so i was trying to think of a title and an evanescence song is on and it has those lyrics in it and I am really really hungry. so i decided that although it is kinda dumb and irrelevant - it is my title.
today was my second to last day in stl. it was fun. I spent basically all morning with Nick (well I packed a little). I got chinese takeout for lunch (sweet and sour chicken - not beef and broccoli for once -ooo). Then hung out more with Nick while trying to contact other people to see what they were up to. Tonight was Keegan's last night in town so she had a party. That was pretty fun but I was kinda getting down because any time that I had time to just sit and think I would start to think about how tomorrow was my last day and tonight is the last time i will be seeing some of these people for a while. So I tried to keep moving and talking and such.
Today was pretty good though because yesterday when I was working (last day at both jobs!! woo) - at the office where i was filing - i had a lot of time to think (obviously). And a thought suddenly occured to me - I have three (at the time it was three) days left and I have spent the last few moping around being depressed that I am leaving soon. The last thing I want to do is spend my precious few last days moping. I would regret that A LOT when I get to Cincinatti. So I decided to stop being so sad and perk up and enjoy my last few days. So far it has been going well. There were a few times tonight where i had to take some deep breaths and such and i almost cried when I was saying goodbye to keegan, but i stopped myself. Which is good cause i am so tired about crying about college stuff. blech. ok. well i should go because i gotta pack all day tomorrow.