

So I really have absolutely nothing to say. I don't even know why I am blogging. hmmm.... so yeah. I finished my senior service! Woo woo! I have 31 hours and 15 minutes (I needed 30). But now I have to work on the paper etc for that. Blah. If anyone has any ideas for a paper about some injustice or problem I encountered during my service please help me out. :) just kidding, I won't make anyone else go through the agony I am going through. I have also finally started my summer reading. haha. I have to read 3 books. "Pride and Prejudice", "The Red Tent", and "Lovely Bones". I know those should probably be punctuated differently but who really cares? I have started P&P. It is ok. It is a lot of dialogue so I have to keep reminding myself of who is talking. Another thing is that it was written in 1813 so they talk a little different (all prim and proper like) so that is confusing. It is one of those books where you have to be totally focused, you can't let your mind wander a little while reading. So it's tiring and a little frustrating. School starts in 15 days!! Ahh!! I don't want to go back!! No!!! (August 19th). I have finally made my appointment for senior pics as well (or I should say that my mommy did). August 24th at 5:00. Yep. So that is cool. Ohh - tonight I get to go to a baseball game! Yay! That makes me happy. I have only been to one this year. I love baseball. It is really cool - especially since the cards are the best team in bball right now!! Woo woo!! yay for us!
Well I have to go now because I have to go across the street to volunteer in 13 minutes and I have to talk to my mommy before I go. Cya'll later!

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