today is the last day of classes. i had german this morning - after class i asked my teacher about the oral exam (not too horrible) and she was tellin me that she really thinks i should continue in german. i am thinking of maybe doing a minor, but if i go for a bfa (bachelor of fine arts) i will be really really busy. I am currently doing ba (bachelor of arts) and I would have time for it. so.... i dunno what to do. cause a bfa would look really good on a resume, but going far in german would as well...... hmmm.......
so that was my last class of the day - i have philosophy later but I am not going because it is just review, and he said it is optional, and the review for the midterm didn't help me at all, and my notes are really good, and when i was looking over the sheet i knew the questions, so..... i am done with classes! yay!
after that I came back to my room, and napped. well, kinda. maybe for about an hour. I just kinda layed there with my ipod on, listening to my "relax" playlist - aka music that is slower, or that i just feel like listening to when i feel like relaxing and such - so i drifted in and out of sleep, and when i was awake, i just kinda thought about stuff. so now i am in a really mellow, contemplative mood, which is good i guess. I just get tired of thinking about some things that are bothering me becuase I just go around in circles, thinking bascially the same things and coming to basically the same conclusions. so yeah. haven't decided yet if all this thinking was a good or bad idea, because i still haven't really decided what to do about some stuff. well, one thing.
but yeah, don't feel like writing about it here.
i am gonna go to lunch in a little bit with richter and erin, and after that i am gonna go up to cohen (art building) and work on my lamp project. For my final project in that class, we have to build a lamp. Fuly functional etc. So usually, classes have about a month, month and a half or so to work on this. My class got a week. Fun? no. Technically we got half of a class to present ideas to him and have him modify/reject/ok stuff, and then we got one class to have him show us how to use the woodshop and other tools and stuff. so basically, the lamp is still just drawn out on this big piece of wood i have, waiting to be cut out, and it is due on tuesday. I am also kinda stuck, because Kelly (my teacher) said no one could use the saws etc without him there, so I have to go up there and wait for him to have free time to help me use them. fun. this is gonna take a while. So, I am going to attempt to do that later today. We shall see how that goes. I hope my lamp turns out cool though, in my head it looks really cool - the little model has potential. but we shall see i guess.
stole from steph
bold the items that pertain to you.
ok, so i dunno how to bold stuff..... sooo i am just gonna put a little tabby thing or something next to stuff i have done.
I am male.
--- I am female.
I'm tall.
---I'm short.
I have long hair.
---I have shoulder length hair.
I have short hair.
I always wear my hair down.
I always wear my hair up.
---I wear it both ways.
I wear pigtails.
---I've dyed my hair.
I am single.
---I am taken.
---I am in love.
I am married.
---I want to get married eventually.
I'm not sure if I want to get married.
I have children.
---I want children someday.
I'm not sure if I want children.
---I like long surveys.
---I'm a random person.
---I'm shy.
---I'm friendly.
I'm loud.
---I'm quiet.
I have brown eyes.
I have blue eyes.
I have green eyes.
---I have hazel eyes.
I'm a vegetarian.
I wish I lived somewhere else.
---I like where I live.
---I've traveled out of the country.
My favorite kind of movies are romantic.
---My favorite kind of movies are comedy.
My favorite kind of movies are dramatic.
My favorite kind of movies are action.
---I have a best friend.
I have a fetish.
---My favorite kind of music is rock.
My favorite kind of music is pop.
My favorite kind of music is country.
My favorite kind of music is rap.
My favorite kind of music is hip hop.
My favorite kind of music is classic rock.
My favorite kind of music is punk.
My favorite kind of music is metal.
My favorite kind of music is industrial.
My favorite kind of music is classical.
---My favorite kind of music is emo/screamo.
---My favorite kind of music is something not mentioned.
I'm scared of clowns.
---I'm scared of spiders.
---I'm scared of death.
I'm scared of heights.
I'm scared of commitment.
I'm scared of the supernatural.
I'm scared of blood.
I'm scared of the dark.
I'm scared of thunder/lightening.
I'm scared of needles.
I'm scared of something not common.
I get scared easily.
I'm not really scared of anything.
It takes a lot to scare me.
My favorite TV show is a reality show.
I always eat breakfast.
---I'm online too much.
I watch too much TV.
---I like video games.
---I love art.
---I can draw well.
I cant draw to save my life.
I like school.
I have a job.
---My future career has something to do with the arts.
My future career has something to do with the law.
My future career has something to do with medicine.
My future career has something to do with entertainment.
My future career has something to do with kids.
My future career has something to do with animals.
I wear make up.
I can't live without my guitar.
I cant live without my drumset.
I cant live without my piano/keyboard.
---I can't live without my phone.
---I can't live without my computer.
I can't live without my camera.
I can't live without my TV.
My favorite color is blue.
My favorite color is red.
---My favorite color is green.
My favorite color is orange.
My favorite color is black.
My favorite color is yellow.
My favorite color is white.
My favorite color is pink.
My favorite color is purple.
---I'm against war.
I support war.
I dont really care about war.
---My room is messy.
---I share a room.
I have my own.
---I live with both my parents (some times during the year).
I live with my mom.
I live with my dad.
I dont live with my parents.
I have brothers.
---I have sisters.
---They're older.
They're younger.
Some are older, some are younger.
---I get along with my siblings.
I'm an only child.
---I get sad easily.
---I get mad easily.
---I get annoyed easily.
---I get disappointed easily.
---I get bored easily.
---I'm easily amused.
I laugh when I'm nervous.
---I stutter when I'm nervous.
I bite my nails.
I chew on pens.
I shake my leg.
---I can sing well.
---I love to sing.
I suck at singing but I do it anyway.
I sing in the shower.
I've been in a car accident.
I've been stung by a bee.
I've sprained my ankle.
I've broken a bone.
---I've gotten stitches.
I've been rushed to the hospital in an ambulance.
---I have an iPod.
I have an MP3 player.
---I have a CD player.
---I download music.
I have pets.
I've smoked a ciggerette.
I've smoked weed.
I've done hard drugs.
---I like to read.
I like to write.
---I'm allergic to something.
I have a lot of money.
I'm sick.
I've cut myself.
---I regret some things I've done
---I believe in God.
I'm Atheist.
---I'm Christian.
I'm Wiccan.
I'm Satanic.
---I'm Catholic.
I'm Jewish.
I'm Muslim.
I'm Mormon.
I'm Agnostic.
I'm a Jehovah's Witness.
I'm something not mentioned here.
I've kissed someone of the same sex.
---I've kissed someone of the opposite sex.
---I've dated someone for over a year.
I've never had a boy/girl friend.
---I've gotten attached to someone.
---I like someone right now.
---They like me, too.
They dont like me.
They dont know I like them.
---I like one of my friends.
I have a lava lamp.
---I have candles.
I have incense.
I have a black light.
---I wear jewelry.
I have a favorite actor.
I have a favorite actress.
---I still have something from when I was a baby.
---I have stuffed animals.
I'm a shopoholic.
I'm eating.
I'm drinking something.
---I'm watching something.
I'm listening to music.
I'm a hypocondriac.
I have ADD.
---I have my ears pierced.
I have my eyebrow pierced.
I have my lip pierced.
I have my tounge pierced.
I have my nose pierced.
I have my bellybutton pierced.
---I want more piercings.
I have a tattoo.
I want a tattoo.
---I chew gum.
---I eat mints.
---I paint my nails.
I wear glasses.
I wear contacts.
I wear perfume.
---I wear skirts.
---I wear body spray.
I wear a watch.
---I carry a wallet.
I have braces.
I wear retainers.
---I mostly wear pants.
I mostly wear skirts.
I mostly wear shorts.
I mostly wear tank tops.
---I mostly wear t-shirts.
I mostly wear long sleeved.
I have lots of clothes.
I have lots of shoes.
My favorite season is winter.
My favorite season is summer.
---My favorite season is spring.
My favorite season is fall.
---I'm a hopeless romantic.
I'd rather live in the country then the city.
---I'd rather live in the city then the country.
I like writing letters.
ok, so i dunno how to bold stuff..... sooo i am just gonna put a little tabby thing or something next to stuff i have done.
I am male.
--- I am female.
I'm tall.
---I'm short.
I have long hair.
---I have shoulder length hair.
I have short hair.
I always wear my hair down.
I always wear my hair up.
---I wear it both ways.
I wear pigtails.
---I've dyed my hair.
I am single.
---I am taken.
---I am in love.
I am married.
---I want to get married eventually.
I'm not sure if I want to get married.
I have children.
---I want children someday.
I'm not sure if I want children.
---I like long surveys.
---I'm a random person.
---I'm shy.
---I'm friendly.
I'm loud.
---I'm quiet.
I have brown eyes.
I have blue eyes.
I have green eyes.
---I have hazel eyes.
I'm a vegetarian.
I wish I lived somewhere else.
---I like where I live.
---I've traveled out of the country.
My favorite kind of movies are romantic.
---My favorite kind of movies are comedy.
My favorite kind of movies are dramatic.
My favorite kind of movies are action.
---I have a best friend.
I have a fetish.
---My favorite kind of music is rock.
My favorite kind of music is pop.
My favorite kind of music is country.
My favorite kind of music is rap.
My favorite kind of music is hip hop.
My favorite kind of music is classic rock.
My favorite kind of music is punk.
My favorite kind of music is metal.
My favorite kind of music is industrial.
My favorite kind of music is classical.
---My favorite kind of music is emo/screamo.
---My favorite kind of music is something not mentioned.
I'm scared of clowns.
---I'm scared of spiders.
---I'm scared of death.
I'm scared of heights.
I'm scared of commitment.
I'm scared of the supernatural.
I'm scared of blood.
I'm scared of the dark.
I'm scared of thunder/lightening.
I'm scared of needles.
I'm scared of something not common.
I get scared easily.
I'm not really scared of anything.
It takes a lot to scare me.
My favorite TV show is a reality show.
I always eat breakfast.
---I'm online too much.
I watch too much TV.
---I like video games.
---I love art.
---I can draw well.
I cant draw to save my life.
I like school.
I have a job.
---My future career has something to do with the arts.
My future career has something to do with the law.
My future career has something to do with medicine.
My future career has something to do with entertainment.
My future career has something to do with kids.
My future career has something to do with animals.
I wear make up.
I can't live without my guitar.
I cant live without my drumset.
I cant live without my piano/keyboard.
---I can't live without my phone.
---I can't live without my computer.
I can't live without my camera.
I can't live without my TV.
My favorite color is blue.
My favorite color is red.
---My favorite color is green.
My favorite color is orange.
My favorite color is black.
My favorite color is yellow.
My favorite color is white.
My favorite color is pink.
My favorite color is purple.
---I'm against war.
I support war.
I dont really care about war.
---My room is messy.
---I share a room.
I have my own.
---I live with both my parents (some times during the year).
I live with my mom.
I live with my dad.
I dont live with my parents.
I have brothers.
---I have sisters.
---They're older.
They're younger.
Some are older, some are younger.
---I get along with my siblings.
I'm an only child.
---I get sad easily.
---I get mad easily.
---I get annoyed easily.
---I get disappointed easily.
---I get bored easily.
---I'm easily amused.
I laugh when I'm nervous.
---I stutter when I'm nervous.
I bite my nails.
I chew on pens.
I shake my leg.
---I can sing well.
---I love to sing.
I suck at singing but I do it anyway.
I sing in the shower.
I've been in a car accident.
I've been stung by a bee.
I've sprained my ankle.
I've broken a bone.
---I've gotten stitches.
I've been rushed to the hospital in an ambulance.
---I have an iPod.
I have an MP3 player.
---I have a CD player.
---I download music.
I have pets.
I've smoked a ciggerette.
I've smoked weed.
I've done hard drugs.
---I like to read.
I like to write.
---I'm allergic to something.
I have a lot of money.
I'm sick.
I've cut myself.
---I regret some things I've done
---I believe in God.
I'm Atheist.
---I'm Christian.
I'm Wiccan.
I'm Satanic.
---I'm Catholic.
I'm Jewish.
I'm Muslim.
I'm Mormon.
I'm Agnostic.
I'm a Jehovah's Witness.
I'm something not mentioned here.
I've kissed someone of the same sex.
---I've kissed someone of the opposite sex.
---I've dated someone for over a year.
I've never had a boy/girl friend.
---I've gotten attached to someone.
---I like someone right now.
---They like me, too.
They dont like me.
They dont know I like them.
---I like one of my friends.
I have a lava lamp.
---I have candles.
I have incense.
I have a black light.
---I wear jewelry.
I have a favorite actor.
I have a favorite actress.
---I still have something from when I was a baby.
---I have stuffed animals.
I'm a shopoholic.
I'm eating.
I'm drinking something.
---I'm watching something.
I'm listening to music.
I'm a hypocondriac.
I have ADD.
---I have my ears pierced.
I have my eyebrow pierced.
I have my lip pierced.
I have my tounge pierced.
I have my nose pierced.
I have my bellybutton pierced.
---I want more piercings.
I have a tattoo.
I want a tattoo.
---I chew gum.
---I eat mints.
---I paint my nails.
I wear glasses.
I wear contacts.
I wear perfume.
---I wear skirts.
---I wear body spray.
I wear a watch.
---I carry a wallet.
I have braces.
I wear retainers.
---I mostly wear pants.
I mostly wear skirts.
I mostly wear shorts.
I mostly wear tank tops.
---I mostly wear t-shirts.
I mostly wear long sleeved.
I have lots of clothes.
I have lots of shoes.
My favorite season is winter.
My favorite season is summer.
---My favorite season is spring.
My favorite season is fall.
---I'm a hopeless romantic.
I'd rather live in the country then the city.
---I'd rather live in the city then the country.
I like writing letters.
it's late....
so.... it's late, and i can't really sleep. I already tried for about the past half hour. I am just not sleepy. I am ready for summer. I have one week of classes left, and then three days of exams (i don't have any on monday, and my last one is on thursday). I leave on friday to go home. I am excited to go home, I am getting tired of being here. I love the people here, but I need a break from some of them. I can't wait to see all of stl friends again, and hang out with them. It wasn't too awkward over breaks and things, so I hope the summer will be fun. Working won't be - I think I am going to work three or four days a week from 9 to 3 at the cardiology clinic filing paperwork, like i did last summer. whoopee. But at least it is easy, I don't have to deal with bitchy people, and I get paid pretty well. So hopefully that won't be too terrible, and I won't go insane. I can just see myself sittin in a corner reciting my abc's over and over again. Last summer I even started to do it in my sleep a little bit. I am hoping the ipod will help this summer, it did help for the few weeks that i had it last summer.
I packed up some of my stuff today. winter clothes and some random things like my art stuff from last semsester, and some things from my desk that I don't need, like random books and such.
My keyboard is annoying me. I think I got something under the keys on accident, and it keeps moving, since I have my computer on my lap a lot and stuff, so random keys don't work very well sometimes. At the moment it is the ; key. Not that I use the key very much, but it is frustrating when I press it on accident, and thinking that it is the correct key, I keep hitting it until it works.... and i realize it was the wrong key to begin with. I think when I give Petey over to the mac people to fix him (the ethernet plug is messed up - therefore disconnecting me when i move the computer slightly. which is why i sign on and off aim A LOT. Sorry if it bugs you :)) I am also going to see if there is any way that they can clean under the keys, I mean they have to basically take the whole thing apart, so how hard would a little keyboard cleaning be? hmm?
still not sleepy.......
ok, well this obviously isn't making me any sleepier. so goodnight all.
I packed up some of my stuff today. winter clothes and some random things like my art stuff from last semsester, and some things from my desk that I don't need, like random books and such.
My keyboard is annoying me. I think I got something under the keys on accident, and it keeps moving, since I have my computer on my lap a lot and stuff, so random keys don't work very well sometimes. At the moment it is the ; key. Not that I use the key very much, but it is frustrating when I press it on accident, and thinking that it is the correct key, I keep hitting it until it works.... and i realize it was the wrong key to begin with. I think when I give Petey over to the mac people to fix him (the ethernet plug is messed up - therefore disconnecting me when i move the computer slightly. which is why i sign on and off aim A LOT. Sorry if it bugs you :)) I am also going to see if there is any way that they can clean under the keys, I mean they have to basically take the whole thing apart, so how hard would a little keyboard cleaning be? hmm?
still not sleepy.......
ok, well this obviously isn't making me any sleepier. so goodnight all.
who do i look like?
(i stole this idea from peter)
my heritage has a face recognition thingy where you can compare your face to this database of celebrities and find out who you look like.
so i do
(here is the pic i used)

so it tells me that i look like:
Isabella Rosellini (74%) - she looked kinda odd, so we are gonna skip that one and pretend like it didn't say that.
Kristin Kreuk (67%) - you know, the girl from the wb's superman show.
Rachel Weisz (66%) - Mummy Returns, About a Boy, Constantine, etc etc
Reese Witherspoon (64%) - i really don't think you need a description.
Anne Hathaway (64%) - Brokeback Mountain, Princess Diaries, etc
Mary Kate Olsen (64%) - its a really old picture of her (like at age 13), but whatever.
Audrey Tautou (54%) - Amelie
Eva Longoria (53%) - Desperate Housewives
I am not so sure about all those, but whatever, I take some of them as a compliment. lol. I have always been told that i look kinda like Christina Ricci as well, but who knows. :)
my heritage has a face recognition thingy where you can compare your face to this database of celebrities and find out who you look like.
so i do
(here is the pic i used)

so it tells me that i look like:
Isabella Rosellini (74%) - she looked kinda odd, so we are gonna skip that one and pretend like it didn't say that.
Kristin Kreuk (67%) - you know, the girl from the wb's superman show.
Rachel Weisz (66%) - Mummy Returns, About a Boy, Constantine, etc etc
Reese Witherspoon (64%) - i really don't think you need a description.
Anne Hathaway (64%) - Brokeback Mountain, Princess Diaries, etc
Mary Kate Olsen (64%) - its a really old picture of her (like at age 13), but whatever.
Audrey Tautou (54%) - Amelie
Eva Longoria (53%) - Desperate Housewives
I am not so sure about all those, but whatever, I take some of them as a compliment. lol. I have always been told that i look kinda like Christina Ricci as well, but who knows. :)
ok so i stole this from sarah. i was bored, looking through my list of blogs and such, and decided to do this.
1. Yourself: me
2. Your Lover: fantastic
3. Your Hair: messy
4. Your Mother: wonderful
5. Your Father: cute
6. Your Favourite Item: petey
7. Your Dream Last Night: wheelchair
8. Your Favourite Drink: fanta
9. Your Dream Home: artsy
10. The Room You Are In: dorm
11. Your Pet: gone
12. Who You Are Now: student
13. Who You Want to be in Ten Years: designer
14. What You Want to be in Ten Years: happy
15. What You're Not: depressed
16. Your Best Friend: dunno
17. One of Your Wish list Items: car
18. Your Gender: female
19. The Last Thing You Did: phone
20. What You Are Wearing: jeans
21. Your Favourite Weather: sunny
22. Your Favourite Book: harry
23. The Last Thing You Ate: pretzel
24. Your Life: hilarious
25. Your Mood: eh
ok, so an update from yesterday's post - back to working on the wheelchair probably. i had class today, and the girl was there, but Mike (the guy) wasn't. We left a message on his phone for him to call us, but who knows. Kailin (the girl) is actually doing a lot of work now. She is making the wheels, so I am not mad at her anymore. I am pissed at Mike. But Kelly (my teacher) today was talking to me and Kailin because he can tell that Mike hasn't been around and is doing like no work, and so he was like "make sure you write all of that in your evaluations, because I want to know the truth." and he was saying that we each get individual grades, and if he did no work, and what we did does look good etc etc we would get a good grade, and he would end up with a shitty one probably, if he doesn't pick it up and actually start working. The due date was pushed back - one class day. Which doesn't seem like much, but it will really really help a lot. So that is good, but I am still probably going to go up there and work on it tonight.
1. Yourself: me
2. Your Lover: fantastic
3. Your Hair: messy
4. Your Mother: wonderful
5. Your Father: cute
6. Your Favourite Item: petey
7. Your Dream Last Night: wheelchair
8. Your Favourite Drink: fanta
9. Your Dream Home: artsy
10. The Room You Are In: dorm
11. Your Pet: gone
12. Who You Are Now: student
13. Who You Want to be in Ten Years: designer
14. What You Want to be in Ten Years: happy
15. What You're Not: depressed
16. Your Best Friend: dunno
17. One of Your Wish list Items: car
18. Your Gender: female
19. The Last Thing You Did: phone
20. What You Are Wearing: jeans
21. Your Favourite Weather: sunny
22. Your Favourite Book: harry
23. The Last Thing You Ate: pretzel
24. Your Life: hilarious
25. Your Mood: eh
ok, so an update from yesterday's post - back to working on the wheelchair probably. i had class today, and the girl was there, but Mike (the guy) wasn't. We left a message on his phone for him to call us, but who knows. Kailin (the girl) is actually doing a lot of work now. She is making the wheels, so I am not mad at her anymore. I am pissed at Mike. But Kelly (my teacher) today was talking to me and Kailin because he can tell that Mike hasn't been around and is doing like no work, and so he was like "make sure you write all of that in your evaluations, because I want to know the truth." and he was saying that we each get individual grades, and if he did no work, and what we did does look good etc etc we would get a good grade, and he would end up with a shitty one probably, if he doesn't pick it up and actually start working. The due date was pushed back - one class day. Which doesn't seem like much, but it will really really help a lot. So that is good, but I am still probably going to go up there and work on it tonight.
Death by Cardboard
So I haven't posted in a while. Sorry. Life has been kinda crazy. I have been working almost non-stop on a 3-d project. It is a group project, but my group is involved in sac and there was a guster concert here this weekend, so they were really busy for the entire past week and didn't work on it at all. So I have been building a full size wheelchair all by myself. full size, as in 3 feet tall, and out of cardboard. Yup, life was pretty shitty for a few days there. But, I have talked to my group, and now that guster is over, they have told me (literally) to stop working on it and they will finish the rest. so I am takin it easy now. finally happy to be done with that dumb thing. hopefully it will look awesome, cause the half scale looked cool. but yeah, life outside of 3d has basically been sleep. but hopefully it will get better over break, and then right back to the grind for another 2 weeks and then the 4 days of exams. then SUMMER! wooo!! I am excited. ok, enough for now :)
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