
So... old news.

Hi. I have decided to blog about hey day even though that was last weekend. When I tried to post it, my blog wasn't working. so here you go (this is copy/pasted from an email to a friend so bear with me....)
Friday was Hey Day at my school. Hey day is awesome because it is the big "lets embaress the freshman/worship the seniors day" so it is so much fun. First the seniors hang out in the gym and practice these dances (i will explain in a moment) while the frosh and juniors eat breakfast and the juniors dress up the frosh in funny outfits, and the sophomores watch a movie. Then the juniors have a parade with their freshman where they do little routines for the seniors where they sing a lot about how cool we are and how much they love us (there is a lot of bowing and screaming during this part). Then there is a scavenger hunt for the soph and frosh people while the juniors and seniors hang out in the gym. Then there is a pep rally for the fall sports. After that is lunch. The seniors buy the freshman lunch from a place in the area of school (subway for me) and they bring it to school that morning and we eat lunch with out little sisters (not biological - our school pairs us up with a freshman and they are our little sis). Then we all go in the auditorium and we have what is called beanie dances. The seniors go up on stage in groups of about 10 and do a dance to a song that they have been practicing etc.... so the dances are pretty cool and range from songs from "rocky- the time (or maybe it was age) of the tiger" to "lady marmalade" to"zero to hero" from hercules. It is absolutely hilarious because then a group of freshman has to come up on stage and do the dance with the seniors. It is so funny because some of the freshman are so embaressed and others get so into it. My group chose to do zero to hero and our dance was awesome - we got lots of cheers. Ask me and i will do it for you sometime :). I was so hyper after that. Then we go home. Its such a fun day. It gave all the seniors a huge power trip and I am now hoarse from screaming and cheering so much. Oh - one more thing - the seniors get no sleep the night before. We all throw parties the night before and get very little/no sleep so we are all slap happy and hyper the entire day. At the party the night before Ella braided all of my hair in little braids so that was fun. Then I went home and went to bed. I was tired. I woke up around 5:30 and had dinner and then went to this huge mixer at SLUH. Mixers are hilarious. I usually don't go to them but this one is tradition because it is the hey day mixer. So all the nerinx girls wear their shirts (oh one thing the juniors all wear wife beaters with the word "junior" on the front with their year (06) and some nickname on the back. Seniors wear baseball tees with "senior" and 05 and a nickname on the back). So its really funny. The mixer was pretty fun because it is inside and outside. There was a tent outside and it was in the gym inside. There are a ton of people that come to this thing. 7,000 kids i think is what they said - i might be totally wrong, but that is what i vaguely remember someone saying.... So its pretty amazing. Then I went over to a friends house for a little while to hang out. That is when I took my braids out. My hair was really poufy and kinda crimpy, it looked hilarious. Then I went home and went to bed at 1:30am and didn't wake up til 1:45pm. haha. :)

ok that is the end of the hey day talk. that was so much fun. i loved it. Then there was this week of school where we have to start wearing our uniforms (which isn't too bad, i don't mind much) but the workload picks up as well. This year instead of having a lot of homework we have more duties. For example we have to do college applications (done!! thank you very much!), then we have to work out our career shadowing, then we have to apply for open campus, then we have to do some national honor society crap, then we have to do a huge senior service packet (complete with a research paper). And of course MOST of this is all do on Tuesday the 7th. So all the seniors are about to tear our hair out over all the stuff we have to remember to do.

speaking of hair - i got a new straightener today. My old one is kinda blah because it is metal and the good ones have ceramic plates that heat up. so that was cool. It wasn't too expensive either. so of course I straightened my hair. :) yeah...

oh my goodness! I can't believe I forgot to complain about this. ok. so earlier i talked about the beanie dances. Well the freshman get beanies (you know the little hats with propellers on top) and they have to wear them all week (which was this past week) all day. If a senior catches a froshie without their beanie on then the senior can make the freshman bring them food (i.e. make me brownies). So that is pretty awesome - right? WRONG! This year the freshman were really mean about it. The seniors weren't even being as predatorish as they have been in the past. The freshman were really snooty and most of the seniors didn't get the food they asked for (its a freshman duty - we had to do it as freshman, now you have to do it!). Also the teachers were being really non-cooperative and whenever freshman were in a classroom the teachers were like "oh this is a beanie-free zone". I understand saying that in the middle of a class, but before the class has even started or after the class has ended why can't the seniors come in to catch people? Also - freshman have to wear their beanies all day- they aren't supposed to take them off. They ALL took them off during classes - even if their teachers would bring them outside for classes. I was so annoyed! The teachers aren't supposed to let them take their beanies off. So the only time you could catch them was at lunch and in the halls. do you know how hard that is? there isn't much time in between classes to catch people and there are no freshman eating senior lunch (that would be suicide!). so it was kinda stinky. I ended up not catching anyone. that was sad. my friends were pretty good at catching people though, so i just begged brownies from them. My last thing to add is that the freshman can make some pretty good brownies.

so that is all. i am done now. sorry for ranting and babbling and rambling your ears off. cya.

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