for all the people who i complained to about this project - here is the proof that it existed, and that it finally did get finished.
for all those who don't know - I had to build a wheelchair, with two other people. It is made solely out of cardboard, elmer's glue, and red and black acrylic paint. The project was a huge pain, my group sucked, but it looked damn fantastic, and I think we got a high b on it. The assignment - build a half scale and full scale chair. It must have at least two extra utilities (so two other things the chair can do besides be a place to sit). My brilliant group chose to do a wheelchair. The half size is just under a foot and a half tall. The full scale is just under 3 feet tall (32 inches if I remember correctly). Utilities: seat, motion (wheels), shelf under the seat, and ipod holder which "connects" to speakers that are sit on the top of the seat. The seat was also made very thick because it has a lot of cushioning for extra comfort. the seat back was made very low (as to hit just below a child's shoulderblades) so that they can twist around and reach something on the back if they need to. The chair was made to look like a race car - with racing stripes, red and black color scheme, and the style of the lines. So - here are the pictures. I didn't post the detail pics of the little one because it looks identical to the big one.

oh - the footrest is another utility.
me like! me like!
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