
I am going crazy!!!

I haven't written in forever - sorry to all those addicted to reading my blog! ;) (ok, actually that would just be me but whatever!!!;))
Anyway - not much has happened except for the fact that i realized that i am not going to be able to breathe until, oh say about september of this year. (i will explain in a moment).
So last weekend was good - school retreat (juniors only), laid around saturday, and then worked on my term paper for history all day on sunday (turned that in today totally completed that you very much. it only took me about 8 hours too!! 1:00-9:30!!)
So - why i won't be able to breathe.
Every weekend this month is full - this weekend : act, city museum with buddies, and patrick is in town - which is crazy all in its own because we all know that i am going to be living at marias ;). I also need to read C.S. Lewis's "The Great Divorce" by April 5th, and i haven't started..... hmmm...... bad.
ok moving one - the next weeked - Easter. My sisters are coming in town so i will be hanging out with them. I will be doing stuff with friends that weekednd. Also the triduum retreat is that weekend (a retreat at my church with youth group). On Good Friday I am helping my youth group to act out the passion. Thankfully I am a soldier this year - (last year i was Mary and that was scary). Also at Easter Vigil I am helping dance the creation with little kids.
Ok the weekend after that - from thursday through sunday I will be in New Orleans with my choir for a competition. Good, but see missing school at my school is like suicide- a ton of class work and homework with no time to do it. But, I will have an 11 hour bus ride, so that will be alright.
The wednesday after that my German penpal is coming. I have taken German for 3 years, we have had penpals since freshman year. Last year my class visited them in Germany for a week (AWESOME!) so now they are visiting us for 2 weeks. Good but bad. Good - i get to spend time with my awesome pen pal whom i think is the cutest thing on the planet. Bad - i will be missing one day of school (as stated above = bad), also i will not have much time to do homework because i will feel bad not hanging out with her because, well, my life is homework. So my teacher says she will talk to the other teachers and get extensions etc.... extensions means like 1 day at my school. I don't think I am going to get much of a break. fun....
So that is this month.......
Then !!! The summer will be.... interesting.....
1) Stuebenville with youth group
2) Project Life with Youth Group (possibly senior service but i dunno... if not...)
3) senior service - 30 hours (oh yes, my school doesnt give time off for that like other schools do - we do it on our own time)
4) college visits
5) college applications (i need to have mine in 1st week of school because this big scholarship thing i am available for since my dad works for slu is first come first serve and fills up fast... so....)
6) my sisters wedding
7) act (again possibly - no probably)
i think that is all.... but yeah - CRAZY!
so i just needed to talk about all that - cause i really think that i am about to go crazy.........
so pray for me or keep me in your thoughts - whatever you find works best. ALSO (IMPORTANT!!) IF I SNAP AT YOU I AM SORRY!! I AM OBVIOUSLY A LITTLE STRESSED OUT!!!!!!!! PLEASE BE PATIENT!!
thanks for understanding :):)
Have a nice day!!!

i need to brighten this up a little cause the above is enough to make anyone stressed out just reading it.... hmmm......
nope cant think of anything... .think of something on your own... cya later!



So guess what!! I finished my paper!!!!!! Two days early thank you very much. Now I just have to write my history one. I have my thesis and a partial outline. The only problem - i haven't done all my research, and its kinda a research paper..... hmm.... and its due next tuesday.... i am gonna start that later. I am pretty proud of myself right now.
I just realized that i think i start almost every paragraph with so... that is kinda sad.
Guess what!! I passed my stripe test in karate! YAY! (you need 4 stripes to test for the next belt - now i have two). But that is all I am going to say about karate. KARATE IS NOT MY LIFE - I SWEAR!! I do have a life otherwise!! ;) I just talk about it a lot cause there is nothing to talk about..... speaking of which - if anyone has any ideas - email me at Katydidpt05@yahoo.com or write in a comment. Whatever toasts your raviolis, whatever wrinkles your raisin, whatever hyperventilates your clausterphobic, whatever bleaches your pitstains... (sayings friends of mine and i have for whatever floats your boat).
I got a new cd today - yay! Its Elephunk by Black Eyed Peas. It is a really random cd for me to buy, but lately I have been watching some music videos on yahoo! music videos and i really liked some of their songs.... so i bought the cd. If you wanna borrow it you can ask but i dunno how early I will be willing to part with it..... you might have to wait a while ;) The next cd i am planning on buying is Maroon 5 (or V) "Songs about Jane" cause that is a cool cd. Yep!
Yep that is all i have to say for right now. cyall later!



So.... I didn't work on the paper at all last night. I should do that now. I meant to but I am having a major writer's block. What teacher assigns a paper due the Thursday after spring break?? I mean really..... that is stinky. So I have to go. Hey -for once it isn't freakishly long and rather boring!!! Whoa - a milestone in Katie history. Maybe I should stop writing before it gets just as long as the others.............


So hello. So far today I have slept. And slept. My dad didn't wake me up for church, so i didn't go. He woke me up at 11:50 and was like, you gonna go to church today? And I was like huh? what? so he just left me alone. He couldn't have gotten me to noon mass at the old cathedral anyway. so he is kinda mad at me cause he doesn't like it when i skip mass. I don't do it that often! And! If he woulda woken me up for mass, i would have gone! I always sleep til like 11 or so. He was like "i was waiting for you to wake up!" well i think he can't be mad at me then. So i got up around 12:30 and started on the homework. I am done with everything except for a lit paper i have to write that is due on thursday. I really should write it but do i want to? no. I have to write a paper about the realism used in O Pioneers! . I know, that should be underlined - but this thing doesnt have that option. Anyway, so right now i am eating chips and drinking a soda procrastinating about this paper. I do have free tomorrow, but it will be last and i will have other homework that I should do. so i really should go and try to get an outline going, or at least a thesis. hmm...... thesis is a funny word.........
so i am even more sore than i was yesterday, which is stinky. My jaw still hurts, it doesn't hurt all the time, just when i move it a lot. It is kinda like a sore pain, not sharp or anything. So i guess that is good. but i am tired of it hurting! make it stop..... so that was a tangent. i thought about it cause i moved my leg and was like "mental note - don't do that again."
So i really really should go now. bye bye
so wait - i was just looking in my planner. fun fact - the Mona Lisa has no eyebrows.
And now for a riddle - - What 5 letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it??
(answer at the bottom)
And now for a joke : what do you call a fish with no eyes??? a fsh!! hahahaha ! i thought that was knee slapping or milk out the nose funny. yep yep........ gtg

haha - the answer is the word short!!!!! ha!!!!!!!! (i figured that out by myself thank you)


So today was interesting. I went to a karate tournament in Springfield Ill (my school - or dojo if you want to say the Japanese way - has two "sister" schools in the area. One is another school in St. Louis (but down in So. county) and another in Springfield Ill). Anyway. Some people went from my Dojo and so i went too. It was alright. First all the little kids had to go. They are cute, but sometimes I get a little annoyed by some of them. I got so bored though. There was a game room, but i didn't feel like spending all my money. So I watched some guys from my dojo play pool and some videogame stuff. Then I would wander back into this room where you could watch people compete. The girl my age that is my friend (Caitlin or Kayti) is a black belt and so she had to help judge or score etc.... So she was out on the floor almost the entire time. So I had no one to talk to. I could have talked to the boys but I dunno, I am shy, and most of the boys are like 13 or 14 and kinda annoying at times. The little kids took forever because there are a million of them and there was only enough room for two rings (so 2 competitions can be going at a time). So first they go through kata (a set series of moves all smashed together - it looks kinda like a dance. They are relatively short). The judging doesnt take long. they call up one kid, the kid does their kata. 4 (or 3 like in my case) judges (black belts) watch and give them a score usually as 6 as the low and 8 as the high (i think) - but they throw out the highest score. So anyway about 5 or 6 kids would do a kata, they would give out awards, 5 or 6 more would do kata etc etc etc. Then comes the long part. Then most of the kids break out the sparring gear (head-helmet thing, mouthguard, gloves, and usually leg pads) and they begin to spar. But, they use a bracket (kinda like the ones used for the NCAA tournaments or whatever). But it just takes forever!! Groups of kids fight (oh, its 2 at a time) Then the winners fight and the losers fight. And they do this over and over until they get to the end of the bracket. So its all complicated and kinda boring to watch if you only know 1 or 2 kids. So that took from 11:00 - 4:00!! I was about to die!!!! then all the black belts had to compete. That only lasted an hour and they aren't as boring because they actually look kinda cool. So then its finally my turn. Sorta. So they take all the kids 12-17. Seperate them by age, sex, and then by rank. They then mix those close in age or rank etc... For example, I was the only 17 year old. So they put a 15 year old and a 16 year old (later a 21 year old lady comes because there were no adult women to spar with her, but she did her kata with the adult men). Its kinda dumb because they don't really need to seperate the sexes becuase in practice I fight the guys all the time. They do because on the national lkarate evel they are starting to seperate sexes for everything. ANYWAY. So first the black belts had to finish sparring, then they start at the bottom of the 12-17 group and work their way up. We were 2nd to last (adults went before us). So the kata part went pretty fast because there were only 6 groups that had to compete. I got first in kata (which is pretty good - yay!! first gold medal, but then i have to mention that there were 3 of us. But hey, i blew them outta the water!! the other girls had a score of 15.8 and 15.9 and i had a 16.1) Then came the sparring. So after the kata they tell us all to get our gear and warm up. But see, I had to wait over a 1/2 an hour till it was our turn. So by them time i was supposed to sparr, i was tired and not warmed up anymore. So, I get out there and i am in the first match with a brown belt (the one before black - and she was 15). She beats the crap outta me. She had some amazing kicks that went up to my head - she hit me in the head almost every time - usually not very hard but you aren't supposed to touch at all). Once - i am ashamed to say- she made me cry. She kicked me just under the jaw and it kinda popped my jaw a little. that hurt but of course i cried. It didn't hurt soon after but i always cry when i get hit - no matter how hard i try not too. it sucks. So anyway, kicks to the head are 3 points each. She got 2 warnings (4 and you are disqualified) for the kicks. The final score was 12-6 (i lost). But hey- i got 6 points which is good for me, all of them were punches to the body - i like those. So then i get to rest for a match. Then i was up again - this time against a brown belt 21 year old. I was scared, but she was easier than the 15 year old! Anyway - she had some good kicks to the body (2 points) and she beat me, i dunno by how much. I got in a kick to the body and about 3 punches i think. So i had around 6 points again probably. I think she had like 8 or 10. Oh, and we sparr for 1 minute and 30 seconds. It may not seem like a lot, but you stop and start a lot so that they can reward points and give penalties etc.... because each time they see a good point or penalty they stop it. So you go for like 5-10 seconds at a time. When you are fighting - 1:30 can seem like FOREVER! So i lost that match and i didn't have to fight again. I got 4th in sparring then. I didn't have to fight the winner (yay). So yeah, then i changed and that was it. The whole thing was over. So then we went and got dinner (yeah mcd's) and drove home. Woo hoo. Fun (actually boring and tiring) day.
Oh let me explain something about the scoring/penalties for sparring. Ok, there are 4 areas where you can hit (Head, Body, Legs, Back). Punches to the head are 2 points, kicks to the head are 3 (as long as both don't touch - they can tap but not whack a person - if it is too hard they get a penalty). Punches to the body are 1 point. Kicks to the body are 2. Anything to the legs is a penalty unless it is a sweep (sweeps take a person down to the ground. Usually done by sweeping your leg across theirs (near the ankle) really quickly. It has to be followed by a punch while they are down or you get a penalty for recklessness - if the person on the ground scores while down - such as a kick or something they get points cause that is good). Kicks to the back are two and punches to the back are two. There are penalties for stepping out of bounds, kicking too hard, being reckless, not defending yourself (having your hands down etc), taunting the person or judges, starting before they say or not stopping when they say, etc etc....
So yeah, its complicated but a lot of the stuff is common sense anyway. I usually don't get penalties.

So that was probably boring but it is fun to say all of it and get it all outta my system and you wouldn't really understand without me explainin now would ya? ;)
So i am pretty sore and tired. I think i am going to relax on the couch - or maybe in this computer chair for a while. Cya'll later.


So i am gonna copy tom, cause i just read his (http://tomcampbell77.blogspot.com) and he talks about personality tests. so there is one where they give you four letters (introvert or extrovert, sensing or intuitive (n), feeling or thinking, and judging or perceiving). Mine is ISFJ. I read the description and i was like - whoa! that is me! but other parts i was like - whoa or not. But at most times i was like - ok is this person stalking me????? so yeah - take the test - http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp
or just read about the types
in case you were wondering here is what mine said::
Quiet, kind, and conscientious. Can be depended on to follow through. Usually puts the needs of others above their own needs. Stable and practical, they value security and traditions. Well-developed sense of space and function. Rich inner world of observations about people. Extremely perceptive of other's feelings. Interested in serving others.

or here is the long version -
just kidding, its freaking long. go read it yourself if you are so interested. :)
So this is fun. This is my first time blogging. I have journaled online before but never blogged. hmmm.... interesting.....
So..... if you are a friend - you know whatever you need to know about me. If you don't know me either get to know me, read this blog to get to know me, or stop reading this and hang out with people you do know. I am too lazy to write out all kinds of stuff about myself. I am kinda in the mood for get to know me as we go. Maybe when i feel like it i will explain me a little better. So.... i just read Tom's blog (tom is my buddy since forever). hm....... what to talk about.
So today i woke up (11:35 much to my dismay - i don't like waking up that late - oh and dont worry its spring break). I went downstairs, had a bagel - realized that many of them were gone (haha, Tom ate them) and so was one of the cream cheeses from the fridge (haha, sana and i ate that). But hey, its all good cause i had enough for me to eat. Then i played my new videogame "Harvest Moon - a Wonderful Life" which is the best game ever. Ooh! I proposed to my wife to be and she accepted. We are getting married soon. I have a new cow (name Nube) and a baby chick (i can't remember his name... p_p_ something or other). So i am excited. Just in case you dont know me - no, i don't own a farm, that was a description of what is going on in my game.... because you are a farmer..... get it now? ok, back to my life. Then i had some food, played some more, read some "Lord of the Rings, Return of the King" and made dinner (Goulash - yummy (ok, in my family goulash is macaroni noodles, cheese, tomato soup, and ground beef - yummy yummy yummy)). Then i went to karate (i am a green belt which is the 6th out of 11 (including black)). That was fun, i worked on some stuff and got to sparr - which is where we basically beat each other up, but not very hard). But anyway, i sparred with guys = and beat them up thank you very much. But they are all 12-13 year olds and a couple inches (one of them actually like a foot shorter) than me. But hey - we dont have to mention that. Anyway - this kid Tony was annoying the heck outta me cause he was just punching like crazy to my stomach but they were terrible punches - but after a while it gets annoying to be hit over and over in the stomach, so i hit him in the head (mind you this is the kid like a foot shorter so its not that hard, i just kinda put my arm straight out and wham - i hit his head). So then he decides to stop punching and start kicking, which is annoying as well cause i have to hand it to this kid, he is a darn good kicker but annoying as all heck! so then i punch him in the stomach and he stops and gets kinda mad at me (i didn't hit him hard - i swear) and he jacks me one in the arm - hard! i was like dude! hitting the muscles on the arm hurts! (not that i have much muscle so maybe i should say bone or cartilage or whatever). i think i am gonna have a bruise cause it still hurts to touch - dumb kid..... grr......
anyway since then i have been lying around here. yep yep...... so this is fun.
i dunno what else to talk about..... so i think i will go cause this is freakishly long and rather boring. i am sorry if you fell asleep while reading. maybe i should put a warning on all boring blogs - "WARNING - BORING BLOG - MAY FALL ASLEEP WHILE READING - MAY CAUSE DROWSINESS - DON'T OPERATE HEAVY MACHINERY FOR 1/2 HOUR AFTER READING!!!"
lol - i am having too much fun with this - i really need to go now. cya later. :):)