
random photos

more random photos. these aren't in the show, but i love em.


This is a picture I took for photography. Its gonna be part of a student artwork gallery show... just thought people might like to see a teaser. lol.


you don't even know....

what the hell?
i know i can't assume things - i have learned that lesson in the most painful way possible. but what the hell am i supposed to think when i am not given hints, clues, or even an answer. i guess i can't expect much when i don't even ask. am i just supposed to sit here and wait, till it falls into my lap? until two months pass by? i don't want to wait. but i am afraid to act. i don't want to hurt more than i already do. but if i wait, will i lose it all? i don't even know. i feel like i am paralyzed or tied down. am i paralyzing myself? i don't know, i don't know, I DON'T KNOW.
god i sound like i am insane.
i never knew tears could hurt so much.

(sorry this is so depressing sounding.... just had to get those thoughts out on
some sort of "paper" so they would stop riding the merry-go-round in my head.)


boredom struck

I should have been working on an art project, but i decided to procrastinate and copy off carolyn. I printed out a bajillion pictures, cut them out (this was a few nights ago), and tonight I stuck them all up on the wall. Here are pictures of the wall of pictures.

The picture in the middle is bigger - 8x10 instead of 4x6, basically because it is one of my favorite pictures ever. The other pictures are just all kinds of random pics basically spanning from senior year until this august.
Yup. This is what happens when I have two bad days in a row (one bad, and the other semi-bad i guess), and put off my ceramics project, cause i just don't feel like working on it right now. That's it. I think I am gonna watch some tv now. toodles.



At the request of Nick, here are some pics of the apartment. I was too lazy to take pictures of the entire thing, and it doesnt look good yet anyway. We need to unpack and make it look pretty etc... But here is my room (Cait hasnt moved all of her stuff in yet) and the view from my room. :-D



This is more just a personal rambling to get stuff outta my head - read if you feel like it. If not, there is a tiny summary at the end. lol.

I've been thinking too much lately. Mostly about going back to school, how much I am going to miss all of my friends here, even though some of them don't seem like they will really miss me. I've also been thinking about stuff I want to do, like visit people. I have already hit up Truman. I want to go and see Carolyn, but I don't know moneywise. I also think I am gonna have to go up to Chicago, or maybe I can get Amanda to come see me.... I really wish people would come visit me, but I guess I am too far or something. I dunno. I doubt it will happen. That makes me kinda sad, but there isn't much I can do.
I am sad about leavin stl and the people here, especially Nick, but I want to go back to school and be with those friends, and live semi on my own. I love dorm life, and I hope apartment life is just as fun. I hate this feeling of being torn between two places, because I will go from being excited one minute, to dreading it the next.
I need to stop thinking so much and just enjoy the time I have left with my friends (I sound like I am dying or something).
A few nights ago I gave Nick a picture I drew in november. I had been thinking about drawing him a picture for a while, cause he has asked before, and the other night I remembered about that one. So I tore apart my room, and I had just given up when I saw my sketchbook (my old one) and was like OH YEA! So, I tore it out, wrote a note on the back - which was kind of dumb, but I had to explain the pic, and I knew I wouldn't be able to do it in person because I would cry. I don't know if I really got exactly what I wanted to say across, but I think the picture spoke for me. It was some random doodles of me and nick and just him, along with some quotes from songs and random tidbits like dates (when he asked me out, first kiss, first time we met......). My favorite quote from it is from the song "I want to know your plans" by Say Anything, "You're what keeps me believin' this world's not gone dead. Strength in my bones, put the words in my head. When they pour out to paper, its all for you, cause that's what you do. That's what you do." I was so nervous giving it to him becasue a)i don't really like showing my work to people i know really well and b) it was a really personal thing, I felt almost like I ripped out one of the most private pages of my journal and was giving it to him - one that was all about him or something. He said he loves it. Which is a huge relief. I am working on another picture for him now, this one isn't so personal, its just something with one of his favorite lines of an alkaline trio song. I think it is coming along really well, and I hope it turns out as cool as I am imagining, we shall see......

Summary: Stop thinking so much, enjoy it. Draw.


tee hee

made me giggle. don't know why.



pictures of my wheelchair.
for all the people who i complained to about this project - here is the proof that it existed, and that it finally did get finished.
for all those who don't know - I had to build a wheelchair, with two other people. It is made solely out of cardboard, elmer's glue, and red and black acrylic paint. The project was a huge pain, my group sucked, but it looked damn fantastic, and I think we got a high b on it. The assignment - build a half scale and full scale chair. It must have at least two extra utilities (so two other things the chair can do besides be a place to sit). My brilliant group chose to do a wheelchair. The half size is just under a foot and a half tall. The full scale is just under 3 feet tall (32 inches if I remember correctly). Utilities: seat, motion (wheels), shelf under the seat, and ipod holder which "connects" to speakers that are sit on the top of the seat. The seat was also made very thick because it has a lot of cushioning for extra comfort. the seat back was made very low (as to hit just below a child's shoulderblades) so that they can twist around and reach something on the back if they need to. The chair was made to look like a race car - with racing stripes, red and black color scheme, and the style of the lines. So - here are the pictures. I didn't post the detail pics of the little one because it looks identical to the big one.


little things

i hate it when little stupid things bother me. and i have too much time to ponder them, and then they just sit there and bother me. like that one comic thing where ron and harry are poking voldemort and going "bother bother bother". i think thats how it goes anyway. its just frustrating because i can't decide if i am being dumb by letting it bother me, or if i really should listen at least a little to that little bother.



when i got home tonight, i was browsing through my itunes, and i found this song - it is by Jack Johnson, and is from the Curious George soundtrack. I really like the sound of it, and the lyrics are cool.

by Jack Johnson

Questions, I've got some questions
I want to know you
But what if I could ask you only one thing
Only this one time, what would you tell me?
Well maybe you could give me a suggestion
So I could know you, what would you tell me?
Maybe you could tell me what to ask you
Because then I'd know you, what would you tell me
Please tell me that there's time
To make this work for all intents and purposes
And what are your intentions, will you try?
Impressions, you've made impressions
They're going nowhere
They're just going to wait here if you let them
Please don't let them
I want to know you
And if they're going to haunt me
Please collect them
Please just collect them
And now I'm begging
I'm begging you to ask me just one question
One simple question
Because then you'd know me
I'll tell you that there's time
To make this work for all intents and purposes
At least for my own
What is a heart worth if it's just left all alone?
Leave it long enough and watch it turn into stone
Why must we always be untrue?


do i really need a title? they don't really ever matter anyway, cause they are usually something along the lines of "blah" or something. oh well.

today is the last day of classes. i had german this morning - after class i asked my teacher about the oral exam (not too horrible) and she was tellin me that she really thinks i should continue in german. i am thinking of maybe doing a minor, but if i go for a bfa (bachelor of fine arts) i will be really really busy. I am currently doing ba (bachelor of arts) and I would have time for it. so.... i dunno what to do. cause a bfa would look really good on a resume, but going far in german would as well...... hmmm.......
so that was my last class of the day - i have philosophy later but I am not going because it is just review, and he said it is optional, and the review for the midterm didn't help me at all, and my notes are really good, and when i was looking over the sheet i knew the questions, so..... i am done with classes! yay!
after that I came back to my room, and napped. well, kinda. maybe for about an hour. I just kinda layed there with my ipod on, listening to my "relax" playlist - aka music that is slower, or that i just feel like listening to when i feel like relaxing and such - so i drifted in and out of sleep, and when i was awake, i just kinda thought about stuff. so now i am in a really mellow, contemplative mood, which is good i guess. I just get tired of thinking about some things that are bothering me becuase I just go around in circles, thinking bascially the same things and coming to basically the same conclusions. so yeah. haven't decided yet if all this thinking was a good or bad idea, because i still haven't really decided what to do about some stuff. well, one thing.
but yeah, don't feel like writing about it here.
i am gonna go to lunch in a little bit with richter and erin, and after that i am gonna go up to cohen (art building) and work on my lamp project. For my final project in that class, we have to build a lamp. Fuly functional etc. So usually, classes have about a month, month and a half or so to work on this. My class got a week. Fun? no. Technically we got half of a class to present ideas to him and have him modify/reject/ok stuff, and then we got one class to have him show us how to use the woodshop and other tools and stuff. so basically, the lamp is still just drawn out on this big piece of wood i have, waiting to be cut out, and it is due on tuesday. I am also kinda stuck, because Kelly (my teacher) said no one could use the saws etc without him there, so I have to go up there and wait for him to have free time to help me use them. fun. this is gonna take a while. So, I am going to attempt to do that later today. We shall see how that goes. I hope my lamp turns out cool though, in my head it looks really cool - the little model has potential. but we shall see i guess.


stole from steph

bold the items that pertain to you.
ok, so i dunno how to bold stuff..... sooo i am just gonna put a little tabby thing or something next to stuff i have done.

I am male.
--- I am female.
I'm tall.
---I'm short.
I have long hair.
---I have shoulder length hair.
I have short hair.
I always wear my hair down.
I always wear my hair up.
---I wear it both ways.
I wear pigtails.
---I've dyed my hair.
I am single.
---I am taken.
---I am in love.
I am married.
---I want to get married eventually.
I'm not sure if I want to get married.
I have children.
---I want children someday.
I'm not sure if I want children.
---I like long surveys.
---I'm a random person.
---I'm shy.
---I'm friendly.
I'm loud.
---I'm quiet.
I have brown eyes.
I have blue eyes.
I have green eyes.
---I have hazel eyes.
I'm a vegetarian.
I wish I lived somewhere else.
---I like where I live.
---I've traveled out of the country.
My favorite kind of movies are romantic.
---My favorite kind of movies are comedy.
My favorite kind of movies are dramatic.
My favorite kind of movies are action.
---I have a best friend.
I have a fetish.
---My favorite kind of music is rock.
My favorite kind of music is pop.
My favorite kind of music is country.
My favorite kind of music is rap.
My favorite kind of music is hip hop.
My favorite kind of music is classic rock.
My favorite kind of music is punk.
My favorite kind of music is metal.
My favorite kind of music is industrial.
My favorite kind of music is classical.
---My favorite kind of music is emo/screamo.
---My favorite kind of music is something not mentioned.
I'm scared of clowns.
---I'm scared of spiders.
---I'm scared of death.
I'm scared of heights.
I'm scared of commitment.
I'm scared of the supernatural.
I'm scared of blood.
I'm scared of the dark.
I'm scared of thunder/lightening.
I'm scared of needles.
I'm scared of something not common.
I get scared easily.
I'm not really scared of anything.
It takes a lot to scare me.
My favorite TV show is a reality show.
I always eat breakfast.
---I'm online too much.
I watch too much TV.
---I like video games.
---I love art.
---I can draw well.
I cant draw to save my life.
I like school.
I have a job.
---My future career has something to do with the arts.
My future career has something to do with the law.
My future career has something to do with medicine.
My future career has something to do with entertainment.
My future career has something to do with kids.
My future career has something to do with animals.
I wear make up.
I can't live without my guitar.
I cant live without my drumset.
I cant live without my piano/keyboard.
---I can't live without my phone.
---I can't live without my computer.
I can't live without my camera.
I can't live without my TV.
My favorite color is blue.
My favorite color is red.
---My favorite color is green.
My favorite color is orange.
My favorite color is black.
My favorite color is yellow.
My favorite color is white.
My favorite color is pink.
My favorite color is purple.
---I'm against war.
I support war.
I dont really care about war.
---My room is messy.
---I share a room.
I have my own.
---I live with both my parents (some times during the year).
I live with my mom.
I live with my dad.
I dont live with my parents.
I have brothers.
---I have sisters.
---They're older.
They're younger.
Some are older, some are younger.
---I get along with my siblings.
I'm an only child.
---I get sad easily.
---I get mad easily.
---I get annoyed easily.
---I get disappointed easily.
---I get bored easily.
---I'm easily amused.
I laugh when I'm nervous.
---I stutter when I'm nervous.
I bite my nails.
I chew on pens.
I shake my leg.
---I can sing well.
---I love to sing.
I suck at singing but I do it anyway.
I sing in the shower.
I've been in a car accident.
I've been stung by a bee.
I've sprained my ankle.
I've broken a bone.
---I've gotten stitches.
I've been rushed to the hospital in an ambulance.
---I have an iPod.
I have an MP3 player.
---I have a CD player.
---I download music.
I have pets.
I've smoked a ciggerette.
I've smoked weed.
I've done hard drugs.
---I like to read.
I like to write.
---I'm allergic to something.
I have a lot of money.
I'm sick.
I've cut myself.
---I regret some things I've done
---I believe in God.
I'm Atheist.
---I'm Christian.
I'm Wiccan.
I'm Satanic.
---I'm Catholic.
I'm Jewish.
I'm Muslim.
I'm Mormon.
I'm Agnostic.
I'm a Jehovah's Witness.
I'm something not mentioned here.
I've kissed someone of the same sex.
---I've kissed someone of the opposite sex.
---I've dated someone for over a year.
I've never had a boy/girl friend.
---I've gotten attached to someone.
---I like someone right now.
---They like me, too.
They dont like me.
They dont know I like them.
---I like one of my friends.
I have a lava lamp.
---I have candles.
I have incense.
I have a black light.
---I wear jewelry.
I have a favorite actor.
I have a favorite actress.
---I still have something from when I was a baby.
---I have stuffed animals.
I'm a shopoholic.
I'm eating.
I'm drinking something.
---I'm watching something.
I'm listening to music.
I'm a hypocondriac.
I have ADD.
---I have my ears pierced.
I have my eyebrow pierced.
I have my lip pierced.
I have my tounge pierced.
I have my nose pierced.
I have my bellybutton pierced.
---I want more piercings.
I have a tattoo.
I want a tattoo.
---I chew gum.
---I eat mints.
---I paint my nails.
I wear glasses.
I wear contacts.
I wear perfume.
---I wear skirts.
---I wear body spray.
I wear a watch.
---I carry a wallet.
I have braces.
I wear retainers.
---I mostly wear pants.
I mostly wear skirts.
I mostly wear shorts.
I mostly wear tank tops.
---I mostly wear t-shirts.
I mostly wear long sleeved.
I have lots of clothes.
I have lots of shoes.
My favorite season is winter.
My favorite season is summer.
---My favorite season is spring.
My favorite season is fall.
---I'm a hopeless romantic.
I'd rather live in the country then the city.
---I'd rather live in the city then the country.
I like writing letters.


it's late....

so.... it's late, and i can't really sleep. I already tried for about the past half hour. I am just not sleepy. I am ready for summer. I have one week of classes left, and then three days of exams (i don't have any on monday, and my last one is on thursday). I leave on friday to go home. I am excited to go home, I am getting tired of being here. I love the people here, but I need a break from some of them. I can't wait to see all of stl friends again, and hang out with them. It wasn't too awkward over breaks and things, so I hope the summer will be fun. Working won't be - I think I am going to work three or four days a week from 9 to 3 at the cardiology clinic filing paperwork, like i did last summer. whoopee. But at least it is easy, I don't have to deal with bitchy people, and I get paid pretty well. So hopefully that won't be too terrible, and I won't go insane. I can just see myself sittin in a corner reciting my abc's over and over again. Last summer I even started to do it in my sleep a little bit. I am hoping the ipod will help this summer, it did help for the few weeks that i had it last summer.
I packed up some of my stuff today. winter clothes and some random things like my art stuff from last semsester, and some things from my desk that I don't need, like random books and such.
My keyboard is annoying me. I think I got something under the keys on accident, and it keeps moving, since I have my computer on my lap a lot and stuff, so random keys don't work very well sometimes. At the moment it is the ; key. Not that I use the key very much, but it is frustrating when I press it on accident, and thinking that it is the correct key, I keep hitting it until it works.... and i realize it was the wrong key to begin with. I think when I give Petey over to the mac people to fix him (the ethernet plug is messed up - therefore disconnecting me when i move the computer slightly. which is why i sign on and off aim A LOT. Sorry if it bugs you :)) I am also going to see if there is any way that they can clean under the keys, I mean they have to basically take the whole thing apart, so how hard would a little keyboard cleaning be? hmm?
still not sleepy.......
ok, well this obviously isn't making me any sleepier. so goodnight all.


who do i look like?

(i stole this idea from peter)

my heritage has a face recognition thingy where you can compare your face to this database of celebrities and find out who you look like.
so i do
(here is the pic i used)

so it tells me that i look like:
Isabella Rosellini (74%) - she looked kinda odd, so we are gonna skip that one and pretend like it didn't say that.
Kristin Kreuk (67%) - you know, the girl from the wb's superman show.
Rachel Weisz (66%) - Mummy Returns, About a Boy, Constantine, etc etc
Reese Witherspoon (64%) - i really don't think you need a description.
Anne Hathaway (64%) - Brokeback Mountain, Princess Diaries, etc
Mary Kate Olsen (64%) - its a really old picture of her (like at age 13), but whatever.
Audrey Tautou (54%) - Amelie
Eva Longoria (53%) - Desperate Housewives

I am not so sure about all those, but whatever, I take some of them as a compliment. lol. I have always been told that i look kinda like Christina Ricci as well, but who knows. :)


ok so i stole this from sarah. i was bored, looking through my list of blogs and such, and decided to do this.

1. Yourself: me
2. Your Lover: fantastic
3. Your Hair: messy
4. Your Mother: wonderful
5. Your Father: cute
6. Your Favourite Item: petey
7. Your Dream Last Night: wheelchair
8. Your Favourite Drink: fanta
9. Your Dream Home: artsy
10. The Room You Are In: dorm
11. Your Pet: gone
12. Who You Are Now: student
13. Who You Want to be in Ten Years: designer
14. What You Want to be in Ten Years: happy
15. What You're Not: depressed
16. Your Best Friend: dunno
17. One of Your Wish list Items: car
18. Your Gender: female
19. The Last Thing You Did: phone
20. What You Are Wearing: jeans
21. Your Favourite Weather: sunny
22. Your Favourite Book: harry
23. The Last Thing You Ate: pretzel
24. Your Life: hilarious
25. Your Mood: eh

ok, so an update from yesterday's post - back to working on the wheelchair probably. i had class today, and the girl was there, but Mike (the guy) wasn't. We left a message on his phone for him to call us, but who knows. Kailin (the girl) is actually doing a lot of work now. She is making the wheels, so I am not mad at her anymore. I am pissed at Mike. But Kelly (my teacher) today was talking to me and Kailin because he can tell that Mike hasn't been around and is doing like no work, and so he was like "make sure you write all of that in your evaluations, because I want to know the truth." and he was saying that we each get individual grades, and if he did no work, and what we did does look good etc etc we would get a good grade, and he would end up with a shitty one probably, if he doesn't pick it up and actually start working. The due date was pushed back - one class day. Which doesn't seem like much, but it will really really help a lot. So that is good, but I am still probably going to go up there and work on it tonight.


Death by Cardboard

So I haven't posted in a while. Sorry. Life has been kinda crazy. I have been working almost non-stop on a 3-d project. It is a group project, but my group is involved in sac and there was a guster concert here this weekend, so they were really busy for the entire past week and didn't work on it at all. So I have been building a full size wheelchair all by myself. full size, as in 3 feet tall, and out of cardboard. Yup, life was pretty shitty for a few days there. But, I have talked to my group, and now that guster is over, they have told me (literally) to stop working on it and they will finish the rest. so I am takin it easy now. finally happy to be done with that dumb thing. hopefully it will look awesome, cause the half scale looked cool. but yeah, life outside of 3d has basically been sleep. but hopefully it will get better over break, and then right back to the grind for another 2 weeks and then the 4 days of exams. then SUMMER! wooo!! I am excited. ok, enough for now :)



ok, so today was a much better day. YAY! Its finally the weekend, Nick comes tomorrow, my hair is curly (that's right, my hair is curly!), oh, and one thing i forgot to mention earlier - Julia and Paul got engaged! whee!! That happened earlier in the week, but i thought i should mention it. (you happy now Julia? ;))
thats it.



in a terrible mood. this whole week has been progressively getting worse. fun stuff, lemme tell ya. i just in a horrendous mood and have been for the past 20 some odd hours. blech. thats all i can say really. blech.



I know I haven't posted in a while, I haven't really had much to talk about.
Tape measure turned out to be a bitch. After I posted that, the due date was postponed twice (so it was due basically a week later), and I therefore had to work on it a lot more hours, repaint it a few times, sand it more, remake part of it..... etc etc . It was a pain, but it did turn out better, slightly. I got a B on it, which I was a little upset about, because I was kinda expecting an A because he had been pretty complimentary of it, but I guess the problems it did have were enough to make it a B. Who knows. He is a really tough grader.
Spring break was fun. I was pretty bored during the day, at home, but nights were fun. I hung out with Nick a lot, went up to his school a few times and met everyone there. They were all really nice and cool. I also visited truman and mizzou. That was a lot of fun, seeing everyone. We didn't really do anything, but I still had a ton fun.
This week really hasnt been bad at all. I haven't had very much homework, mostly because one of my art teachers (my graphic d teacher) hasnt been here both days. I stayed in class the one day for about an hour and a half working on my project anyway, because she does expect us to have some stuff done, and I had an idea and went with it. I am happy with how the part of the project came out (we basically are making layouts with type. We had to cut words out of magazines, and paste them on paper. But it has to be pleasing to the eye, have meaning, etc etc.... basically be artsy and put 10 times more effort into it than you really need to). My first one turned out pretty cool, so I am hoping the other two do as well. I am really liking that class. It is really interesting, and I am doing really well in it (woo hoo for an A!). I am really proud of one of the projects I did. We had to pic an ad and make a replica of it in paint. It turned out really good. It is one of the projects I have worked the hardest on, and it looks amazing.
My other classes are doing alright. Not much to really say there.
I put more pictures on my walls. haha. I am addicted to putting things on the walls. I added the picture of the end of the war kiss (the famous one where the guy is kinda dipping the girl and kissing her.
I dunno why, but i like that picture. Pictures of people kissing can look so sweet. I have another one on my wall of a boy kissing a girl's cheek. She is under an umbrella, and it just looks really cute. Ok, now I am looking at all the pictures on my wall, and I love em. hehe. I also like this one I hve of people holding hands. All you see is their arms (below the elbows), their hands, and a bit of one of their hips. Its an ad for the bracelet she is wearing, but it is just really cute, and pretty. I dunno. ok, enough. Back to the original point of this whole paragraph, my new wall - it is a little one, and just above my desk, but its lots of anne gedde's pictures. She takes the pics of the little babies in flowers and stuff. I had a day by day calender, and it had a pic for each week, and I took my favorite ones, cut em out, and put em on my wall. I would post a picure of it, but I am too lazy to take a picture of it. haha
Tonight I watched the Xavier basketball game on tv. That was awesome! We are in the A10 tournament right now. We beat Charlotte by four points. I was freaking out in the last minute of the game. It was close. I am really excited though, because they were second, and we were tenth. So we are doing well. And the first place team (GW) lost to Temple today. Which is awesome, because temple has the same conference record we have. So, that is good. We are in the semi finals now. GW and whoever wins the A10 are going to the NCAA tourney. I really hope we go. Even though I doubt that we are going to get that far, or if we do, go very far in the tourney, I am still excited. I am so addicted to basketball now. Its pretty funny, seeing as how I used to think it was dumb. hehe.


tape measure - part two

so if anyone remembers - a while back i posted a picture of a cute little tape measure that i had made. Well, I had to make two more. The original was 2 inches. My other two are 4 inches and 8 inches. I just finished the last one tonight (all three are due tomorrow morning). After A LOT of hours of work (i would say probably around 40 some odd hours) they are all done. There are flaws, i know, but i think that if i work any longer on it, i will probably end up stomping on them in rage. I am tired of looking at tape measures. very very tired.
here are my babies.



since i think people would kill me if i posted more quiz thingys on ms - here they are

Your 2005 Song Is

Beverly Hills by Weezer

"My automobile is a piece of crap

My fashion sense is a little whack

And my friends are just as screwy as me"

You breezed through 2005 in your own funky style!

Your New Year's Resolutions

1) Get a pet hedgehog

2) Eat more cotton candy

3) Travel to China

4) Study rare insects

5) Get in shape with bowling


quiz results

as i just said - i am gonna go take some quizzes (if confused, read post before this and then return to this one)
You Are a Glazed Donut

Okay, you know that you're plain - and you're cool with that.
You prefer not to let anything distract from your sweetness.
Your appeal is understated yet universal. Everyone dig you.
And in a pinch, you'll probably get eaten.

Your 1920's Name is:

Ione Gussie

The Movie Of Your Life Is A Cult Classic

Quirky, offbeat, and even a little campy - your life appeals to a select few.
But if someone's obsessed with you, look out! Your fans are downright freaky.

Your best movie matches: Office Space, Showgirls, The Big Lebowski

Who Should Paint You: M.C. Escher

Open and raw, you would let your true self show for your portrait.
And even if your painting turned out a bit dark, it would be honest.

You Are The Fool

You are a fascinating person who is way beyond the concerns of this world.
Young at heart, you are blissfully unaware of any dangers ahead.
You are a true wanderer - it has be difficult finding your place in this world.
Full of confidence, you are likely to take a leap of faith.

Your fortune:

You are about to embark on a new phase in your life.
This may mean changing locations, jobs, friends, or love status.
You are open about what the future will bring, and free of worry.
You have made your peace with fate, and you're ready to start down your new path.

Your Birthdate: October 11

Spiritual and thoughtful, you tend to take a step back from the world.
You're very sensitive to what's going on around you, yet you remain calm.
Although you are brilliant, it may take you a while to find your niche.
Your creativity is supreme, but it sometimes makes it hard for you to get things done.

Your strength: Your inner peace

Your weakness: You get stuck in the clouds

Your power color: Emerald

Your power symbol: Leaf

Your power month: November

la la la

so i am in a better mood today, still not fantastic, but at least better.
last night i couldnt fall asleep so I was staring at my computer (ok, that sounds odd, but my screensaver is a slideshow of all my pictures, so its actually really entertaining). It was really fun just kinda watching the pictures and thinking about the different memories and such, and then my computer screen turned off because it had been 10 minutes or whatever..... i was kinda sad, but not for too long because i fell asleep soon after.
this morning, my alarm went off a 9 am, and I was really confused. I couldnt tell you what day it was for the life of me, and i had dead arm, so it was kinda hard to turn off my alarm. whoops. after looking at my cell phone and realizing what time it was, I let my alarm go off two more times and finally forced myself out of bed (time - 9:12). Went to german, took a test. I think i did pretty well, hopefully in the 90s. I know there has got to be something i got wrong.
Now I am graphic design. Since it is an art class, it is 2 and a half hours long. We are working on making logos for Jungle Jims. Its this weird international market thing that is somewhere near here that is absolutely humongous and weird. So....... we have to draw them on this special board, and then fill it in with black ink and these fancy permanent pens. we also have to make a color version with colored pencils. today is a "work day" where we just come and work on our stuff for a whole 2 and a half hours. me being the dumbass i am decided to basically finish my black and white one on sunday, for homework..... i dunno what i was thinking. i thought the color version would take me longer than it did. So..... i have been done for about 20 minutes now, and I still have another half an hour to go. whee. lets see, already played the games on my ipod, doodled for a bit..... started to do some touch ups on my logos, which really didnt need touch ups, and so i came very close to actually ruining one of them.... so i decided to stop being so anal before i did some really really bad damage. Now I am on the computer. I have already taken an online quiz, checked both emails, and now i am on here. BORED! grrr. why can't she just let me go early? oh well. whatever.
ok, i think i am gonna go take another online quiz or something.
bye bye



i dont even know.
weird moods lately. that sucks.
roommate grating on my nerves - but she is in florida for til tues, so i have a nice little break. i just want soccer season to start so she will not be in the room so much anymore.
time couldnt be going more slowly.
i need a job, but dont want one, and i dunno if they will even accept me cause i am gonna be asking for a lot of time off..... and then i wont be here all summer. hmm
thoughts bumping around in my head. cant concentrate on homework worth a shit. german test tomorrow that i should study for but my brain has been addled for the day by plato. grr. i wanna stab that book through the heart.
this weekend was.... ok. fri we stayed in and watched movies and got chinese food. yum yum yum. then sat i did nothing, well errands and such, then we went to a party. the party was shitty and i was not in a going out mood at all. so........ that wasnt so fun. came back here and took care of erin (she had a little too much to drink)....... which made my tummy hurt (gagged a few times). and today i have been wasting time and doing homework. more wasting time than anything else though.
i dont like being in this mood. it sucks. i am not happy, but not sad. just kinda here.
oh well.



i dunno, just felt like posting.
been pretty busy producing another tape measure, so havent had much time for thinkin or anything, which is probably good... i have been thinking a little about some stuff the past day tho. yesterday i went bowling with Ellen, her boyfriend Eric, his bro Chris, and his girlfriend Katie (that was confusing - two katies - not good). I don't really know Eric very well, and this was the first time i had ever met Chris and Katie. I felt kinda awkward. They were so nice and everything, but I just couldnt help feeling like a 5th wheel most of the time. So that was alright. It was better than sitting around the dorm like I would have if I hadnt gone.

oh, i only have 5 minutes left on my cell phone for the rest of the month (well, til the 26th).... so call my room phone, text me, or talk to me online. or call me if its the weekend, cause then i have free minutes. yay

oh and my spring break is feb 25th through march 5th. if anyone is gonna be in town or anything - call me!
la la la, just kinda thinkin about stuff, but i dont really feel like articultating it here.


a bit of bragging....

ok so today i was rather productive - i went to two classes, got lots of homework done, got a job application (for the bookstore), and made a model of a tape measure. that's right, you read it right, a model of a tape measure.

for my 3d class, we make models of things in cardboard. so i made my first of three models of the tape measure tonight (we have to make a 2'' a 4'' and a 6''). i made the 2''. it looks kinda funny cause it is "linear contour" or something along those lines, and so we just make a frame with lines to show where the outer layer would go, and we are supposed to kinda expose the innards, so there is a spool of "tape" in there....

the real one along with some of my detailed plans and drawings:



to give you a bit of an idea of the scale (it's tiny! and the details were so annoying!! grrr. it is actually the same size as the real one.....)


hot boy wall

ok so ashley was a genius and brought "20 years of sexiest men alive". it was a people magazine. so... ashley and i expanded our hot boy wall, just a tad.....


part one (over my desk)

part two (continuing from over my desk to over the bathroom door and down the side)



la la la
i dont really know why i am blogging......i really don't have anything better to do;
i could shower... i think i will do that in a little bit....
i could move around the room - i am thinking of rearranging my side, and ashley said i could... but i dunno, i might be too lazy. lets see. i already know what i am gonna do. so we shall see.
ashley is watching oprah and doin stuff on her computer. i am sitting on my bed, typing this, and talking to carolyn. she is currently sending me an offspring song - spare me the details.
its dark, cloudy, and rainy outside. its actually about 50 degrees outside though, which is nice, but it is windy, which makes it pretty cold. all i have heard about today is that it is snowing in stl. it is supposed to snow here tomorrow. i kinda just want it to be warm again, i dont really care though.
today is friday the thirteenth. its really funny how suspicous some people are. I am actually kinda happy today becuase today is 11 months for me and Nick. It is really weird thinking about that. It doesnt seem like it has been that long. Its also weird because the last anniversary that i actually spent in stl was august, so 5 months ago. that makes me kinda sad to think about, but oh well, what can you do?
I don't know what i am doing this weekend. i have heard a lot about people wanting to go to parties or to soupie's (the bar that is about three blocks away, that has a dance floor and stuff)... but i dont have much money, and i dont really feel like doing that stuff. Jenna's birthday was last week and so i think we are going out to dinner for her bday tomorrow night. that will be fun. I dunno what i am gonna do this weekend, cause i dont want to hang out here alone, but i really dont feel like party hopping or whatever, and probably babysitting drunk or tipsy people. blech.
blah mood. headache..... i think i am gonna take some meds and take a shower


my little box...

I see you are admiring my little box....

hehe, for my 3d class, my homework was to make a 6 inch box, paint it red and black, and make it "seamless" (don't have the edges of the cardboard showing). I am quite proud of my little box thank you! Its funny. hehe. so yeah, the first of my many 3d projects. :)



havin a kinda hard time at the moment. its fun bein back at school with my xavier buddies, but i would rather be at home, with all my stl buddies and nick. oh well, not much i can really do at the moment. my classes seem alright, lots of work. blech. yup. ok, gotta go buy some school supplies and such. whoop dee doo.



Greetings from Buffalo.
The plane trips were good, everything on time and such. i was sooo sleepy. i napped on the second flight, but not the first. I landed in buffalo, and went straight to a restaurant where most of my aunts and uncles and cousins were. I got some good old buffalo pizza (mmmm yummy in my tummy. i could eat that stuff all day). Then we went to the funeral home. The wake was really sad. I didn't cry, but I came close a few times. The wake always kinda creeps me out. I don't like looking at the body, because they never look like how they did when they were alive, so it just messes with my memories of them. For example, my grandpa always had very full almost purpleish lips, and they were always slightly open, but his lips were stretched tight, and were almost pinkish from all the makeup. It just didn't look right. And his skin was too pink, my grandpa had a more olive complexion. It just doesnt look right. I dont like wakes. It was really good seeing all my cousins and relatives. I am really glad that I came now, because now I realize that I need to be here for my family, and I need them more than I thought I did. When I was in stl, I was kinda denying the fact that grandpa had died, and now, since I am here, I have to come face to face with it, and I think it will really help tomorrow (the funeral) will help.
Tomorrow is gonna be a hard day, I know that I am gonna cry at the funeral. I almost started crying a few times today when a few of my cousins teared up. Especially when I saw John wipe some tears away, cause he is always ... i dunno. tough isnt exactly the word, but i guess more closed, business like..... i dunno. (this is random, but I think he was a lot like stuey from family guy when he was little).
So, tomorrow I am going to a prayer service at the funeral home, then to the church for the funeral, then the gravesite. Then I think I am hanging out with my family for a little while. My plane takes off at 3:30 or so I think...... I should be back in stl around 8 (central time).

I just read my grandpa's obituary. Here is my shortened version. Herbert Ignatius Sturm. born March 30, 1920, died Jan 4, 2006. He was 85, and died from parkinsons disease. Grace, wife of 58 years, is now 84. Had 6 children (Mary, Herb, Grace, Tom, Kathy, Jim). and 20 Grandkids (I am not going to name us all). So far has 4 great grandkids with another on the way (Jacob, Caleb, Jesse, and Anna). Worked as a production manager for General Mills. Served for 4 years in the army (stateside) during WW2. Loved to play piano and the organ.

Ok, that was just a random thing for me, you don't have to read it. It just was kinda my thoughts.....


my head hurts

it has been an....... (choose one of the following: horrific, stressful, emotional, tired, headachey, runny nosey)........ morning.
My grandpa died a little after 6:00 am (Eastern time). His wake is thursday and friday and the funeral is saturday morning.
My dad woke me up this morning to tell me about grandpa.
My mom woke me up at 11:00 this morning to tell me to make my decison. Here were my choices:
1- Pack up all my stuff and leave stl in a few hours, without saying goodbye to any of my friends or boyfriend, and go to Buffalo with my parents for the funeral. Then have my parents drive me back to cinci on sunday or fly back to cinci on sunday from buffalo.
2- stay home and go back to cinci on sunday as planned.

so basically, choose family or friends.

to sum up the next hour: i cried, and blew my nose, and then cried. got a gigantic headache, which impeded decision-making. wished i could go back to sleep..... called carolyn. cried. got a brilliant idea from carolyn. nick called, cried some more. took a shower. collected my thoughts. figured out my plan of action:
1- pitch carolyn's idea to the rent's. carolyn's idea being: fly up for the funeral on friday. so i get to stay in stl for a few more days and i get to be with my family.
2- if one fails, leave with my parents for buffalo in a few hours.

so i pitch the plan to my mom, and find out that the plane would cost about $450. Pricey, yes? But she likes the plan, because if i fly back to stl on saturday, i can still ride with sam to cinci and my mom and dad can stay in buffalo a few extra days. She has to talk to my dad about it (he was at work still, to come home in about an hour). my job now : pack.

so I pack. the majority of my stuff being packed, my mom calls me back downstairs. they have decided that carolyn's plan is what we are gonna do. (THANK YOU CAROLYN! YOU ARE A GENIUS AND I OWE YOU MY LIFE)

Final Plan of Action:
-Parents leave today to go to Buffalo.
-I fly to Buffalo on Friday - leaving stl at11:00 in the am. (Anyone wanna give me a ride to the airport? i will love you forever!!) I have a layover in cincinnati (how ironic is that?)
-I go to the wake on friday and the funeral on saturday.
-I fly back to stl on saturday - arriving in stl around 8:00 (Anyone wanna pick me up? I will love you for forever and a day!!!)
-I leave sunday to return to Cincinnati

So that was my morning. Now i have a humongous freaking headache. I think i may take a nap.


this is for keegs

Keegan wanted me to post pics of my drawings. so here some are.
these are all pretty old..... cause i dont have my sketchbook with me, these are from my old sketchbook with a couple drawings from today.

this is from the pic of my earring (i posted it a few posts before this one). i drew this one today.

Calvin. one of my favorite comic book characters.

My favorite xmen - Shadowcat with Lockheed. I love this one. the picture turned out kinda bad, but the drawing actually looks really good. I drew this in march of 03.

Kate Winslet and Leann Rimes. When I got bored at work (karate) i would draw pics from the US Weekly. This is from last year - over the summer i think.

Hobbes. My other favorite comic book character.

Sailor Venus. hehehe. If you cant read the saying - it says "Life's all about Boys. Gotta have 'em". :):) Drawn freshman year.

Arwen. I drew this last year... i think.


I found out yesterday that my Grandpa is really sick. He isn't eating. He is probably going to die soon. He has parkinsons diesease and has lived in a nursing home for a while now (i can't remember how many years). Its really sad going to visit him, because he rarely talks and he looks so sick. It is hard to tell if he recognizes us at all. Some days it seems like he knows what is going on and who is talking to him. It is just hard for me to see, because I have very little memory of him when he was well. He lives up in Buffalo, and so i only see him once or twice a year. He started getting sicker when i was rather little, and so i have very few good memories of a healthy grandpa. I remember sitting on his lap, or next to him, and wondering why his hands shook and jiggled. I remember him playing the piano at Thanksgiving mass, and when we would visit him at home. I remember playing the piano for him and seeing him be so proud of me. I miss that Grandpa. And its weird, because since that Grandpa has been gone for so long, it seems almost like he died then and the Grandpa I have now is a totally different person. I feel bad, because I feel like I should be more upset than I am about Grandpa dying.
Another weird thing I have been thinking about is that, when he dies, I will only have one Grandparent left. My Grandma Fortune died of cancer when I was one (Thanksgiving of 1987) and Grandpa Fortune died of colon cancer when I was 13 (Valentine's day of 2000). My Grandma Sturm is still alive and very well.
Death is so weird. I thought about this a lot a while ago as well becuase we were talking about Euthanasia in theology. Is is better to die with dignity early on in the illness, or suffer and live as long as possible and let God take your life? I was really torn, because I have seen the effects of terrible illnesses on both of my Grandpas and both of the familes as well. It causes so much suffering to watch them die so slowly, but does that make it ok to take their life? Some people hold out in hopes of a miracle, or some kind of cure.......
I dunno.
I just don't know.