
Yay Spiderman 2!! read my blog (below the notebook picture!) Posted by Hello

"The Notebook" movie poster. read my blog (below) Posted by Hello

Movies Movies Movies

Hello! So this is me. I haven't blogged in a while (unless you count the random picture blogging - which, by the way, is very fun). So I am bored because no one is online for me to talk to. :( But hey, I will be seeing some people tonight since they are coming over for youth group and swimming in the pool! Woo hooo! So I got back from Project Life on Saturday. May I just say that that was really really fun. Hah I used two words twice in a row in that sentence (that and really in case you are too lazy to read back a sentence). So anyway I am bored.
Oh! Hah maybe I should blog about the title of this blog *slaps forehead* "hello". (YAY one of my school friends just got on! and she just got back from France! woo! before she left I was trying to convince her to pack me in her suitcase - we all know i could fit - but it ended up not working out) ANYWAY! Movies - I have seen a lot of movies in the past few days (for me at least). On sunday night i went to go see "The Notebook" with Tom and Sana. Nathan was supposed to come too but he got stopped and got a speeding ticket on the way. :( So I cried. It was a sad movie and recently I have been crying at all sad movies (Moulin Rouge - i cried like 4 different times - sad i know) but this movie I cried about 3 different times. I would just start to recover and then bam! It would hit me again. I felt pretty darn stupid because I hate crying at movies. I think the reason why this movie made me cry is because part of it is about an old woman who is losing her memory (alzheimers i think) and doesn't remember or recognize anyone or anything. It touched a vein in me because my grandpa is getting to that stage. He has Parkinson's Disease but since he is getting so old etc (and i think a side effect is memory loss) he doesn't recognize us most of the time. He sometimes recognizes us after we tell him our names like he will remember and ask us how stl is doing but that is the basic extent. So its sad and it made me think of him.
On a happier note the other movie i saw was "Spiderman 2". It was awesome. I thought it was really cool. The special effects were amazing! The fight scenes were really really cool to watch too. It was just an all around good movie. It was kinda funny because there were lots of screaming women. haha but what else do girls do in movies in times of crisis? OH but guess what! I didn't cry during this movie!! yay for me!!!! :):) haha
So I have to go because I don't have anything else to talk about.


my shoes for the wedding.  Posted by Hello
Aren't they pretty?? hehe scroll down to my other picture and post cause guess what - I remembered to blog!! yay.  Posted by Hello
bonsai trees are funny..... :) they make me giggle :)  Posted by Hello


So I got back from Perryville today. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!! sure I was grumpy for most of today but that is because i was sleep deprived and i had just woken up and there were morning people all around me and lets just say i am not a morning person - at all. So I felt better after i was awake for more than a 1/2 an hour - but then i had to leave and that was sad. On the way home i was hyper because i was so tired... i think i annoyed Nathan. Hah. I got home with 5 minutes to spare. Heehe so yeah.
Perryville was awesome. I don't think I could ever live there (they go possum huntin' - nope no g on the end - and drive around the roundabout for fun). hehe I know you do more than that but still - i am definatly a city girl (maybe cause i live two seconds from the city) and i couldn't live without the tall buildings and hustle and bustle. Nope. Yep. ok. Wait - its funny cause they say roundabout for traffic circle. I had never heard it called a roundabout before. Another random point - roundabout it fun to type because you have to use so many different fingers and its not a word i usually type so i have to sit and think about it for a second. Hah. OOOH! Major announcement! A record was broken while I was in perryville. I can say I am very proud to be one of the first people to find out that the record for number of times around the roundabout was broken while i was there. The old record was 13. The new record................................ (drum roll)........................................... 103!!! wow. Thankfully i wasn't in the car. All i have to say is that wouldn't have been pretty. Another thing we did was play sand volleyball. That was so much fun. I love volleyball and I haven't played in so long that it was sad. We also don't have any good volleyballs in our house or I would play myself against the brick wall. Yes I know that sounds sad but there is no one to play with me and we have almost no windows on the side of the house that the yard is on so i just play volleyball against the wall. Its kinda funny cause i am sorta playing myself. Yep.
Another thing - I bonded with Larry :) That was fun cause I didn't him very well before this whole thing but all i have to say is - YOU ARE AWESOME! actually i don't think he reads this so yeah.... Sara - tell him to get online more often so i can talk to him more often. yeah.
Hah! Going back in time - Saturday night was so much fun too. I hung out with my school buddies at City Museum. May I just say that place rocks. We hung out there for a while and then we went to Carolyn's house. That was hilarious because we all sat there being tired and talking and being wacky. heheh when are we not wacky? i don't know. Also we went on their neighbors trampoline. that was awesome. I love trampolines - especially at 3:30 in the morning when it starts to rain. heheheheh It was hilarious jumping in the rain because you catch 2x the drops because you are jumping and then when you land the trampoline collects water so you jump into a puddle and water splashes everywhere. I had so much fun. The bottoms (the ends not the butt part...) of my pants go soaked. :)
So I am done talking because this is a really long blog. Maybe I broke my own record. hmmmm.... sorry if it was boring. I am going to go zonk out now because i am so tired. tired tired tired tired. Its fun to type tired. ok bye.



hehe - on google images this is what comes up if you type in "katie", (its on like the 2nd page) Posted by Hello

Isn't that hilarious? I think it is quite funny that I am an alpaca (no not llama, alpaca). I came upon this picture because my friend Stephanie (hi Steph!) came to school like 2 months ago with a picture of an alpaca and she said that it came up when she typed Stephanie into google. So i decided to try it and WHAT DO YOU KNOW heheheheh ok gtg. :)

grrrrrr  Posted by Hello

I just felt like posting a random picture of hobbes. Isn't he cute?? hehehhe :)



Sorry I haven't written in so long. Summer laziness has set in. Yup. I really don't have much to say - but of course I always say that and then my blog is like 50000000000000 words long. So yeah life has been interesting. I am working at my karate school. Its fun. I teach some classes (the little kids or lower ranking belts and sometimes even my own classes) and I also answer the phone and talk to people who walk in who are interested in joining karate. So that is pretty easy and i get $6.50 an hour for it so its all good. I am also volunteering for senior service. I have to do 30 hours of service and then do a project and like 2 papers on it. I am volunteering at the food pantry for the poor across the street from my house (well, its kinda across the street and behind some buildings, across a parking lot.... but you know). woo hoo 22 hours to go! What else have i been doing? sitting. Oh! Wednesday my sister and i went shopping. Mostly for shoes for my sisters wedding - but i got other stuff too. Lets see, i got the cutest shoes i have ever seen in my entire life and they are so comfortable it isn't funny. I love them! Ok, they are like the flip flop high heel things but they are fancy so they don't look like sandals. The straps like cris cross over my big toe and one of them has little shiny rhinestones on it and the other is just silver like the rest of the shoe. Also the heel isn't too big so it doesn't hurt my foot! YAY! So yeah, i try them on about every time i go in my room (which by the way is a huge mess and i keep on meaning to do a major clean out of it, but will i actually? come on now...). I also got a present for Ella cause her birthday was like 3 weeks ago and I am a bad friend and I always forget to get presents for people. Then I also got the cutest bra I have ever owned. Its pink! hehe, it has a fun flower pattern and it also has stripes of darker pink and lighter pink. It makes me happy. I like it ;) Ok so enough making all the boys who are reading this uncomfortable.... ;) Not that many read this but just in case....
hmmm something new to talk about........
ok nothing else to say. i am bored. call me and do something with me - preferably cheap/free!!! ok gtg bye!:)