I have more to say - i just didn't feel like going through the trouble of re-editing that post.
Ok - random fact from my planner - A sneeze travels at 99 miles per hour!!
ok- great website - www.thinkgeek.com look at the t-shirts - hilarious!!
Another thing i learned from my hilarious friend Carolyn - binary code is awesome and very funny.
So now - i am going to write in binary code.
*ok so there was a lot of 0's and 1's but i decided to take it out for now because it was making my post wider than it needed to be and i think it messed up the look of my page when i tried to change templates... maybe i will write something shorter later*
Seriously - i wrote something!! No, i am not a dork and i didn't memorize the binary code!
If you want to translate it go to http://nickciske.com/tools/binary.php and copy/paste that into the second box and press decode. Its awesome! hahahah. No!! Don't be lazy!!!!!! GO TRANSLATE IT!!