Never have yet.
67.What is your bedroom like? A complete mess
68.If you could choose your own name, what would you pick? Natalie Rose
69.Favorite things in your room? My bed
70.Do you glow in the dark? No but my ceiling does (I have like a million stars
on the ceiling)
71.How do you like your eggs? scrambled
72.Pluck your eyebrows? yes
73.Do you use an alarm clock? Yes – I don’t usually wake up to well to it but yes I have one and I set it.
74.Favorite animal? Um… tigers or elephants
75.Your future profession? I have no clue
76.Do you cry in front of friends? I try not to but I sometimes do
77.Curly or straight hair? I have straight hair but some random hairs are kinda curly. I wish it was curly though.
78.Hair drying method? air
79.Hamburger or hot dog? hamburger
80.Hamburger or cheeseburger? hamburger
81.Are you thinking? Yes. About hamburgers…
82.Punk rock/swing/ska? All are fun for different moods.
83.Favorite actor? I dunno. Whoever was the hottest guy in the movie I have watched most recently. It changes daily.
84.Watch movies? Oh yes. All the time – especially at Mia’s
85.Who's your favorite country singer? I hate country
86.What was your first CD? The soundtrack to Anastacia – a Christmas gift from my grandpa.
87.Favorite candy? Milky ways
88.Favorite thing for dinner? My mommy’s chicken pot pie with applesauce.
89.Crushed ice or ice cubes? Crushed is more fun
90.What's one car you will never buy? A hummer
91.What utensils do you use to eat pizza? My phalange (or whatever the heck fingers is in all fancy terms)
92.Dream house? A old house from the 1800s (like the house I have now) brick, not too big or small.
93.What's the last thing you do before you fall asleep? Roll over
94.When was the last time you talked on the phone? Yesterday when I answered the phone when a telemarketer called.
95.What do you wear to bed? Tshirt and shorts
96.Can you eat using chopsticks? If my mouth is an inch from the plate.
97.When was the last time you punched someone? Whenever my last karate class was (so last night)
98.Hang out with friends? All the time
99.Pager or cell phone? Cell phone. I wish I had one….
100.Do you sleepwalk? I don’t think I do.
101.Bath or shower? shower
102.What's the weather like? Dunno, I haven’t gone outside all day. Hot and sunny.
103.On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet? Usually around $10
104.Played 'Truth or Dare'? all the time in gradeschool.
105.Single or taken? Single
106.Person you talk most on the phone with? I don’t really talk on the phone. I guess Ella though because sometimes when we start talking we don’t stop. But I like talking online better.
107.Do you like any sort of oldies? Oh yeah! Beatles, and all kinds of other stuff, just check out my music that I have on the computer someday.
108.What's the last thing you ate and drank? Sour beef with dumplings (it was dinner last night and I had the leftovers for lunch. Yummy so scrumptious) and milk.
109.Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirl
110.Like to eat? Oh yeah.
111.Do you talk in your sleep? I don’t think I do. I dunno. Do I?
112.Where are you going to go to college? No clue.
113.Have you ever bought a whole CD for one song? Yes.
114.Do you drive stick? Nope.
115.What's your opinion on rap/hip hop? Its fun to dance to
116.Are you a ditz? Sometimes especially when I am tired.
117.What kind of soap do you use? Zest or whatever my parents buy.
118.What's your favorite song at the moment? “Meant to Live” or “Dare You to Move” both by Switchfoot.
119.Do you like making mix tapes/CDs? Yeah
120.Do you wear glasses? I did when I was little.
121.Which musical instrument do you wish you could play? The drums or the bass guitar or the flute.
122.Favorite restaurant? Arcelia’s or Pho Grand or Lemongrass
123.How many cereals in your cabinet? One I think. Smart Start.
124.What's your sleeping position? On my side with my legs slightly bent and one arm under the pillow
125.Kids? Sure! They are cute but they get annoying. I want some when I get older though.
126.Vanilla or chocolate? Chocolate.
127.Eye color of choice? Green
128.Bikini or one-piece? One-piece
129.Do you possess magical abilities? I wish I did! I mean… I do…. ;)
130.Favorite movie? I dunno… there are too many to choose from.
131.What fictional character do you admire the most? Batman
132.Beach or pool? Beach
133.Favorite piece of clothing? My khakish pants with all the pockets and buttons. They are so comfy and fun!
134.What is one thing you don't leave home without? My keys
135.What kind of watch(es) do you wear? The one my mom bought me. Its silver with a cute chain and a blue face
136.Ridden in a fire truck? I have sat in the front of one when we went to visit the fire station in 2nd grade.
137.What's the one language you want to learn? Japanese
138.Wear Makeup? When I feel like dressing up
139.Favorite actress? Catherine Zeta Jones I think. She is so pretty and I love her accent and she is cool because she is from Wales!!
140.Place of birth? Stl
141.How often do you brush your teeth? Daily.
142.Swam in the ocean? Yes! Its so much fun. Until you get it in your eyes…
143.Like to write? Not really
144.How many languages do you speak? I attempt 2. English (I am pretty good at this one). German (I make sad attempts). And kinda Japanese (I have to know a lot of words for karate… but I can’t really make sentences etc…)
145.What's the last thing you bought? A tshirt
146.Favorite month? october
147.What jewelry do you wear 24/7? Well, I take them off for showers and karate but I usually wear my watch and my junior ring.
148.Can you draw? Yeah. Its fun.
149.Braid your hair? No. its too short. Emily can braid my hair though.
150.Height? 5’3’’ or 5’4’’ or so.
151.How many online journals do you read regularly? Tom’s and Sarana’s
152.Who was the last person you talked to? My daddy.
153.Can you paint? Nope.
154.Have you ever gotten in a car accident? NOPE!! WOO WOO!
155.If you could live anywhere where would you live? Germany
156.Age? 17
157.Bite your nails? Nope
158.Is there a TV in your room? nope
159.What style of clothes do you wear? Whatever is comfy, fits, and looks cute on me. Usually the jeans and tshirt style.
160.Work out? 3 times a week for an hour each usually.
161.Time? It is now 1:37 pm
162.Been on a talk show/game show? No but I think it would be funny for me to go on “Wheel of Fortune” or something and be like…. Um this is my wheel….
163.Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? Radio – if I can’t fall asleep otherwise, tv- if I fall asleep on the couch
164.Do you keep your underwear and socks in the same drawer? Yep and pjs.
165.Can you cross your eyes? Nope. Not even when a person does the finger thingy (you know where they move their finger closer and closer and you are supposed to watch it) I seriously can’t. try it on me sometime.
166.Do you sleep with the light on? If its on when I fall asleep.
167.Do you have problems changing clothes in front of friends? Yes.
168.What's the last thing you read? Harry Potter 5
169.Have you broken the law? If you call going above the speed limit and rolling stops then yes. other than that I don’t think so.
170.Do you care about how you look? Yes
171.One pillow or two? one
172.Morning or night? Night. I hate mornings.
173.Been on a plane? Yep
174.Where do you dance? Dances and my room. Or when no one is home.
175.Favorite toppings on pizza? Cheese!! (and pepperoni)
176.Do you swear? Yes.
177.Do you have a job? Yes. I work at karate.
178.Who was the last person you instant messaged? Stephanie from school
179.Can you roll your tongue? Nope
180.Favorite thing for breakfast? Bagel with cream cheese.
181.How are you sitting? One leg on the floor the other up on the chair underneath the other (that sounds weird but I don’t know how to explain it…) oo! Half cross legged….. (Indian style)
182.Do you play any musical instruments? I used to play piano
183.Writing hand? right
184.Do you paint your nails? Occasionally.
185.Do you make your bed daily? Is my bed ever made?
186.Nationality? ¾ german ¼ irish
187.What's the last thing you watched on tv?
188.Cassette or CD? cd
189.What makes you cry? Sad movies
190.Grade? 12th (that’s senior right?)
191.Hair color? Brown with little bits of reddish in it at the moment (speaking of which I need to dye it back… I have some long roots…)
192.Do you own any CDs from a band that only had one hit? Yes – Hoku.
193.Girl's names? Natalie, Rose, Marie, there are more of those too. I just know it.
194.Favorite hangout? City museum or my friends’ houses
195.Favorite sport? To watch – baseball; to play- football, hockey, or volleyball
196.Deep sleeper? Yes, very
197.Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Sometimes. Usually if my cat isn’t nearly (she usually sleeps by my head or feet)
198.Cats or dogs? Cats!!
199.Birthday? October 11th, 1986
200.Do you prefer to stand out or blend in? blend in.
201.Do you bite your nails? Nope. Except when I have a hangnail or something.
202.Tea or coffee? tea
203.Eye color? Green/brown.
204. Favorite Shoes? The ones I got for Beth's wedding.
hope you enjoyed!
1.Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi
2.Do you cook? Sometimes. I can make some really simple meals for my fam.
3.Pets? Yes! I love pets. I have a cat Emma.
4.Favorite thing for lunch? Peanut butter sandwich – NO JELLY!
5.Do you ever listen to pop? Yep.
6.What are you currently wearing? A big tshirt and shorts (still in pjs)
7.Who's your favorite female singer? I dunno. Maybe Norah Jones. I really like her music.
8.Blondes or brunettes? Brunettes all the way baby.
9.Play in a band? nope
10.Good student? Sure. I guess so.
11.People online now? 7 – not many people are on at the moment cause its 1:00
12.Food or candy? food
13.Who was the last person you touched? My dad. I gave him a hug before he went to sleep (yesterday was his bday)
14.Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? No. but I like to pretend I can (I cover
one with my hand and then raise my eyebrows. Haha)
15.What's your favorite soundtrack? Um… Newsies, Chicago, or Moulin Rouge. It’s hard to decide.
16.Wakeboarding/snowboarding? Dunno I have never done either. I guess wakeboarding though because that would be warmer.
17.How long does your shower last? Usually about 10-15 minutes. (depends on if I have to shave or not)
18.Have you ever sat through an entire 'Dawson's Creek' episode? Nope. I think the most I have seen is when I am flipping through the channels.
19.Ride a bike? Yeah. Not very often but they are fun.
20.Favorite thing to do? I dunno. Read and draw I guess. Or hang out with buddies.
21.Club or houseparty? Houseparty.
22.Like to read? Heck yes.
23.What are you doing this weekend? Hanging out with Julia cause she is coming in town and going to work and karate.
24.Have you ever (or do you) like Hanson? No.
25.What are you doing tomorrow? Volunteering at a summer camp across the street, possibly going to karate later that night. Hanging out. I dunno.
26.Furthest you've been away from home? Germany
27.Nicknames? Katie, Fortune Cookie, Kates, Katydid, hey you, blah….
28.What is the most embarrassing item in your record collection? My hoku cd.
29.What's the last CD you bought? I think chocolat. I dunno.
30.Who are you talking to? Reba (a friend from school)
31.What CD is in your CD player right now? switchfoot
32.Gloves or mittens? Mittens (they are funny)
33.Have you ever thrown a shoe at anyone? Yes – my sisters.
34.How many schools have you been to? 2 (St. Pius and Nerinx)
35.Piercings and where? Ears.
36.Pierced belly button? Nope.
37.Brush your hair? Sometimes. My hair doesn’t need much brushing really. I just kinda run my fingers through it.
38.Do you have any rap CDs? No but I have some rap on my computer.
39.Backstreet Boys or *NSync? Switchfoot? Haha no neither. I don’t like em .
40.Have you run away? no
41.Shy? yes
42.What color is your bedroom? Blue with yellow suns for a border
43.If you won the lottery, what would you do first? Donate and then go shopping.
44.Do you collect anything? No actually I don’t….. hmmm…. Maybe I should though….
45.Oranges or apples? Apples all the way.
46.What are you currently listening to? Norah jones (one flight down)
47.What's your all-time favorite song? I dunno. Maybe “Sugar Sugar” or “Sweet Dreams” by the Eurythimics (?) or “The Way You Make Me Feel” by Michael Jackson
48.Siblings? Yep – two sisters (both older)
49.When's the last time you cried? Um… last Saturday night.
50.What's one thing you wish you could do but can't? flips
51.Nearest picture? Pictures of beth, Julia, and me from when I was in about 3rd grade that were gifts to our parents for their anniversary. (they are above the computer)
52.What kind of books do you like to read? Fantasy. Witches and wizards and dragons and princesses and princes. (Harry Potter especially)
53.Take a shower every day? Usually.
54.How many CD's do you own? 55 (I think, that was just on a quick count)
55.Looking at the keyboard? Nope! Woo woo – go freshman keyboarding!
56.Favorite writing instrument? Pen.
57.Are you eating? Not at the moment = no
58.Favorite Sesame Street character? Hmm…. Elmo or Grover
59.Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? Yes – my comfy blue one.
60.Cake or ice cream? Ice cream
61.Do you play guitar? Nope
62.Have you cheated on a test? Yes – in first grade. It was a spelling test. I felt SO bad about it that I am like scared to ever cheat on a test again.
63.Favorite communication method? im
64.Spice Girls or N*Sync? Spice girls baby.
65.Boy's names? Elliot, Charlie, George, I know there are more but I can’t think of them sadly. ;(
66.First kiss? Never have yet.
67.What is your bedroom like? A complete mess
68.If you could choose your own name, what would you pick? Natalie Rose
69.Favorite things in your room? My bed
70.Do you glow in the dark? No but my ceiling does (I have like a million stars
on the ceiling)
71.How do you like your eggs? scrambled
72.Pluck your eyebrows? yes
73.Do you use an alarm clock? Yes – I don’t usually wake up to well to it but yes I have one and I set it.
74.Favorite animal? Um… tigers or elephants
75.Your future profession? I have no clue
76.Do you cry in front of friends? I try not to but I sometimes do
77.Curly or straight hair? I have straight hair but some random hairs are kinda curly. I wish it was curly though.
78.Hair drying method? air
79.Hamburger or hot dog? hamburger
80.Hamburger or cheeseburger? hamburger
81.Are you thinking? Yes. About hamburgers…
82.Punk rock/swing/ska? All are fun for different moods.
83.Favorite actor? I dunno. Whoever was the hottest guy in the movie I have watched most recently. It changes daily.
84.Watch movies? Oh yes. All the time – especially at Mia’s
85.Who's your favorite country singer? I hate country
86.What was your first CD? The soundtrack to Anastacia – a Christmas gift from my grandpa.
87.Favorite candy? Milky ways
88.Favorite thing for dinner? My mommy’s chicken pot pie with applesauce.
89.Crushed ice or ice cubes? Crushed is more fun
90.What's one car you will never buy? A hummer
91.What utensils do you use to eat pizza? My phalange (or whatever the heck fingers is in all fancy terms)
92.Dream house? A old house from the 1800s (like the house I have now) brick, not too big or small.
93.What's the last thing you do before you fall asleep? Roll over
94.When was the last time you talked on the phone? Yesterday when I answered the phone when a telemarketer called.
95.What do you wear to bed? Tshirt and shorts
96.Can you eat using chopsticks? If my mouth is an inch from the plate.
97.When was the last time you punched someone? Whenever my last karate class was (so last night)
98.Hang out with friends? All the time
99.Pager or cell phone? Cell phone. I wish I had one….
100.Do you sleepwalk? I don’t think I do.
101.Bath or shower? shower
102.What's the weather like? Dunno, I haven’t gone outside all day. Hot and sunny.
103.On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet? Usually around $10
104.Played 'Truth or Dare'? all the time in gradeschool.
105.Single or taken? Single
106.Person you talk most on the phone with? I don’t really talk on the phone. I guess Ella though because sometimes when we start talking we don’t stop. But I like talking online better.
107.Do you like any sort of oldies? Oh yeah! Beatles, and all kinds of other stuff, just check out my music that I have on the computer someday.
108.What's the last thing you ate and drank? Sour beef with dumplings (it was dinner last night and I had the leftovers for lunch. Yummy so scrumptious) and milk.
109.Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirl
110.Like to eat? Oh yeah.
111.Do you talk in your sleep? I don’t think I do. I dunno. Do I?
112.Where are you going to go to college? No clue.
113.Have you ever bought a whole CD for one song? Yes.
114.Do you drive stick? Nope.
115.What's your opinion on rap/hip hop? Its fun to dance to
116.Are you a ditz? Sometimes especially when I am tired.
117.What kind of soap do you use? Zest or whatever my parents buy.
118.What's your favorite song at the moment? “Meant to Live” or “Dare You to Move” both by Switchfoot.
119.Do you like making mix tapes/CDs? Yeah
120.Do you wear glasses? I did when I was little.
121.Which musical instrument do you wish you could play? The drums or the bass guitar or the flute.
122.Favorite restaurant? Arcelia’s or Pho Grand or Lemongrass
123.How many cereals in your cabinet? One I think. Smart Start.
124.What's your sleeping position? On my side with my legs slightly bent and one arm under the pillow
125.Kids? Sure! They are cute but they get annoying. I want some when I get older though.
126.Vanilla or chocolate? Chocolate.
127.Eye color of choice? Green
128.Bikini or one-piece? One-piece
129.Do you possess magical abilities? I wish I did! I mean… I do…. ;)
130.Favorite movie? I dunno… there are too many to choose from.
131.What fictional character do you admire the most? Batman
132.Beach or pool? Beach
133.Favorite piece of clothing? My khakish pants with all the pockets and buttons. They are so comfy and fun!
134.What is one thing you don't leave home without? My keys
135.What kind of watch(es) do you wear? The one my mom bought me. Its silver with a cute chain and a blue face
136.Ridden in a fire truck? I have sat in the front of one when we went to visit the fire station in 2nd grade.
137.What's the one language you want to learn? Japanese
138.Wear Makeup? When I feel like dressing up
139.Favorite actress? Catherine Zeta Jones I think. She is so pretty and I love her accent and she is cool because she is from Wales!!
140.Place of birth? Stl
141.How often do you brush your teeth? Daily.
142.Swam in the ocean? Yes! Its so much fun. Until you get it in your eyes…
143.Like to write? Not really
144.How many languages do you speak? I attempt 2. English (I am pretty good at this one). German (I make sad attempts). And kinda Japanese (I have to know a lot of words for karate… but I can’t really make sentences etc…)
145.What's the last thing you bought? A tshirt
146.Favorite month? october
147.What jewelry do you wear 24/7? Well, I take them off for showers and karate but I usually wear my watch and my junior ring.
148.Can you draw? Yeah. Its fun.
149.Braid your hair? No. its too short. Emily can braid my hair though.
150.Height? 5’3’’ or 5’4’’ or so.
151.How many online journals do you read regularly? Tom’s and Sarana’s
152.Who was the last person you talked to? My daddy.
153.Can you paint? Nope.
154.Have you ever gotten in a car accident? NOPE!! WOO WOO!
155.If you could live anywhere where would you live? Germany
156.Age? 17
157.Bite your nails? Nope
158.Is there a TV in your room? nope
159.What style of clothes do you wear? Whatever is comfy, fits, and looks cute on me. Usually the jeans and tshirt style.
160.Work out? 3 times a week for an hour each usually.
161.Time? It is now 1:37 pm
162.Been on a talk show/game show? No but I think it would be funny for me to go on “Wheel of Fortune” or something and be like…. Um this is my wheel….
163.Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? Radio – if I can’t fall asleep otherwise, tv- if I fall asleep on the couch
164.Do you keep your underwear and socks in the same drawer? Yep and pjs.
165.Can you cross your eyes? Nope. Not even when a person does the finger thingy (you know where they move their finger closer and closer and you are supposed to watch it) I seriously can’t. try it on me sometime.
166.Do you sleep with the light on? If its on when I fall asleep.
167.Do you have problems changing clothes in front of friends? Yes.
168.What's the last thing you read? Harry Potter 5
169.Have you broken the law? If you call going above the speed limit and rolling stops then yes. other than that I don’t think so.
170.Do you care about how you look? Yes
171.One pillow or two? one
172.Morning or night? Night. I hate mornings.
173.Been on a plane? Yep
174.Where do you dance? Dances and my room. Or when no one is home.
175.Favorite toppings on pizza? Cheese!! (and pepperoni)
176.Do you swear? Yes.
177.Do you have a job? Yes. I work at karate.
178.Who was the last person you instant messaged? Stephanie from school
179.Can you roll your tongue? Nope
180.Favorite thing for breakfast? Bagel with cream cheese.
181.How are you sitting? One leg on the floor the other up on the chair underneath the other (that sounds weird but I don’t know how to explain it…) oo! Half cross legged….. (Indian style)
182.Do you play any musical instruments? I used to play piano
183.Writing hand? right
184.Do you paint your nails? Occasionally.
185.Do you make your bed daily? Is my bed ever made?
186.Nationality? ¾ german ¼ irish
187.What's the last thing you watched on tv?
188.Cassette or CD? cd
189.What makes you cry? Sad movies
190.Grade? 12th (that’s senior right?)
191.Hair color? Brown with little bits of reddish in it at the moment (speaking of which I need to dye it back… I have some long roots…)
192.Do you own any CDs from a band that only had one hit? Yes – Hoku.
193.Girl's names? Natalie, Rose, Marie, there are more of those too. I just know it.
194.Favorite hangout? City museum or my friends’ houses
195.Favorite sport? To watch – baseball; to play- football, hockey, or volleyball
196.Deep sleeper? Yes, very
197.Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Sometimes. Usually if my cat isn’t nearly (she usually sleeps by my head or feet)
198.Cats or dogs? Cats!!
199.Birthday? October 11th, 1986
200.Do you prefer to stand out or blend in? blend in.
201.Do you bite your nails? Nope. Except when I have a hangnail or something.
202.Tea or coffee? tea
203.Eye color? Green/brown.
204. Favorite Shoes? The ones I got for Beth's wedding.
hope you enjoyed!
so whats up everyone?? I am inherently bored. Boreder than bored. Yep. I have nothin to do. That is nice because i like being able to sit around and not do anything. I just wish that my relaxing time could be spread out more (like into the school year, i wouldn't be so busy etc...). So the 4th of July was fun. My family had a barbeque with Julia, Paul, Hans, Meghan, Mick, Beth, Pat, me, my parents, Marge, and her sister Liz. The food was all really good. Then we headed down to the archgrounds. The Wallflowers (or Wallpaper is what you would call them if you were my mom) were playing. We didn't pay much attention to them because i only know about two of their songs and their bass was up way too high so you couldn't hear them very well anyway. So we played cards and sat on the sheet and well sat. Then we watched the fireworks. They were good but shorter (or at least they seemed to last shorter than usual) and the music wasn't too great. The night before they played really good music (some pirates of the carribbean! (I saw the fireworks from lagniappes - the restaurant i sub at sometimes - and some person had their radio on to the music). The music was only patriotic stuff and some from meet me in st. louie because it is the 100th anniversary of the world's fair. So it was cool but not as cool as i remember from when i was little. Then I went with Julia and her friends and Patrick, Maria, and Nathan to Steak & Shake. The first one we went to was terrible. The waitress didn't come for like a half an hour and then we waited for forever and no one was getting their food so we cancelled our order and then left. Julia, her friends, and I went to another steak and shake. That one was much better. I had a burger and shared a shake with Paul. We got a chocolate shake with hot fudge on top. Its my new favorite treat. Yummy.
Monday I layed around and hung out with Julia and her friends until they left to go back to Omaha. The house feels really empty now that they are gone. So later that night (i didn't have to work - yay!) I went with Patrick, Mia, Tom, and Susanna to St. Ferdinand's youth group. We met some people from there on Project Life and they invited us to come. That was fun and funny. Then when we were driving home it started raining pretty badly. The lightning was awesome though. It was like every second with amazing bolts across the sky. It was so cool. We decided to stop at Taco Bell and get food because we were hungry and also to see it the storm went away. Then we went back to the Vons to pick up Teresa and drop off Tom (he couldn't come to the movie with us) and we went to see Spiderman 2. It was the second time for me but i didn't mind because it is a good movie.
Tuesday I relaxed and sat around (a lot like i am doing now) and then later I went to karate. That was fun. It was a good class. We didn't have to do rolls (yay). instead we did this other thing to work on our punches and kicks. Then we worked on our bunkai (its moves that we take from our kata - a series of moves put in a specific order etc - and puts those moves into defenses and attacks). After that we had to work on our japanese. We learn the japanese words for all of our blocks and strikes and also some polite things and names for some things. Then we sparred. That was hard because we sparred for the last 20 minutes of class. First I sparred with a girl (Maddie) who is 12 or 13 i think for a few minutes. Then I sparred with Tony (14) then with Mr. Jarnagin (my teacher). he was hard because he had these huge pads on his arms to make it harder to block him and also to make it hard to get any punches etc in. This was all in a row so by the end i was pretty tired. then i got to "rest" for a few minutes (where i was working on the punching bags which isn't really resting ;)) then i had to fight Caitlin (17 yr old black belt). That was ok. The reason why all this is hard because it works on endurance so I can't stop attacking or i get pushups so it makes it difficult and very tiring. Then we did sparring 2 against one. Mr. Jarnagin was the one alone. It was ok but I had to go twice in a row and the second time he kicked and caught me right in the stomach and i wasn't prepared so that hurt. But its all good, i just got really tired. That was the end of class (thank god). Overall it was a good class but just really tiring and really sweat inducing. Then I went home and watched some tv and ate. Then i went to the vons and hung out with PJ waiting for Mia and Sita to get home. Nathan came over too but he left with Mia to go to a party. So it was PJ me and Sita. We did nothin! haha we sat around and talked and then watched tv and then talked more. It was fun. Then I went home and slept.
This morning I have done nothing. I have layed around, watched some tv. all the normal morning activities. ;) Well, I am tired of writing and i have nothing else to say. Sorry this one wasn't too funny. I am not hyper at the moment. Blah. Blah Blah.
nothin to say...........
Monday I layed around and hung out with Julia and her friends until they left to go back to Omaha. The house feels really empty now that they are gone. So later that night (i didn't have to work - yay!) I went with Patrick, Mia, Tom, and Susanna to St. Ferdinand's youth group. We met some people from there on Project Life and they invited us to come. That was fun and funny. Then when we were driving home it started raining pretty badly. The lightning was awesome though. It was like every second with amazing bolts across the sky. It was so cool. We decided to stop at Taco Bell and get food because we were hungry and also to see it the storm went away. Then we went back to the Vons to pick up Teresa and drop off Tom (he couldn't come to the movie with us) and we went to see Spiderman 2. It was the second time for me but i didn't mind because it is a good movie.
Tuesday I relaxed and sat around (a lot like i am doing now) and then later I went to karate. That was fun. It was a good class. We didn't have to do rolls (yay). instead we did this other thing to work on our punches and kicks. Then we worked on our bunkai (its moves that we take from our kata - a series of moves put in a specific order etc - and puts those moves into defenses and attacks). After that we had to work on our japanese. We learn the japanese words for all of our blocks and strikes and also some polite things and names for some things. Then we sparred. That was hard because we sparred for the last 20 minutes of class. First I sparred with a girl (Maddie) who is 12 or 13 i think for a few minutes. Then I sparred with Tony (14) then with Mr. Jarnagin (my teacher). he was hard because he had these huge pads on his arms to make it harder to block him and also to make it hard to get any punches etc in. This was all in a row so by the end i was pretty tired. then i got to "rest" for a few minutes (where i was working on the punching bags which isn't really resting ;)) then i had to fight Caitlin (17 yr old black belt). That was ok. The reason why all this is hard because it works on endurance so I can't stop attacking or i get pushups so it makes it difficult and very tiring. Then we did sparring 2 against one. Mr. Jarnagin was the one alone. It was ok but I had to go twice in a row and the second time he kicked and caught me right in the stomach and i wasn't prepared so that hurt. But its all good, i just got really tired. That was the end of class (thank god). Overall it was a good class but just really tiring and really sweat inducing. Then I went home and watched some tv and ate. Then i went to the vons and hung out with PJ waiting for Mia and Sita to get home. Nathan came over too but he left with Mia to go to a party. So it was PJ me and Sita. We did nothin! haha we sat around and talked and then watched tv and then talked more. It was fun. Then I went home and slept.
This morning I have done nothing. I have layed around, watched some tv. all the normal morning activities. ;) Well, I am tired of writing and i have nothing else to say. Sorry this one wasn't too funny. I am not hyper at the moment. Blah. Blah Blah.
nothin to say...........
Movies Movies Movies
Hello! So this is me. I haven't blogged in a while (unless you count the random picture blogging - which, by the way, is very fun). So I am bored because no one is online for me to talk to. :( But hey, I will be seeing some people tonight since they are coming over for youth group and swimming in the pool! Woo hooo! So I got back from Project Life on Saturday. May I just say that that was really really fun. Hah I used two words twice in a row in that sentence (that and really in case you are too lazy to read back a sentence). So anyway I am bored.
Oh! Hah maybe I should blog about the title of this blog *slaps forehead* "hello". (YAY one of my school friends just got on! and she just got back from France! woo! before she left I was trying to convince her to pack me in her suitcase - we all know i could fit - but it ended up not working out) ANYWAY! Movies - I have seen a lot of movies in the past few days (for me at least). On sunday night i went to go see "The Notebook" with Tom and Sana. Nathan was supposed to come too but he got stopped and got a speeding ticket on the way. :( So I cried. It was a sad movie and recently I have been crying at all sad movies (Moulin Rouge - i cried like 4 different times - sad i know) but this movie I cried about 3 different times. I would just start to recover and then bam! It would hit me again. I felt pretty darn stupid because I hate crying at movies. I think the reason why this movie made me cry is because part of it is about an old woman who is losing her memory (alzheimers i think) and doesn't remember or recognize anyone or anything. It touched a vein in me because my grandpa is getting to that stage. He has Parkinson's Disease but since he is getting so old etc (and i think a side effect is memory loss) he doesn't recognize us most of the time. He sometimes recognizes us after we tell him our names like he will remember and ask us how stl is doing but that is the basic extent. So its sad and it made me think of him.
On a happier note the other movie i saw was "Spiderman 2". It was awesome. I thought it was really cool. The special effects were amazing! The fight scenes were really really cool to watch too. It was just an all around good movie. It was kinda funny because there were lots of screaming women. haha but what else do girls do in movies in times of crisis? OH but guess what! I didn't cry during this movie!! yay for me!!!! :):) haha
So I have to go because I don't have anything else to talk about.
Oh! Hah maybe I should blog about the title of this blog *slaps forehead* "hello". (YAY one of my school friends just got on! and she just got back from France! woo! before she left I was trying to convince her to pack me in her suitcase - we all know i could fit - but it ended up not working out) ANYWAY! Movies - I have seen a lot of movies in the past few days (for me at least). On sunday night i went to go see "The Notebook" with Tom and Sana. Nathan was supposed to come too but he got stopped and got a speeding ticket on the way. :( So I cried. It was a sad movie and recently I have been crying at all sad movies (Moulin Rouge - i cried like 4 different times - sad i know) but this movie I cried about 3 different times. I would just start to recover and then bam! It would hit me again. I felt pretty darn stupid because I hate crying at movies. I think the reason why this movie made me cry is because part of it is about an old woman who is losing her memory (alzheimers i think) and doesn't remember or recognize anyone or anything. It touched a vein in me because my grandpa is getting to that stage. He has Parkinson's Disease but since he is getting so old etc (and i think a side effect is memory loss) he doesn't recognize us most of the time. He sometimes recognizes us after we tell him our names like he will remember and ask us how stl is doing but that is the basic extent. So its sad and it made me think of him.
On a happier note the other movie i saw was "Spiderman 2". It was awesome. I thought it was really cool. The special effects were amazing! The fight scenes were really really cool to watch too. It was just an all around good movie. It was kinda funny because there were lots of screaming women. haha but what else do girls do in movies in times of crisis? OH but guess what! I didn't cry during this movie!! yay for me!!!! :):) haha
So I have to go because I don't have anything else to talk about.
So I got back from Perryville today. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!! sure I was grumpy for most of today but that is because i was sleep deprived and i had just woken up and there were morning people all around me and lets just say i am not a morning person - at all. So I felt better after i was awake for more than a 1/2 an hour - but then i had to leave and that was sad. On the way home i was hyper because i was so tired... i think i annoyed Nathan. Hah. I got home with 5 minutes to spare. Heehe so yeah.
Perryville was awesome. I don't think I could ever live there (they go possum huntin' - nope no g on the end - and drive around the roundabout for fun). hehe I know you do more than that but still - i am definatly a city girl (maybe cause i live two seconds from the city) and i couldn't live without the tall buildings and hustle and bustle. Nope. Yep. ok. Wait - its funny cause they say roundabout for traffic circle. I had never heard it called a roundabout before. Another random point - roundabout it fun to type because you have to use so many different fingers and its not a word i usually type so i have to sit and think about it for a second. Hah. OOOH! Major announcement! A record was broken while I was in perryville. I can say I am very proud to be one of the first people to find out that the record for number of times around the roundabout was broken while i was there. The old record was 13. The new record................................ (drum roll)........................................... 103!!! wow. Thankfully i wasn't in the car. All i have to say is that wouldn't have been pretty. Another thing we did was play sand volleyball. That was so much fun. I love volleyball and I haven't played in so long that it was sad. We also don't have any good volleyballs in our house or I would play myself against the brick wall. Yes I know that sounds sad but there is no one to play with me and we have almost no windows on the side of the house that the yard is on so i just play volleyball against the wall. Its kinda funny cause i am sorta playing myself. Yep.
Another thing - I bonded with Larry :) That was fun cause I didn't him very well before this whole thing but all i have to say is - YOU ARE AWESOME! actually i don't think he reads this so yeah.... Sara - tell him to get online more often so i can talk to him more often. yeah.
Hah! Going back in time - Saturday night was so much fun too. I hung out with my school buddies at City Museum. May I just say that place rocks. We hung out there for a while and then we went to Carolyn's house. That was hilarious because we all sat there being tired and talking and being wacky. heheh when are we not wacky? i don't know. Also we went on their neighbors trampoline. that was awesome. I love trampolines - especially at 3:30 in the morning when it starts to rain. heheheheh It was hilarious jumping in the rain because you catch 2x the drops because you are jumping and then when you land the trampoline collects water so you jump into a puddle and water splashes everywhere. I had so much fun. The bottoms (the ends not the butt part...) of my pants go soaked. :)
So I am done talking because this is a really long blog. Maybe I broke my own record. hmmmm.... sorry if it was boring. I am going to go zonk out now because i am so tired. tired tired tired tired. Its fun to type tired. ok bye.
Perryville was awesome. I don't think I could ever live there (they go possum huntin' - nope no g on the end - and drive around the roundabout for fun). hehe I know you do more than that but still - i am definatly a city girl (maybe cause i live two seconds from the city) and i couldn't live without the tall buildings and hustle and bustle. Nope. Yep. ok. Wait - its funny cause they say roundabout for traffic circle. I had never heard it called a roundabout before. Another random point - roundabout it fun to type because you have to use so many different fingers and its not a word i usually type so i have to sit and think about it for a second. Hah. OOOH! Major announcement! A record was broken while I was in perryville. I can say I am very proud to be one of the first people to find out that the record for number of times around the roundabout was broken while i was there. The old record was 13. The new record................................ (drum roll)........................................... 103!!! wow. Thankfully i wasn't in the car. All i have to say is that wouldn't have been pretty. Another thing we did was play sand volleyball. That was so much fun. I love volleyball and I haven't played in so long that it was sad. We also don't have any good volleyballs in our house or I would play myself against the brick wall. Yes I know that sounds sad but there is no one to play with me and we have almost no windows on the side of the house that the yard is on so i just play volleyball against the wall. Its kinda funny cause i am sorta playing myself. Yep.
Another thing - I bonded with Larry :) That was fun cause I didn't him very well before this whole thing but all i have to say is - YOU ARE AWESOME! actually i don't think he reads this so yeah.... Sara - tell him to get online more often so i can talk to him more often. yeah.
Hah! Going back in time - Saturday night was so much fun too. I hung out with my school buddies at City Museum. May I just say that place rocks. We hung out there for a while and then we went to Carolyn's house. That was hilarious because we all sat there being tired and talking and being wacky. heheh when are we not wacky? i don't know. Also we went on their neighbors trampoline. that was awesome. I love trampolines - especially at 3:30 in the morning when it starts to rain. heheheheh It was hilarious jumping in the rain because you catch 2x the drops because you are jumping and then when you land the trampoline collects water so you jump into a puddle and water splashes everywhere. I had so much fun. The bottoms (the ends not the butt part...) of my pants go soaked. :)
So I am done talking because this is a really long blog. Maybe I broke my own record. hmmmm.... sorry if it was boring. I am going to go zonk out now because i am so tired. tired tired tired tired. Its fun to type tired. ok bye.

hehe - on google images this is what comes up if you type in "katie", (its on like the 2nd page)

Isn't that hilarious? I think it is quite funny that I am an alpaca (no not llama, alpaca). I came upon this picture because my friend Stephanie (hi Steph!) came to school like 2 months ago with a picture of an alpaca and she said that it came up when she typed Stephanie into google. So i decided to try it and WHAT DO YOU KNOW heheheheh ok gtg. :)
Sorry I haven't written in so long. Summer laziness has set in. Yup. I really don't have much to say - but of course I always say that and then my blog is like 50000000000000 words long. So yeah life has been interesting. I am working at my karate school. Its fun. I teach some classes (the little kids or lower ranking belts and sometimes even my own classes) and I also answer the phone and talk to people who walk in who are interested in joining karate. So that is pretty easy and i get $6.50 an hour for it so its all good. I am also volunteering for senior service. I have to do 30 hours of service and then do a project and like 2 papers on it. I am volunteering at the food pantry for the poor across the street from my house (well, its kinda across the street and behind some buildings, across a parking lot.... but you know). woo hoo 22 hours to go! What else have i been doing? sitting. Oh! Wednesday my sister and i went shopping. Mostly for shoes for my sisters wedding - but i got other stuff too. Lets see, i got the cutest shoes i have ever seen in my entire life and they are so comfortable it isn't funny. I love them! Ok, they are like the flip flop high heel things but they are fancy so they don't look like sandals. The straps like cris cross over my big toe and one of them has little shiny rhinestones on it and the other is just silver like the rest of the shoe. Also the heel isn't too big so it doesn't hurt my foot! YAY! So yeah, i try them on about every time i go in my room (which by the way is a huge mess and i keep on meaning to do a major clean out of it, but will i actually? come on now...). I also got a present for Ella cause her birthday was like 3 weeks ago and I am a bad friend and I always forget to get presents for people. Then I also got the cutest bra I have ever owned. Its pink! hehe, it has a fun flower pattern and it also has stripes of darker pink and lighter pink. It makes me happy. I like it ;) Ok so enough making all the boys who are reading this uncomfortable.... ;) Not that many read this but just in case....
hmmm something new to talk about........
ok nothing else to say. i am bored. call me and do something with me - preferably cheap/free!!! ok gtg bye!:)
hmmm something new to talk about........
ok nothing else to say. i am bored. call me and do something with me - preferably cheap/free!!! ok gtg bye!:)
He hehe
ok.... so i am sitting AT HOME and instant messaging my friend..... read it... its funny.
Katydidpt05: hi
CaCa Ems SUz: hey
Katydidpt05: sup?
CaCa Ems SUz: eh just relaxing until i have to go home and study
Katydidpt05: are you still up at school?
CaCa Ems SUz: yeah, my mommy cant pick me up until 230
Katydidpt05: that sucks
Katydidpt05: i am at nerinx too.... look for me... i am behind you
CaCa Ems SUz: where are you?
CaCa Ems SUz: i didnt see you
Katydidpt05: what you don't see me?
Katydidpt05: i am very hurt
CaCa Ems SUz: no seroiously...are you here or not?
Katydidpt05: haha - made you look ;-) just kidding. i am at home.
CaCa Ems SUz: OMG
Katydidpt05: lol
CaCa Ems SUz: i seriously jolted up and looked for you
Katydidpt05: that was awesome! i didnt think you would actually fall for it
Katydidpt05: haha
Katydidpt05: you should see me, i am laughing so hard at you right now
CaCa Ems SUz: i feel stupid now
Katydidpt05: you are so cool
CaCa Ems SUz: bc someone looked at me like a was crazy
hehe, that is all.... i need to get back to studying for exams. ONLY 2 MORE!! WOO!!
Katydidpt05: hi
CaCa Ems SUz: hey
Katydidpt05: sup?
CaCa Ems SUz: eh just relaxing until i have to go home and study
Katydidpt05: are you still up at school?
CaCa Ems SUz: yeah, my mommy cant pick me up until 230
Katydidpt05: that sucks
Katydidpt05: i am at nerinx too.... look for me... i am behind you
CaCa Ems SUz: where are you?
CaCa Ems SUz: i didnt see you
Katydidpt05: what you don't see me?
Katydidpt05: i am very hurt
CaCa Ems SUz: no seroiously...are you here or not?
Katydidpt05: haha - made you look ;-) just kidding. i am at home.
CaCa Ems SUz: OMG
Katydidpt05: lol
CaCa Ems SUz: i seriously jolted up and looked for you
Katydidpt05: that was awesome! i didnt think you would actually fall for it
Katydidpt05: haha
Katydidpt05: you should see me, i am laughing so hard at you right now
CaCa Ems SUz: i feel stupid now
Katydidpt05: you are so cool
CaCa Ems SUz: bc someone looked at me like a was crazy
hehe, that is all.... i need to get back to studying for exams. ONLY 2 MORE!! WOO!!
So my blind date was on friday. That was interesting. The guy was kinda boring but hey = its hard to make conversation when you don't know the person. Thankfully 5 of my friends also went to the dance so i did have fun dancing and talking to them. Oh yeah, he didn't dance either. He just kinda stood there swaying. And he didn't know any of the songs. So all i have to say is that we were different people.
The next day i went to karate (and was freakishly sore on sunday for it becuase i hadn't gone in so long). Then i went to a party in a park near my friends. That was enormous amounts of fun. We hung out, threw a football around, played soccer, and talked. There were some boys there from SLUH and girls there from my school (it was a friend's boyfriend's surprise bday party so they had all their friends come). I had a lot of fun and now my right arm is sore because i threw the football around so much (how pathetic is that? - being sore not the football part - that was fun).
That night i went to a friend's and hung out. We taped ourselves dancing around and being ourselves and then watched it becasue we are that weird/self-centered. We have an excuse! Patrick was in town and he doesnt get to come often so we were taping it for him. Then we watched Love Actually - the CUTEST movie ever!
So sunday i felt sick and layed around and attempted homework.
Today I felt ok but then started feeling sick again. During first period half of the school's electricity went out for no reason and then in 3 period (around 12:40) they turned off all power to fix it. It got kinda hot in school and they still hadn't gotten the power back by the time we left. All of the students of course thought we should be able to go home since there is no power but unfortunatly the faculty didn't agree. :(
So anyway = i should get back to homework and do some dinner-eating. Cya'll later. ::)
(Sorry this one wasn't funny, a bit of a headache at the moment....)
The next day i went to karate (and was freakishly sore on sunday for it becuase i hadn't gone in so long). Then i went to a party in a park near my friends. That was enormous amounts of fun. We hung out, threw a football around, played soccer, and talked. There were some boys there from SLUH and girls there from my school (it was a friend's boyfriend's surprise bday party so they had all their friends come). I had a lot of fun and now my right arm is sore because i threw the football around so much (how pathetic is that? - being sore not the football part - that was fun).
That night i went to a friend's and hung out. We taped ourselves dancing around and being ourselves and then watched it becasue we are that weird/self-centered. We have an excuse! Patrick was in town and he doesnt get to come often so we were taping it for him. Then we watched Love Actually - the CUTEST movie ever!
So sunday i felt sick and layed around and attempted homework.
Today I felt ok but then started feeling sick again. During first period half of the school's electricity went out for no reason and then in 3 period (around 12:40) they turned off all power to fix it. It got kinda hot in school and they still hadn't gotten the power back by the time we left. All of the students of course thought we should be able to go home since there is no power but unfortunatly the faculty didn't agree. :(
So anyway = i should get back to homework and do some dinner-eating. Cya'll later. ::)
(Sorry this one wasn't funny, a bit of a headache at the moment....)
Sorry that I haven't written in ages and ages. Not that many of you noticed because who reads this besides me -- no one! HAH!! anyway....
um... so WHOA! My penpal was visiting me for the past 12 days. That was a barrel full of monkeys fun. I had so much fun becuase she is the sweetest little person in the world - and i mean the world because she is from Germany - HAH! So i really don't have much to say besides the fact that I am a little sad because my penpal is now gone. My buddy-connected-at-the-hip-for-12-days is gone! NO! I am so sad. um........ yeah......
I really have nothing to say. I am at school right now waiting for the clock to say 3:40 so that I can go HOME!! woo hoo.
This weekend I am going to SLUH's junior ring. Fun. I am getting set up on a blind date. I am nervous because this is my first blind date and sorta my first real date for a dance. I took a date one other time but that doesn't really count because he only went with me because his friend wouldn't go with a friend of mine unless he went. Long story, short complicated explanation. sorry bout that. I dunno, he just doesn't count in my book.... dunno why just doesn't. So i am wearing this pretty dress that i am borrowing from a friend - i am psyched about that. Ooo- another first -- wearing a strapless dress to a dance. I am excited because i look smashing if you ask me. Anyway i am nervous because well - i don't know him. So yeah not much else to say and i only have 3 minutes left so yeah (for all yall to lazy to calculate that would be 3:37)......... see ya
ps. i dunno why i am sounding so ditzy today (kisses??) - maybe it is because for some strange reason i get hyper when i write in this! hah!! fun fun fun. so yeah. bye.
um... so WHOA! My penpal was visiting me for the past 12 days. That was a barrel full of monkeys fun. I had so much fun becuase she is the sweetest little person in the world - and i mean the world because she is from Germany - HAH! So i really don't have much to say besides the fact that I am a little sad because my penpal is now gone. My buddy-connected-at-the-hip-for-12-days is gone! NO! I am so sad. um........ yeah......
I really have nothing to say. I am at school right now waiting for the clock to say 3:40 so that I can go HOME!! woo hoo.
This weekend I am going to SLUH's junior ring. Fun. I am getting set up on a blind date. I am nervous because this is my first blind date and sorta my first real date for a dance. I took a date one other time but that doesn't really count because he only went with me because his friend wouldn't go with a friend of mine unless he went. Long story, short complicated explanation. sorry bout that. I dunno, he just doesn't count in my book.... dunno why just doesn't. So i am wearing this pretty dress that i am borrowing from a friend - i am psyched about that. Ooo- another first -- wearing a strapless dress to a dance. I am excited because i look smashing if you ask me. Anyway i am nervous because well - i don't know him. So yeah not much else to say and i only have 3 minutes left so yeah (for all yall to lazy to calculate that would be 3:37)......... see ya
ps. i dunno why i am sounding so ditzy today (kisses??) - maybe it is because for some strange reason i get hyper when i write in this! hah!! fun fun fun. so yeah. bye.
so today i was bored..... like that is ever unusual..... and my parents were talking and different cultures. You know what i just realized? the word culture starts with the word cult. I wonder which word came first.... like was some person mad at some culture someday and called them a "cult" for short and then it became a bad-ish term.... OR.... was it like people were in a cult and they decided to call themselves a culture for some reason.... hmmmm.... interesting questions.... like my German teacher says, "Who knows what those tribesmen were thinking about around the campfire!" (ok - she is talking about German - all the germanic tribes go together and made the german lingo - which has some weird quirks, lemme tell ya!)
So i have very little else to say.....
hehe - Stephanie - how many seconds til tax day? For some reason today, in math, she decided to count up the seconds to EVERYTHING! She did til tax day, and she even did how many seconds i have been alive!! It was really really funny. hehe
So 8 days till Bettina!! (if you are weird and you don't know - Bettina is my German penpal and their english class is coming to visit us for 12 days! woo hoo!! last summer we visited them for 8 days or so. It was so much fun and I LOVE GERMANY!)
I leave for New Orleans in a day and a half! I am so excited! I have never been there! woo hoo! excited! :)
So i have to go and get some stuff packed cause i won't have much time tomorrow - i also have to paint my nails a pretty color... oohh.!!!
So i have very little else to say.....
hehe - Stephanie - how many seconds til tax day? For some reason today, in math, she decided to count up the seconds to EVERYTHING! She did til tax day, and she even did how many seconds i have been alive!! It was really really funny. hehe
So 8 days till Bettina!! (if you are weird and you don't know - Bettina is my German penpal and their english class is coming to visit us for 12 days! woo hoo!! last summer we visited them for 8 days or so. It was so much fun and I LOVE GERMANY!)
I leave for New Orleans in a day and a half! I am so excited! I have never been there! woo hoo! excited! :)
So i have to go and get some stuff packed cause i won't have much time tomorrow - i also have to paint my nails a pretty color... oohh.!!!
I have more to say - i just didn't feel like going through the trouble of re-editing that post.
Ok - random fact from my planner - A sneeze travels at 99 miles per hour!!
ok- great website - look at the t-shirts - hilarious!!
Another thing i learned from my hilarious friend Carolyn - binary code is awesome and very funny.
So now - i am going to write in binary code.
*ok so there was a lot of 0's and 1's but i decided to take it out for now because it was making my post wider than it needed to be and i think it messed up the look of my page when i tried to change templates... maybe i will write something shorter later*
Seriously - i wrote something!! No, i am not a dork and i didn't memorize the binary code!
If you want to translate it go to and copy/paste that into the second box and press decode. Its awesome! hahahah. No!! Don't be lazy!!!!!! GO TRANSLATE IT!!
Ok - random fact from my planner - A sneeze travels at 99 miles per hour!!
ok- great website - look at the t-shirts - hilarious!!
Another thing i learned from my hilarious friend Carolyn - binary code is awesome and very funny.
So now - i am going to write in binary code.
*ok so there was a lot of 0's and 1's but i decided to take it out for now because it was making my post wider than it needed to be and i think it messed up the look of my page when i tried to change templates... maybe i will write something shorter later*
Seriously - i wrote something!! No, i am not a dork and i didn't memorize the binary code!
If you want to translate it go to and copy/paste that into the second box and press decode. Its awesome! hahahah. No!! Don't be lazy!!!!!! GO TRANSLATE IT!!
No stress?
So this is weird - last week I was like the stress-maniac queen - but this week...... not at all!! Yesterday we had a 2:10 dismissal (yes that is the pathetic attempt of my school to have an "early" dismiss.... its sad). Anyway! I had an hour of homework! Woo!! Then today- I finished it all during school because I had enough time during school! WHOA! Its amazing - and its weird cause I had the nauseating feeling that I am totally forgetting some huge project -but wait - those were all last week! HAH!
On Sunday I read the entire book "The Great Divorce" by C.S. Lewis (for a religion class). It was really interesting because this guy travels through hell and stops in heaven and like talks to all these people and its really cool because it presents some different ways of thinking about things. It was really interesting and I would suggest reading it if you have free time and feel like reading a book that you have to think about (the stories are thinking stories not just "oh that was nice, anyway on with my life" stories). It was also cool because heaven and hell aren't the typical places. Hell is always depicted as fiery and terrible, but it was really just this town where people hated each other so they all lived in their own crappy houses far from each other. It was also interesting because if they wanted something all they had to do was think about it and TADA! It would be there - but! It wasn't nice quality stuff. Also they were scared of the night and of certain things. So that was pretty cool. Heaven was this totally different place. It was just this huge field. When the people went there they were ghosts and they had to truly want to stay and believe in and love God to be able to become solid and therefore have it not be painful to walk around and stuff (since they were ghosts, the grass etc would penetrate their feet because it just went right through them etc). Also anyone who wanted could do this. There was a man that had murdered some people there, but he had a total revelation while there and stayed. The people that were famous on earth weren't famous in heaven - everyone was the same status etc.... It was really cool and I really liked some of the ideas presented. If you are too lazy to read it, go to or something.
HAH! Another thing - did you know C.S. Lewis's real name was actually Clive Staples Lewis??? I mean how cruel can parents be!!!!! I would have signed C.S. too! I mean you can't go by your first name, "Hi! I'm Clive!!" and you can't go by your middle name, "Hi! My name is Staples!" People would just be like, "riiight!" and then give you funny looks.
So yeah, that is basically my life right now. :) I might go take a nap - cause I am pretty darn sleepy.
On Sunday I read the entire book "The Great Divorce" by C.S. Lewis (for a religion class). It was really interesting because this guy travels through hell and stops in heaven and like talks to all these people and its really cool because it presents some different ways of thinking about things. It was really interesting and I would suggest reading it if you have free time and feel like reading a book that you have to think about (the stories are thinking stories not just "oh that was nice, anyway on with my life" stories). It was also cool because heaven and hell aren't the typical places. Hell is always depicted as fiery and terrible, but it was really just this town where people hated each other so they all lived in their own crappy houses far from each other. It was also interesting because if they wanted something all they had to do was think about it and TADA! It would be there - but! It wasn't nice quality stuff. Also they were scared of the night and of certain things. So that was pretty cool. Heaven was this totally different place. It was just this huge field. When the people went there they were ghosts and they had to truly want to stay and believe in and love God to be able to become solid and therefore have it not be painful to walk around and stuff (since they were ghosts, the grass etc would penetrate their feet because it just went right through them etc). Also anyone who wanted could do this. There was a man that had murdered some people there, but he had a total revelation while there and stayed. The people that were famous on earth weren't famous in heaven - everyone was the same status etc.... It was really cool and I really liked some of the ideas presented. If you are too lazy to read it, go to or something.
HAH! Another thing - did you know C.S. Lewis's real name was actually Clive Staples Lewis??? I mean how cruel can parents be!!!!! I would have signed C.S. too! I mean you can't go by your first name, "Hi! I'm Clive!!" and you can't go by your middle name, "Hi! My name is Staples!" People would just be like, "riiight!" and then give you funny looks.
So yeah, that is basically my life right now. :) I might go take a nap - cause I am pretty darn sleepy.
Hello. I had an interesting morning (ha - that is a laugh and a half!)
I took the ACT this morning. That was boring as all heck, but stressing. Parts of it was freakishly easy and i was amazed - but then it kept getting harder!! Darn thing.....its supposed to stay easy so that i will look smart to the colleges!! ;)
So that was boring and well, boring. I think i did alright. I filled in all the little annoying bubbles (some were guesses, but whatever). I just wanna say - who was the idiot who thought those bubbles would be good for testing? Half of my time was taken up by filling in the dumb things! grrr...... i hate scantrons...... those are so annoying.
Yesterday, i was at karate (ha where else would i be?) and we did lots of rolls and stuff like that (for you people who don't know, we do some gymnastic like things - somersaults, backwards rolls, cartwheels, round-offs, shoulder-rolls, distance rolls, and handstands etc). So anyway, we had to also work on some flip things yesterday. That was interesting. I definatly can't do a front flip - it was quite funny watching me try. But I sorta redeemed myself later because we were working on that thing you see in movies all the time where the person is lying down and they kinda kick and get up all fancy. We worked on that = and i can sorta do it!!!! YAY!!
Well, i need to go help my dad clean (grr.... who thought of cleaning???? )
Cya'll later!
I took the ACT this morning. That was boring as all heck, but stressing. Parts of it was freakishly easy and i was amazed - but then it kept getting harder!! Darn thing.....its supposed to stay easy so that i will look smart to the colleges!! ;)
So that was boring and well, boring. I think i did alright. I filled in all the little annoying bubbles (some were guesses, but whatever). I just wanna say - who was the idiot who thought those bubbles would be good for testing? Half of my time was taken up by filling in the dumb things! grrr...... i hate scantrons...... those are so annoying.
Yesterday, i was at karate (ha where else would i be?) and we did lots of rolls and stuff like that (for you people who don't know, we do some gymnastic like things - somersaults, backwards rolls, cartwheels, round-offs, shoulder-rolls, distance rolls, and handstands etc). So anyway, we had to also work on some flip things yesterday. That was interesting. I definatly can't do a front flip - it was quite funny watching me try. But I sorta redeemed myself later because we were working on that thing you see in movies all the time where the person is lying down and they kinda kick and get up all fancy. We worked on that = and i can sorta do it!!!! YAY!!
Well, i need to go help my dad clean (grr.... who thought of cleaning???? )
Cya'll later!
I am going crazy!!!
I haven't written in forever - sorry to all those addicted to reading my blog! ;) (ok, actually that would just be me but whatever!!!;))
Anyway - not much has happened except for the fact that i realized that i am not going to be able to breathe until, oh say about september of this year. (i will explain in a moment).
So last weekend was good - school retreat (juniors only), laid around saturday, and then worked on my term paper for history all day on sunday (turned that in today totally completed that you very much. it only took me about 8 hours too!! 1:00-9:30!!)
So - why i won't be able to breathe.
Every weekend this month is full - this weekend : act, city museum with buddies, and patrick is in town - which is crazy all in its own because we all know that i am going to be living at marias ;). I also need to read C.S. Lewis's "The Great Divorce" by April 5th, and i haven't started..... hmmm...... bad.
ok moving one - the next weeked - Easter. My sisters are coming in town so i will be hanging out with them. I will be doing stuff with friends that weekednd. Also the triduum retreat is that weekend (a retreat at my church with youth group). On Good Friday I am helping my youth group to act out the passion. Thankfully I am a soldier this year - (last year i was Mary and that was scary). Also at Easter Vigil I am helping dance the creation with little kids.
Ok the weekend after that - from thursday through sunday I will be in New Orleans with my choir for a competition. Good, but see missing school at my school is like suicide- a ton of class work and homework with no time to do it. But, I will have an 11 hour bus ride, so that will be alright.
The wednesday after that my German penpal is coming. I have taken German for 3 years, we have had penpals since freshman year. Last year my class visited them in Germany for a week (AWESOME!) so now they are visiting us for 2 weeks. Good but bad. Good - i get to spend time with my awesome pen pal whom i think is the cutest thing on the planet. Bad - i will be missing one day of school (as stated above = bad), also i will not have much time to do homework because i will feel bad not hanging out with her because, well, my life is homework. So my teacher says she will talk to the other teachers and get extensions etc.... extensions means like 1 day at my school. I don't think I am going to get much of a break. fun....
So that is this month.......
Then !!! The summer will be.... interesting.....
1) Stuebenville with youth group
2) Project Life with Youth Group (possibly senior service but i dunno... if not...)
3) senior service - 30 hours (oh yes, my school doesnt give time off for that like other schools do - we do it on our own time)
4) college visits
5) college applications (i need to have mine in 1st week of school because this big scholarship thing i am available for since my dad works for slu is first come first serve and fills up fast... so....)
6) my sisters wedding
7) act (again possibly - no probably)
i think that is all.... but yeah - CRAZY!
so i just needed to talk about all that - cause i really think that i am about to go crazy.........
so pray for me or keep me in your thoughts - whatever you find works best. ALSO (IMPORTANT!!) IF I SNAP AT YOU I AM SORRY!! I AM OBVIOUSLY A LITTLE STRESSED OUT!!!!!!!! PLEASE BE PATIENT!!
thanks for understanding :):)
Have a nice day!!!
i need to brighten this up a little cause the above is enough to make anyone stressed out just reading it.... hmmm......
nope cant think of anything... .think of something on your own... cya later!
Anyway - not much has happened except for the fact that i realized that i am not going to be able to breathe until, oh say about september of this year. (i will explain in a moment).
So last weekend was good - school retreat (juniors only), laid around saturday, and then worked on my term paper for history all day on sunday (turned that in today totally completed that you very much. it only took me about 8 hours too!! 1:00-9:30!!)
So - why i won't be able to breathe.
Every weekend this month is full - this weekend : act, city museum with buddies, and patrick is in town - which is crazy all in its own because we all know that i am going to be living at marias ;). I also need to read C.S. Lewis's "The Great Divorce" by April 5th, and i haven't started..... hmmm...... bad.
ok moving one - the next weeked - Easter. My sisters are coming in town so i will be hanging out with them. I will be doing stuff with friends that weekednd. Also the triduum retreat is that weekend (a retreat at my church with youth group). On Good Friday I am helping my youth group to act out the passion. Thankfully I am a soldier this year - (last year i was Mary and that was scary). Also at Easter Vigil I am helping dance the creation with little kids.
Ok the weekend after that - from thursday through sunday I will be in New Orleans with my choir for a competition. Good, but see missing school at my school is like suicide- a ton of class work and homework with no time to do it. But, I will have an 11 hour bus ride, so that will be alright.
The wednesday after that my German penpal is coming. I have taken German for 3 years, we have had penpals since freshman year. Last year my class visited them in Germany for a week (AWESOME!) so now they are visiting us for 2 weeks. Good but bad. Good - i get to spend time with my awesome pen pal whom i think is the cutest thing on the planet. Bad - i will be missing one day of school (as stated above = bad), also i will not have much time to do homework because i will feel bad not hanging out with her because, well, my life is homework. So my teacher says she will talk to the other teachers and get extensions etc.... extensions means like 1 day at my school. I don't think I am going to get much of a break. fun....
So that is this month.......
Then !!! The summer will be.... interesting.....
1) Stuebenville with youth group
2) Project Life with Youth Group (possibly senior service but i dunno... if not...)
3) senior service - 30 hours (oh yes, my school doesnt give time off for that like other schools do - we do it on our own time)
4) college visits
5) college applications (i need to have mine in 1st week of school because this big scholarship thing i am available for since my dad works for slu is first come first serve and fills up fast... so....)
6) my sisters wedding
7) act (again possibly - no probably)
i think that is all.... but yeah - CRAZY!
so i just needed to talk about all that - cause i really think that i am about to go crazy.........
so pray for me or keep me in your thoughts - whatever you find works best. ALSO (IMPORTANT!!) IF I SNAP AT YOU I AM SORRY!! I AM OBVIOUSLY A LITTLE STRESSED OUT!!!!!!!! PLEASE BE PATIENT!!
thanks for understanding :):)
Have a nice day!!!
i need to brighten this up a little cause the above is enough to make anyone stressed out just reading it.... hmmm......
nope cant think of anything... .think of something on your own... cya later!
So guess what!! I finished my paper!!!!!! Two days early thank you very much. Now I just have to write my history one. I have my thesis and a partial outline. The only problem - i haven't done all my research, and its kinda a research paper..... hmm.... and its due next tuesday.... i am gonna start that later. I am pretty proud of myself right now.
I just realized that i think i start almost every paragraph with so... that is kinda sad.
Guess what!! I passed my stripe test in karate! YAY! (you need 4 stripes to test for the next belt - now i have two). But that is all I am going to say about karate. KARATE IS NOT MY LIFE - I SWEAR!! I do have a life otherwise!! ;) I just talk about it a lot cause there is nothing to talk about..... speaking of which - if anyone has any ideas - email me at or write in a comment. Whatever toasts your raviolis, whatever wrinkles your raisin, whatever hyperventilates your clausterphobic, whatever bleaches your pitstains... (sayings friends of mine and i have for whatever floats your boat).
I got a new cd today - yay! Its Elephunk by Black Eyed Peas. It is a really random cd for me to buy, but lately I have been watching some music videos on yahoo! music videos and i really liked some of their songs.... so i bought the cd. If you wanna borrow it you can ask but i dunno how early I will be willing to part with it..... you might have to wait a while ;) The next cd i am planning on buying is Maroon 5 (or V) "Songs about Jane" cause that is a cool cd. Yep!
Yep that is all i have to say for right now. cyall later!
I just realized that i think i start almost every paragraph with so... that is kinda sad.
Guess what!! I passed my stripe test in karate! YAY! (you need 4 stripes to test for the next belt - now i have two). But that is all I am going to say about karate. KARATE IS NOT MY LIFE - I SWEAR!! I do have a life otherwise!! ;) I just talk about it a lot cause there is nothing to talk about..... speaking of which - if anyone has any ideas - email me at or write in a comment. Whatever toasts your raviolis, whatever wrinkles your raisin, whatever hyperventilates your clausterphobic, whatever bleaches your pitstains... (sayings friends of mine and i have for whatever floats your boat).
I got a new cd today - yay! Its Elephunk by Black Eyed Peas. It is a really random cd for me to buy, but lately I have been watching some music videos on yahoo! music videos and i really liked some of their songs.... so i bought the cd. If you wanna borrow it you can ask but i dunno how early I will be willing to part with it..... you might have to wait a while ;) The next cd i am planning on buying is Maroon 5 (or V) "Songs about Jane" cause that is a cool cd. Yep!
Yep that is all i have to say for right now. cyall later!
So.... I didn't work on the paper at all last night. I should do that now. I meant to but I am having a major writer's block. What teacher assigns a paper due the Thursday after spring break?? I mean really..... that is stinky. So I have to go. Hey -for once it isn't freakishly long and rather boring!!! Whoa - a milestone in Katie history. Maybe I should stop writing before it gets just as long as the others.............
So hello. So far today I have slept. And slept. My dad didn't wake me up for church, so i didn't go. He woke me up at 11:50 and was like, you gonna go to church today? And I was like huh? what? so he just left me alone. He couldn't have gotten me to noon mass at the old cathedral anyway. so he is kinda mad at me cause he doesn't like it when i skip mass. I don't do it that often! And! If he woulda woken me up for mass, i would have gone! I always sleep til like 11 or so. He was like "i was waiting for you to wake up!" well i think he can't be mad at me then. So i got up around 12:30 and started on the homework. I am done with everything except for a lit paper i have to write that is due on thursday. I really should write it but do i want to? no. I have to write a paper about the realism used in O Pioneers! . I know, that should be underlined - but this thing doesnt have that option. Anyway, so right now i am eating chips and drinking a soda procrastinating about this paper. I do have free tomorrow, but it will be last and i will have other homework that I should do. so i really should go and try to get an outline going, or at least a thesis. hmm...... thesis is a funny word.........
so i am even more sore than i was yesterday, which is stinky. My jaw still hurts, it doesn't hurt all the time, just when i move it a lot. It is kinda like a sore pain, not sharp or anything. So i guess that is good. but i am tired of it hurting! make it stop..... so that was a tangent. i thought about it cause i moved my leg and was like "mental note - don't do that again."
So i really really should go now. bye bye
so wait - i was just looking in my planner. fun fact - the Mona Lisa has no eyebrows.
And now for a riddle - - What 5 letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it??
(answer at the bottom)
And now for a joke : what do you call a fish with no eyes??? a fsh!! hahahaha ! i thought that was knee slapping or milk out the nose funny. yep yep........ gtg
haha - the answer is the word short!!!!! ha!!!!!!!! (i figured that out by myself thank you)
so i am even more sore than i was yesterday, which is stinky. My jaw still hurts, it doesn't hurt all the time, just when i move it a lot. It is kinda like a sore pain, not sharp or anything. So i guess that is good. but i am tired of it hurting! make it stop..... so that was a tangent. i thought about it cause i moved my leg and was like "mental note - don't do that again."
So i really really should go now. bye bye
so wait - i was just looking in my planner. fun fact - the Mona Lisa has no eyebrows.
And now for a riddle - - What 5 letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it??
(answer at the bottom)
And now for a joke : what do you call a fish with no eyes??? a fsh!! hahahaha ! i thought that was knee slapping or milk out the nose funny. yep yep........ gtg
haha - the answer is the word short!!!!! ha!!!!!!!! (i figured that out by myself thank you)
So today was interesting. I went to a karate tournament in Springfield Ill (my school - or dojo if you want to say the Japanese way - has two "sister" schools in the area. One is another school in St. Louis (but down in So. county) and another in Springfield Ill). Anyway. Some people went from my Dojo and so i went too. It was alright. First all the little kids had to go. They are cute, but sometimes I get a little annoyed by some of them. I got so bored though. There was a game room, but i didn't feel like spending all my money. So I watched some guys from my dojo play pool and some videogame stuff. Then I would wander back into this room where you could watch people compete. The girl my age that is my friend (Caitlin or Kayti) is a black belt and so she had to help judge or score etc.... So she was out on the floor almost the entire time. So I had no one to talk to. I could have talked to the boys but I dunno, I am shy, and most of the boys are like 13 or 14 and kinda annoying at times. The little kids took forever because there are a million of them and there was only enough room for two rings (so 2 competitions can be going at a time). So first they go through kata (a set series of moves all smashed together - it looks kinda like a dance. They are relatively short). The judging doesnt take long. they call up one kid, the kid does their kata. 4 (or 3 like in my case) judges (black belts) watch and give them a score usually as 6 as the low and 8 as the high (i think) - but they throw out the highest score. So anyway about 5 or 6 kids would do a kata, they would give out awards, 5 or 6 more would do kata etc etc etc. Then comes the long part. Then most of the kids break out the sparring gear (head-helmet thing, mouthguard, gloves, and usually leg pads) and they begin to spar. But, they use a bracket (kinda like the ones used for the NCAA tournaments or whatever). But it just takes forever!! Groups of kids fight (oh, its 2 at a time) Then the winners fight and the losers fight. And they do this over and over until they get to the end of the bracket. So its all complicated and kinda boring to watch if you only know 1 or 2 kids. So that took from 11:00 - 4:00!! I was about to die!!!! then all the black belts had to compete. That only lasted an hour and they aren't as boring because they actually look kinda cool. So then its finally my turn. Sorta. So they take all the kids 12-17. Seperate them by age, sex, and then by rank. They then mix those close in age or rank etc... For example, I was the only 17 year old. So they put a 15 year old and a 16 year old (later a 21 year old lady comes because there were no adult women to spar with her, but she did her kata with the adult men). Its kinda dumb because they don't really need to seperate the sexes becuase in practice I fight the guys all the time. They do because on the national lkarate evel they are starting to seperate sexes for everything. ANYWAY. So first the black belts had to finish sparring, then they start at the bottom of the 12-17 group and work their way up. We were 2nd to last (adults went before us). So the kata part went pretty fast because there were only 6 groups that had to compete. I got first in kata (which is pretty good - yay!! first gold medal, but then i have to mention that there were 3 of us. But hey, i blew them outta the water!! the other girls had a score of 15.8 and 15.9 and i had a 16.1) Then came the sparring. So after the kata they tell us all to get our gear and warm up. But see, I had to wait over a 1/2 an hour till it was our turn. So by them time i was supposed to sparr, i was tired and not warmed up anymore. So, I get out there and i am in the first match with a brown belt (the one before black - and she was 15). She beats the crap outta me. She had some amazing kicks that went up to my head - she hit me in the head almost every time - usually not very hard but you aren't supposed to touch at all). Once - i am ashamed to say- she made me cry. She kicked me just under the jaw and it kinda popped my jaw a little. that hurt but of course i cried. It didn't hurt soon after but i always cry when i get hit - no matter how hard i try not too. it sucks. So anyway, kicks to the head are 3 points each. She got 2 warnings (4 and you are disqualified) for the kicks. The final score was 12-6 (i lost). But hey- i got 6 points which is good for me, all of them were punches to the body - i like those. So then i get to rest for a match. Then i was up again - this time against a brown belt 21 year old. I was scared, but she was easier than the 15 year old! Anyway - she had some good kicks to the body (2 points) and she beat me, i dunno by how much. I got in a kick to the body and about 3 punches i think. So i had around 6 points again probably. I think she had like 8 or 10. Oh, and we sparr for 1 minute and 30 seconds. It may not seem like a lot, but you stop and start a lot so that they can reward points and give penalties etc.... because each time they see a good point or penalty they stop it. So you go for like 5-10 seconds at a time. When you are fighting - 1:30 can seem like FOREVER! So i lost that match and i didn't have to fight again. I got 4th in sparring then. I didn't have to fight the winner (yay). So yeah, then i changed and that was it. The whole thing was over. So then we went and got dinner (yeah mcd's) and drove home. Woo hoo. Fun (actually boring and tiring) day.
Oh let me explain something about the scoring/penalties for sparring. Ok, there are 4 areas where you can hit (Head, Body, Legs, Back). Punches to the head are 2 points, kicks to the head are 3 (as long as both don't touch - they can tap but not whack a person - if it is too hard they get a penalty). Punches to the body are 1 point. Kicks to the body are 2. Anything to the legs is a penalty unless it is a sweep (sweeps take a person down to the ground. Usually done by sweeping your leg across theirs (near the ankle) really quickly. It has to be followed by a punch while they are down or you get a penalty for recklessness - if the person on the ground scores while down - such as a kick or something they get points cause that is good). Kicks to the back are two and punches to the back are two. There are penalties for stepping out of bounds, kicking too hard, being reckless, not defending yourself (having your hands down etc), taunting the person or judges, starting before they say or not stopping when they say, etc etc....
So yeah, its complicated but a lot of the stuff is common sense anyway. I usually don't get penalties.
So that was probably boring but it is fun to say all of it and get it all outta my system and you wouldn't really understand without me explainin now would ya? ;)
So i am pretty sore and tired. I think i am going to relax on the couch - or maybe in this computer chair for a while. Cya'll later.
Oh let me explain something about the scoring/penalties for sparring. Ok, there are 4 areas where you can hit (Head, Body, Legs, Back). Punches to the head are 2 points, kicks to the head are 3 (as long as both don't touch - they can tap but not whack a person - if it is too hard they get a penalty). Punches to the body are 1 point. Kicks to the body are 2. Anything to the legs is a penalty unless it is a sweep (sweeps take a person down to the ground. Usually done by sweeping your leg across theirs (near the ankle) really quickly. It has to be followed by a punch while they are down or you get a penalty for recklessness - if the person on the ground scores while down - such as a kick or something they get points cause that is good). Kicks to the back are two and punches to the back are two. There are penalties for stepping out of bounds, kicking too hard, being reckless, not defending yourself (having your hands down etc), taunting the person or judges, starting before they say or not stopping when they say, etc etc....
So yeah, its complicated but a lot of the stuff is common sense anyway. I usually don't get penalties.
So that was probably boring but it is fun to say all of it and get it all outta my system and you wouldn't really understand without me explainin now would ya? ;)
So i am pretty sore and tired. I think i am going to relax on the couch - or maybe in this computer chair for a while. Cya'll later.
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