Who had humanities with me?? That's right -you guys rock. Well remember how i wrote all those quotes on the back of my binder? Some of them are rubbing off so I decided to immortalize them by writing them on the blog. And I thought it might brighten a few days and start some laughs and some good memories. For all those who didnt have humanities - read anyway cause they are funny and I am sure he used some of the same jokes. :) Enjoy.
Mozart was a badass
Violin is second fiddle!! (a joke that only he got – because he sat there laughing and slapping his knee while all of us stared at him…)
Music is no longer the red-headed stepchild in the family of humanity.
Can you call a man a brunette? He’s a brunette….
Pardon me as I moisturize…
I love it when you call me big papa…. Haydn. (singing)
The music history train begins…. All aboard!! WOO WOO!!!
My redneck past nips at my heels
Nice gambs (legs)
To castrate….. (pause)…..ooohh (looking castrate up in the dictionary)
Are you a woman of excellence??? (what the one lady yelled at him when he tried to take a cookie on the “women of excellence” day)
Belioz took the baton from Beethoven and carried on with music history in his left hand.
I have found that if I stay quiet than I lose you in 15 seconds. I feel like I am performing. LOOK!! SHINY SHINY!!!!
School isn’t punishment for being a teenager.
Even as I was writing this I was like – God this is so boring!! I don’t want to write another word!!
Some people kept their hearts on their sleeves. Sant Columbe took his out and rubbed it all over himself.
Look at this church – it looks like it has been burned by the hand of art. Baroque puked in this church!
There is so much negativity towards this class that I think if we did anything else it would be hateful.\
Awwwww….. dude! (while looking for his pen)
Baroque blah blah blah... oooh!! A penny!! Oh No!! wrong side up! Don't Touch!! Anyway- Baroque.... (he didn't really say blah blah blah, but i wasn't paying attention so i can't actually write what he was saying)
I am trying to get the lights to turn on... it's like we are in a club! ooonz ooonz ooonz oonz (light flickers) - (he was flicking the lights on and off and making the club beat noise)
Here are some quotes from choir as well. That binder didn''t have as many on it and they are rubbing off really badly (these are the only ones I can read and I can't find the paper that I wrote them all down on). So here they are. Enjoy. :)
I am a delicate flower!
I have the brain of a two year old!
SCARE THE CHILDREN (talking about when we sing Carmina Burana)
Joyrides in the car of digression
Embrace the dissonance (while making the hugging motion with his arms)
Have you ever tried to catch a greased pig??
my toes were chilly!!!!
Today was the first day its been in the 50s. i wake up and it is 56 degrees outside!! i pull on jeans, a long sleeved shirt, and my fuzzy jacket. yay for fall!!! it is so nice to be slightly chilly outside. my toes were cold in my flip flops as i walked! hhehe. yay for fall cause that means my birthday is soon!! woo!! i am gonna be 19! Ashley (my roomie) is turning 18 the day after me! How weird is that? 48 hour party in our room = thats what that means. The only problem is that our birthdays are on a tues and a wednesday. taht is stinky. oh well. :) FALL!!!
sorry about the emo-ness of that last post. 3 in the morning is not a good time to be thinking about such things. so yeah, life is better now. so thats good. i have decided though that i am an insomniac. i have had a lot of trouble falling asleep the past few nights. its kinda annoying - especially since i can't fall asleep til 2:30 and i have to get up at 8. yay for 5 and a half hours of sleep. katie is not a happy camper on 5 and a half hours of sleep. but that is what naps are for? right? but then naps make me not sleepy and therefore i can't fall asleep at night. its a vicious vicious cycle...
why am i in a shitty mood? its 1:54 in the morn. i had an ok day, i didnt do much. i just kinda got depressed feelin a few hours ago, and the feeling hasnt gone away. i have a few reasons, but i dont really want to post em on here.... too many people read this thing. i hate being alone and having too much time to contemplate. that sucks. alone time is nice, but not when you dont have fun things to think about
edit: ok so basically one of the big things is that i miss you guys. a lot. and don't you just love how pms makes me really really depressed and i therefore spend an hour crying at 2:30 in the morning which then gives me such a bad headache that i can't fall asleep for who knows how long cause its 3:20 and i am still awake and i dont see sleep anywhere in the near future. oh and still crying a little of course. which is also fun cause i have a stuffy nose already which runs when you cry and therefore i can't really breathe. great times. gotta love being at least three hundred a sixty miles from the nearest friend. yeah. college is a blast.
edit: ok so basically one of the big things is that i miss you guys. a lot. and don't you just love how pms makes me really really depressed and i therefore spend an hour crying at 2:30 in the morning which then gives me such a bad headache that i can't fall asleep for who knows how long cause its 3:20 and i am still awake and i dont see sleep anywhere in the near future. oh and still crying a little of course. which is also fun cause i have a stuffy nose already which runs when you cry and therefore i can't really breathe. great times. gotta love being at least three hundred a sixty miles from the nearest friend. yeah. college is a blast.
fantastic morning
I love fridays!! My first class starts at 11:30, so i dont get up til.... 11:10 or so. :) gotta love college. Anyway. So this morning i am woken up by a telemarketer - that wasn't cool cause people with accents asking you for information are very confusing when you have just woken up. So after a few minutes of "i dont want it!!!" i think she finally gave up and let me go. So then i was kinda pissed, but it was 11:00, so who cares. I get up eat a little, dance around to my alarm (it is currently set to a mix cd that i made, so it was playing "tilt ya head back" by nelly and christina). so then i look outside and its raining. I was like DAMN! but then i realized a few things. 1- i have an umbrella. 2- i only have one class today. 3- the class isnt far away and it definatly isnt in the building i have to walk to every day (except FRIDAYS!) that is way way way up this hill. WOO! Oh and another thnig that makes this morning fantastic is that i don't feel shitty still! I felt terrible all day yesterday from this damn cold - but today it seems to have decided to stop making my head fuzzy and headachey. woo. And i had some weird dreams last night, some were weird, others were cool. i haven't been able to remember my dreams in ages so it is fun to remember them! woo. oh crap, i better go or i will be late for class. tschuess meine lieben! (bye my loves)
The Worst Morning
So it all began last night. I decided to try and go to sleep around 12:30. I didnt actually fall asleep til 2. As I fell asleep - gee drawing one at 830 in the morning will be a blast. Next thing I know I hear my roommate, Ashley, and suitemate Ellen saying "doesn't she have an 830??" I wake up fully, look at the clock to see that it is 8:53. Fuck. I jump out of bed and get ready so fast. I am out the door by 8:55. Of course it takes about 10 minutes to walk to my class. I get to the room and my teacher teases me. Good times. So then i set up all my stuff and start working on my still life. Since I had woken up moments before my eyes were still blurry and I could barely see. I kept yawning too. About 10 minutes later I start to feel dizzy, guess why. I hadn't had any food yet. I was so hungry. When we do our still lifes - we stand - the whole time. So i got to stand for 2 hours on an empty stomach, a huge headache, and blurry eyes. Halfway through class I realize that in my hurry I left my keys in my room. Great. My roommate has a class and will not be in the room to let me in. My next class starts a half hour after this one ends. MEaning I have little to no time to try and get my stuff. My suitemate Ellen also has a class but I know that Caitlin doesn't - her class starts at 11:30, but i knew that she was going to lunch at 11:00. Which means I would just miss her and therefore not be able to go into the caf since I don't have my wallet either. Great. So he tells us to start cleaning up with just over 5 minutes to go. I stuff my things into my portfolio and bolt. My hands and arms are covered in charcoal. oh well. I race back to the room (and get quite dizzy on the way). Thankfully Caitlin was just leaving and was able to let me into the room. good times. I hope the rest of this miserable day goes a little better.
oOoOoO - ouch
ok so the title is basically my relationship with my right ear.
I got the cartilage pierced on friday! woo! its fun. I really like it. It is just a little silver stud - the cheapest one (well, besides the gold one...). When she first did it, it only felt kinda hot and then a little bit of pressure and such. But it didn't really hurt. It didn't hurt all that day - or the next! Even when i hit it! I even slept on it! it was awesome. Unfortunately today it started to hurt. I hit it today when i was drying my hair after my shower and that hurt really bad. So i guess that now it is going to start being stinky and painful. But i hope not. yep.
nothing else is really going on.... so I think i am just going to end this post now instead of going on for ages and ages about .... nothing.
oh!! i just found out that i may be able to go home for fall break! yay. october 6-9. Skip Young (a sluhzer who goes to xavier) said he might be heading home and he would be able to give me a ride home (for gas money of course).
yep. ok now i am done. :)
I got the cartilage pierced on friday! woo! its fun. I really like it. It is just a little silver stud - the cheapest one (well, besides the gold one...). When she first did it, it only felt kinda hot and then a little bit of pressure and such. But it didn't really hurt. It didn't hurt all that day - or the next! Even when i hit it! I even slept on it! it was awesome. Unfortunately today it started to hurt. I hit it today when i was drying my hair after my shower and that hurt really bad. So i guess that now it is going to start being stinky and painful. But i hope not. yep.
nothing else is really going on.... so I think i am just going to end this post now instead of going on for ages and ages about .... nothing.
oh!! i just found out that i may be able to go home for fall break! yay. october 6-9. Skip Young (a sluhzer who goes to xavier) said he might be heading home and he would be able to give me a ride home (for gas money of course).
yep. ok now i am done. :)
too many words and ideas in my head...
so i have an 830 to 945 theology class on tuesday and thursday mornings. today we were talking about fundamentalism and their beliefs and their political activism etc... that led into a discussion of seperation of church and state. we were talking about it and one guy made a point that i thought was really good. he said that for many people their religious beliefs are their political beliefs and that they cannot be seperated. so why is it that when a person says their beliefs they are listened to (in a political setting) but once they mention something about their religion they are instantly shut down because it is religion and religion and politics must be seperate. it should be that everyone's beliefs are listened to - whether they are religious or not.
i was also thinking about how two people who have the same religion can believe two completely serperate things. for example i am roman catholic but i have been questioning a lot of things lately and i consider myself a rather liberal catholic so if i talked to a more conservative catholic we would probably argue for a long time. then i was thinking about how people get so defined by their religion. once i say that i am catholic i am put in a box with other catholics but like i just said, i may have different belief than them. or, for example, when kerry was running for president many people were worried that he would be "ruled" by his religion and that he would make the government follow what the pope said. but it seems to me that many people don't follow their religion blindly. many people question their religion and question everything and form their own beliefs. so it frustrates me when i am stereotyped because of my religion.
then we started talking about abortion as an example of seperation of church and state. the abortion issue is very connected to religion and people usually use their religion to argue against it. i for one am against aboriton. i could never live with myself if i got an abortion. there was one girl in the class who is also anti abortion. but when she stated her beliefs something about the way she said it made me really mad. the teacher then posed the question - devil's advocate style - "why does everyone have to follow a few people's belief about abortion? why don't they make abortion legal so that those who believe that is ok can do it and those that are opposed won't?" this one guy got kinda mad when she said that and was like "that is like saying why don't we legalize murders?? its like the same thing!!" and he later went on to say that it is also like legalizing drugs, who in their right mind would do that? i had some problems with his argument. first of all most people of most faiths will agree that murder is wrong. second, drugs are legal in some places like the netherlands and i don't think that they have problems because of that. the only problems they have are when stupid americans come and overdose because they are so excited that drugs are legal. i was thinking about it and if it bothers me that other people get abotions. i think it is sad that people get them and i don't think that they should but does that mean that i should force them to not get them? why should i force my beliefs on them? why should people believe what i believe?? who am i to say that i am right and that i believe the right thing? why do humans have to force their beliefs on other people? what kind of a world would we live in if everyone believed the same things? i guess people that are so strong and vehement about their beliefs make me angry because they make it seem like no matter what, everyone else is wrong and everyone has to convert to their beliefs.
ok. sorry for the really long ramble that doesn't really go anywhere. i just had a ton of words and phrases and stuff bouncing off the insides of my head and i couldn't think straight. so i blogged all of it.
yay. i feel much better now. i can think. ok. now on to calculus. gag me.
i was also thinking about how two people who have the same religion can believe two completely serperate things. for example i am roman catholic but i have been questioning a lot of things lately and i consider myself a rather liberal catholic so if i talked to a more conservative catholic we would probably argue for a long time. then i was thinking about how people get so defined by their religion. once i say that i am catholic i am put in a box with other catholics but like i just said, i may have different belief than them. or, for example, when kerry was running for president many people were worried that he would be "ruled" by his religion and that he would make the government follow what the pope said. but it seems to me that many people don't follow their religion blindly. many people question their religion and question everything and form their own beliefs. so it frustrates me when i am stereotyped because of my religion.
then we started talking about abortion as an example of seperation of church and state. the abortion issue is very connected to religion and people usually use their religion to argue against it. i for one am against aboriton. i could never live with myself if i got an abortion. there was one girl in the class who is also anti abortion. but when she stated her beliefs something about the way she said it made me really mad. the teacher then posed the question - devil's advocate style - "why does everyone have to follow a few people's belief about abortion? why don't they make abortion legal so that those who believe that is ok can do it and those that are opposed won't?" this one guy got kinda mad when she said that and was like "that is like saying why don't we legalize murders?? its like the same thing!!" and he later went on to say that it is also like legalizing drugs, who in their right mind would do that? i had some problems with his argument. first of all most people of most faiths will agree that murder is wrong. second, drugs are legal in some places like the netherlands and i don't think that they have problems because of that. the only problems they have are when stupid americans come and overdose because they are so excited that drugs are legal. i was thinking about it and if it bothers me that other people get abotions. i think it is sad that people get them and i don't think that they should but does that mean that i should force them to not get them? why should i force my beliefs on them? why should people believe what i believe?? who am i to say that i am right and that i believe the right thing? why do humans have to force their beliefs on other people? what kind of a world would we live in if everyone believed the same things? i guess people that are so strong and vehement about their beliefs make me angry because they make it seem like no matter what, everyone else is wrong and everyone has to convert to their beliefs.
ok. sorry for the really long ramble that doesn't really go anywhere. i just had a ton of words and phrases and stuff bouncing off the insides of my head and i couldn't think straight. so i blogged all of it.
yay. i feel much better now. i can think. ok. now on to calculus. gag me.
garden state
ok so right now i am watching garden state with ellen and tim. i really don't know why i am blogging. i just feel like typing and so i am.
garden state is such a good movie. its hilarious. and i know this is really random - but sarah - the mom at the beginning of the movie (the lady who is dating the guy who works at medieval times - mark's mom) reminds me of your mom. i think it is her voice because she doesnt really act like her or anything. hmmmm..... anyway.
today was a kind of a weird day. i was in a really really good mood during drawing but then a little later on i got in a kind of depressed mood. i was pretty homesick and the most frustrating part was that i didn't really know why. there wasn't really a reason for it or anything.
i am feeling better now. dinner with people was yummy (and i had beef and broccoli which was amazing and just what i needed). and watching this movie with ellen and tim is putting me in a better mood as well.
it is really weird. i feel so disconnected from home and stuff. when i was home i caught up on the gossip with friends and family and also neighbors and stuff. it was weird getting all of it at once and not hearing it develop and stuff. it was also a downer because my dad called during dinner and said that my aunt is in the hospital because she just had a heart attack. they say that she is going to be in the hospital for a few days but she will hopefully be ok. so yeah.
i think i am going to stop typing and watch the movie (we are at the part where he is in the doctor's office looking at all the awards and diplomas and stuff).
garden state is such a good movie. its hilarious. and i know this is really random - but sarah - the mom at the beginning of the movie (the lady who is dating the guy who works at medieval times - mark's mom) reminds me of your mom. i think it is her voice because she doesnt really act like her or anything. hmmmm..... anyway.
today was a kind of a weird day. i was in a really really good mood during drawing but then a little later on i got in a kind of depressed mood. i was pretty homesick and the most frustrating part was that i didn't really know why. there wasn't really a reason for it or anything.
i am feeling better now. dinner with people was yummy (and i had beef and broccoli which was amazing and just what i needed). and watching this movie with ellen and tim is putting me in a better mood as well.
it is really weird. i feel so disconnected from home and stuff. when i was home i caught up on the gossip with friends and family and also neighbors and stuff. it was weird getting all of it at once and not hearing it develop and stuff. it was also a downer because my dad called during dinner and said that my aunt is in the hospital because she just had a heart attack. they say that she is going to be in the hospital for a few days but she will hopefully be ok. so yeah.
i think i am going to stop typing and watch the movie (we are at the part where he is in the doctor's office looking at all the awards and diplomas and stuff).
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