

Oh my goodness!! These past two days have been the cleanest/dirtiest of my life!!! My sister is getting married next weekend (yay!) but family starts arriving on tuesday. Since my mom now works full time she asked Julia and me to clean the house. Do you know how big my house is? I hadn't realized it until now. My goodness we have a ton of stuff (especially a lot of wood). Its crazy! Yesterday we took it easy and I cleaned the front two rooms and Julia did half the downstairs bathroom. That wasn't so bad, but it was tiring because I had to vacuum both rooms, then wash all the wood (basboards, the doors, the windows, etc), then dust all the wooden furninture (there is a lot of that downstairs). So that was tiring. Then today I woke up, watched a half an hour of Ellen (funny show) and then started cleaning. I cleaned the downstairs hall, half of Beth's room (Julia did the other half), the stairs, the upstairs hall, the kitchen, and the living room! I am so tired of cleaning! I never knew how many spiderwebs there were in our house and how dusty things could get. Blah. So now I am going to go take a shower and get all the soap/dust and spiderwebs off me. Cya'll later.

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