So after many birthday celebrations and such ashley and i decided to start our "hot boys" wall. We went through magazines and ripped out pics of guys and our goal is to cover one wall with em. i then decided to tear out pics that i thought were cool and i plastered them all over the wall over my bed. It looks so cool.
I havent got presents from parents and such yet. But Nick gave me my presents over fall break - a stuffed monkey, a necklace, and 8 roses. :):):):):) <3 <3
More gifts i got from friends are: Tim gave me an apple from the caf; Ashley, Tim, Ellen, Caitlin, and Christina made me a million signs and printed out lots of get fuzzy comics (now adorning my walls) wishing me happy bday. They came into my room at midnight and sang me happy bday and such. it was awesome.
ok so pics:
the wall the way it used to be (i moved my bed a while back too...)

the new wall! woo!!

ok so the pics go :
old wall
new wall
mr. monkey
my necklace
and the boy wall (still under contruction)
ugh what an ugly monkey...must have come from a stupid boy that likes to play jokes...stupid boy...
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