001. Katie
002. Kathleen
003. Kate
001. katydidpt05
002. ktm4
003. sgwalu
001. Hands
002. Eyes
003. stature and build
001. Hair
002. Feet
003. Eyebrows
001. German (75%)
002. Irish (25%)
003. French (at tiny tiny bit)
001. Death of myself or those close to me
002. Car Accidents
003. Speaking in public
001. Food
002. Friends
003. some form of communication (phone, internet, hanging out with ppl...)
001. my new choir sweatpants
002. the bracelet my sister got me from africa
003. my xavier tshirt (that is huge on me - therefore pjs)
001. Switchfoot
002. The Faint
003. Green Day
001. Brick - Ben Folds
002. One Thing - Finger Eleven
003. Sweetness - Jimmy Eat World
001. Communication etc...
002. Ability to joke around and laugh
003. Relaxed and easy-going
TWO TRUTHS & A LIE [in no particular order]:
001. I played piano for 7 years but didnt really learn much
002. I have finished my homework
003. I love Dane Cook
001. Eyes
002. Hair
003. Taller than me
001. Listening to music.
002. Hanging out with people
003. sketching
001. eat strawberries
002. sit in a hot tub
003. hang out with friends (especially nick)
001. Graphic Design - something to do with that field
002. English teacher in germany or german teacher here
003. Art teacher
001. Germany (especially Castrop-Rauxel or Munich)
002. Japan
003. New York City
001. Elliot
002. Rose
003. Madelyn
001. return to europe
002. get married/have a family
003. see the northern lights
001. I love videogames
002. I take karate
003. I tire of shopping rather quickly
001. I suck at most sports
002. I love playing with my hair/when others play with my hair
003. I love dancing
001. Topher Grace
002. Orlando Bloom
003. Jonathan Rhys-Meyers
001. I am not cruel, like some people, and I am not going to force anyone to take this quiz....
002. ---
003. ---
gotta love spring break
ahhhh i love spring break!! its so amazing.
friday i didnt have school so i slept in (yay). Then i went to the zoo with nick, sarah, mikey, dave, another nick, shane, and angela. After the zoo we went for pizza at cicero's in the loop. that was yummy. their food was yummy. then we went back to the park and played with a ginormous frizbee. hehe. then i had to go to work (blah). I (as usual on fridays) sat and read us weekly. I found out that Demi Moore may be pregnant. ooooo gossip. hehe, i dont really care but its fun to look at all of the pictures. Then i drew in my sketchbook. Then I actually had to do some work (start a class). When I got off I went to Nick Susi's house. His house is huge and really nice. The party was kinda funny because i didn't know about half of the people so I felt kinda awkward but it was fun hanging out with the people that I did know. I was the master of spit (the card game...). I was so hyper and I didnt have any other outlet for my energy and so i was going so fast. hehe it was hilarious.
saturday i slept in, again. then i woke up and watched my saturday morning shows. hehe, gotta love em, they are so weird. then Sarah came to pick me up and we went to Borders. We looked at all kinds of metaphysics books. They are really interesting to read and look through. Then we were looking at all this music stuff. Sarah decided to buy the Jimmy Eat World CD and the Kill Bill CD. I wanted to buy the Kill Bill CD too so Sarah and I split the cost and I am going to borrow it and burn it sometime in the near future. Then we went to the awards show thingy for their one-act that Sarah, Miryam, Carolyn, Margaret, and Amanda took to districts. The one-act is called "Haiku" and it is amazing. I have seen it twice - not that i am a stalker or anything, I saw it once when they performed it after school and then they performed it for the whole school during an assembly. Both times I was amazed. You guys did an amazing job! Sadly they didnt get first or second and so they don't get to take it to state. The Parkways got first and second. Blah. Stupid public schools .... grumble grumble. So then we went back to Sarahs. After a few hours of trying to work out plans for the night we ended up staying at Sarah's. First the people there were me, sarah, carolyn, amanda, hovis, keegan, and nick. So we decided to straighten nick's hair. While doing that mike and ella joined us. It was really funny becuase we decided to read cosmo. While sarah was straightening nick's hair, carolyn painted one of his nails (he didnt realize this til later). Then we decided to play a big game of bum, so we went to schnucks and got candy. When we returned ella had to leave and potato (joe) joined us. So we played a few rounds of bum. It was hilarious but I am too lazy to go into details. Then we watched some of the movie Mathilda. While we were watching, Carolyn painted 6 of Nick's nails bright pink (he didnt realize this.... it was hilarious when he did find out though). hhehehehehe. so that was saturday.
today I went to church, came home, showered and ate etc.... then I watched chicago and some of the basketball games while I painted - for art class we have to do self portraits (that are 16X20). It is really hard but fun. I didn't get a whole lot of work done, but what I did do looks good. So then I went to go see Robots with Mikey, Sarah, and Nick. That movie was hilarious. I liked it. Then we went and got Ben and Jerry's ice cream from 7-11. After that we picked Carolyn up from her house and went back to Sarah's. She just got a new car and so we decided to pile in there. The only problem is that it doesn't have license plates yet, so we stayed in her driveway. Amanda and Miryam joined us a few minutes later. We stayed in her car for about and hour and a half, maybe two. It was really funny because we all just sat around talking... all squished into a '91 buick lesabre - its red. So yeah, that has been my weekend. full of lots of laughs. hehehehehhehe
so yeah, again i say - gotta love spring break.
friday i didnt have school so i slept in (yay). Then i went to the zoo with nick, sarah, mikey, dave, another nick, shane, and angela. After the zoo we went for pizza at cicero's in the loop. that was yummy. their food was yummy. then we went back to the park and played with a ginormous frizbee. hehe. then i had to go to work (blah). I (as usual on fridays) sat and read us weekly. I found out that Demi Moore may be pregnant. ooooo gossip. hehe, i dont really care but its fun to look at all of the pictures. Then i drew in my sketchbook. Then I actually had to do some work (start a class). When I got off I went to Nick Susi's house. His house is huge and really nice. The party was kinda funny because i didn't know about half of the people so I felt kinda awkward but it was fun hanging out with the people that I did know. I was the master of spit (the card game...). I was so hyper and I didnt have any other outlet for my energy and so i was going so fast. hehe it was hilarious.
saturday i slept in, again. then i woke up and watched my saturday morning shows. hehe, gotta love em, they are so weird. then Sarah came to pick me up and we went to Borders. We looked at all kinds of metaphysics books. They are really interesting to read and look through. Then we were looking at all this music stuff. Sarah decided to buy the Jimmy Eat World CD and the Kill Bill CD. I wanted to buy the Kill Bill CD too so Sarah and I split the cost and I am going to borrow it and burn it sometime in the near future. Then we went to the awards show thingy for their one-act that Sarah, Miryam, Carolyn, Margaret, and Amanda took to districts. The one-act is called "Haiku" and it is amazing. I have seen it twice - not that i am a stalker or anything, I saw it once when they performed it after school and then they performed it for the whole school during an assembly. Both times I was amazed. You guys did an amazing job! Sadly they didnt get first or second and so they don't get to take it to state. The Parkways got first and second. Blah. Stupid public schools .... grumble grumble. So then we went back to Sarahs. After a few hours of trying to work out plans for the night we ended up staying at Sarah's. First the people there were me, sarah, carolyn, amanda, hovis, keegan, and nick. So we decided to straighten nick's hair. While doing that mike and ella joined us. It was really funny becuase we decided to read cosmo. While sarah was straightening nick's hair, carolyn painted one of his nails (he didnt realize this til later). Then we decided to play a big game of bum, so we went to schnucks and got candy. When we returned ella had to leave and potato (joe) joined us. So we played a few rounds of bum. It was hilarious but I am too lazy to go into details. Then we watched some of the movie Mathilda. While we were watching, Carolyn painted 6 of Nick's nails bright pink (he didnt realize this.... it was hilarious when he did find out though). hhehehehehe. so that was saturday.
today I went to church, came home, showered and ate etc.... then I watched chicago and some of the basketball games while I painted - for art class we have to do self portraits (that are 16X20). It is really hard but fun. I didn't get a whole lot of work done, but what I did do looks good. So then I went to go see Robots with Mikey, Sarah, and Nick. That movie was hilarious. I liked it. Then we went and got Ben and Jerry's ice cream from 7-11. After that we picked Carolyn up from her house and went back to Sarah's. She just got a new car and so we decided to pile in there. The only problem is that it doesn't have license plates yet, so we stayed in her driveway. Amanda and Miryam joined us a few minutes later. We stayed in her car for about and hour and a half, maybe two. It was really funny because we all just sat around talking... all squished into a '91 buick lesabre - its red. So yeah, that has been my weekend. full of lots of laughs. hehehehehhehe
so yeah, again i say - gotta love spring break.
ok so this is applause-o-meter! It was projected on the wall during faculty show and it really worked!! hee hee - this is actually a lull in the cheering, but all the times when it was higher I was a little busy watching what was going on and taking pictures. We actually topped 120 a few times. Yep... we are so cool. 

happy happy happy
Ok so i have a lot to say today! woo. (i am such a dork and didn't want to forget everything that i wrote a little outline thingy... haha! at least I recognize 1) my forgetfulness and therefore i made the outline and 2)my extreme dorkiness)
Ok so school - the classes were only and hour and five minutes long today because of the faculty show (will explain in a moment).
First I had math - which was good but SO LONG!! We learned new stuff but we don't have any homework and the new stuff was really really easy. So that was good.
Then I had humor. (It's actually called humor in american lit, but whatever...) and in that class we just talked about what we read and about how none of us have any kind of an attention span because it was the last day of school before spring break.
So then I had religion in which we just watched this talk show thingy where this guy talked about emotional intelligence (as opposed to intellectual etc...). It was interesting, but that lasted forever too!! I was so antsy today. haha.
Then I had chorus. Chorus was actually the full hour and a half because its lunch block. It was really funny because no one really wanted to sing, at all. And so Mr. Bell played us some songs on his guitar in honor of St Patrick's day (by the way Happy St. Patty's Day and happy 21st birthday to Karen and Kevin - they are two of my cousins). So anyway!! After that he let us watch a movie - heheh we watched some of Spice World. That movie is hilarious - bad dialogue, terrible acting... ahhh. gotta love it.
So then it was lunch time. I got some chips and then sat in the hall outside the eac with about half of the senior class cause we wanted to get good seats for the faculty show. See, each class has a section of the eac that they have to sit in on most occasions but for some reason the underclassmen think they can sit wherever on faculty show day, so seniors have to claim the territory. so i sat and ate my chips.
Then there was the FACULTY SHOW!! This is basically just teachers dressed up in wacky outfits dancing around on stage and making fools of themselves. It is hilarious! So here are some highlights (it is about an hour long by the way). So the theme this year was the movie "mean girls". So there was this scene where the male teachers and janitors did a mock santa dance like they do in the movie. I was laughing so hard! It was hilarious. So then there was also this section about Seussical. They had all kinds of teachers dressed up in the costumes and they sang one of the songs from seussical. Again I was laughing really hard. Then about 10 female teachers came out and did the dance from Napoleon Dynamite. It was amazing!! This one teacher was getting really into it and was actually really good. So then, the finale was amazing. Three teachers came out with umbrellas and were singing the song "its raining men..." and then towards the end of the song they opened up the curtains and about 20 highschool boys jumped out and started dancing around! I was in shock! It was sooooo funny! This was the best faculty show ever!! You kinda had to be there to understand and know all the people as well. But don't fear. I took a ton of pictures and some videos of the whole thing... so just ask me sometime and I will gladly show you. :)
Then after school I had to get stuff to bring home (no homework by the way - unless you count working on my painting for art which isn't required and should actually be pretty fun.) So I go down to the art room, get my palette, paint, and paintbrushes. I walk halfway to my car and realize that I have forgotten something crucial - THE PAINTING! so I had to walk all the way back and get it. Ahh - i love my forgetfulness.
So then I went home, ate, and was lazy. Ahh, gotta love spring break.
But then I had karate. Karate was fun, but it was a workout. I got hurt a lot this class. We stretched out and I had to be on the wood, which isnt bad until we have to do pushups - on our knuckles. Lets just say that that wasn't pleasant. Then I had to do rolls on the wood. Take into account that i haven't done rolls in about two weeks AND I haven't done rolls on the wood in months. That was kinda painful but not too bad. I think i am going to have some bruises on my hip and shoulder and then a sore neck. But hey, whatever. I actually did some good handstands though! I would get up and stay up but then not be able to roll out (which is frustrating). I did roll out once though, and it was pretty smooth!! YAY!! So the next thing we did that was painful is punches and blocks. Basically you are with a partner and you punch them as quickly as you can (but not too strong) and they have to block as strongly and quickly as they can and then they punch back etc... etc... etc... This doesn't seem to bad until you have been doing this for 5 minutes and they keep hitting the same place on your arm... yep... my arm is pretty sore now. Then we did ippon kumite which is basically like freestyle fighting with specific attacks. For example the first attack is always a punch to the head and you defend however you like. Then the attacks go on to a punch to the stomach, forward kick, side kick, roundhouse kick, back kick, slide punch, and slide reverse punch. This is cool but hard because it is really hard to think of good things to do on the spot. I of course had to work with this really really good black belt. He has a tendency of being really rough. Which isnt so much fun when you are already kinda sore. so he did this one take down where he hooked my ankle, but he kinda caught my ankle and twisted it, which didnt feel so good. Then he did this other attack where he does an elbow to the back of my neck, and he came down harder than i expected and my neck was still kinda sore from earlier so ... yeah.. ow. But hey - i didn't complain which is good! YAY! I am getting more used to getting hit etc... which is good cause i used to get teary when I would get hit and that makes me feel really dumb. so yeah, no tearing this time. yay! Then we worked on breaking boards. This is really fun, for a short time. Your hand starts to tingle after a while. I break them with my open hand still (its the way people from 10-16 do it because their hands are still developing and punching boards etc.. can screw up growing bones). I am scared to punch - it seems more painful even if it may be easier to break the board. We didn't actually work with real wood boards today - just the plastic ones that have the little interlocking thingys so you can put it back together after you break it. These vary in difficulty from about 1/4 of a board to 2 boards. I actually broke one that would be about a board and a half today! Thats the highest I have ever gone! YAY!!! So I was pretty excited about that. then class was over. Dont get me wrong, I love karate and its fun but it can be hard (note: i didnt talk about all the stuff we did in class today, its not like i went and got beat up, we did other stuff in between which wasnt painful...).
So then I get home and I sit down at the computer. I was like - hey I will update my blog! So I open explorer and its like "you have a new email!". I thought it would probably be some stupid ad or something but it was a letter from Bettina!! That made my day!! I havent heard from her in so long! YAY!! (In case you didnt know/dont remember Bettina is my german penpal). YAY!!
ok, so i am really done now. I think i am going to go play some sims and relax cause guess what - ITS SPRING BREAK!!! WOO HOO!!!!
(p.s. yay for long blogs!!! hehehe)
wow- that took me 33 minutes to write! woo.
Ok so school - the classes were only and hour and five minutes long today because of the faculty show (will explain in a moment).
First I had math - which was good but SO LONG!! We learned new stuff but we don't have any homework and the new stuff was really really easy. So that was good.
Then I had humor. (It's actually called humor in american lit, but whatever...) and in that class we just talked about what we read and about how none of us have any kind of an attention span because it was the last day of school before spring break.
So then I had religion in which we just watched this talk show thingy where this guy talked about emotional intelligence (as opposed to intellectual etc...). It was interesting, but that lasted forever too!! I was so antsy today. haha.
Then I had chorus. Chorus was actually the full hour and a half because its lunch block. It was really funny because no one really wanted to sing, at all. And so Mr. Bell played us some songs on his guitar in honor of St Patrick's day (by the way Happy St. Patty's Day and happy 21st birthday to Karen and Kevin - they are two of my cousins). So anyway!! After that he let us watch a movie - heheh we watched some of Spice World. That movie is hilarious - bad dialogue, terrible acting... ahhh. gotta love it.
So then it was lunch time. I got some chips and then sat in the hall outside the eac with about half of the senior class cause we wanted to get good seats for the faculty show. See, each class has a section of the eac that they have to sit in on most occasions but for some reason the underclassmen think they can sit wherever on faculty show day, so seniors have to claim the territory. so i sat and ate my chips.
Then there was the FACULTY SHOW!! This is basically just teachers dressed up in wacky outfits dancing around on stage and making fools of themselves. It is hilarious! So here are some highlights (it is about an hour long by the way). So the theme this year was the movie "mean girls". So there was this scene where the male teachers and janitors did a mock santa dance like they do in the movie. I was laughing so hard! It was hilarious. So then there was also this section about Seussical. They had all kinds of teachers dressed up in the costumes and they sang one of the songs from seussical. Again I was laughing really hard. Then about 10 female teachers came out and did the dance from Napoleon Dynamite. It was amazing!! This one teacher was getting really into it and was actually really good. So then, the finale was amazing. Three teachers came out with umbrellas and were singing the song "its raining men..." and then towards the end of the song they opened up the curtains and about 20 highschool boys jumped out and started dancing around! I was in shock! It was sooooo funny! This was the best faculty show ever!! You kinda had to be there to understand and know all the people as well. But don't fear. I took a ton of pictures and some videos of the whole thing... so just ask me sometime and I will gladly show you. :)
Then after school I had to get stuff to bring home (no homework by the way - unless you count working on my painting for art which isn't required and should actually be pretty fun.) So I go down to the art room, get my palette, paint, and paintbrushes. I walk halfway to my car and realize that I have forgotten something crucial - THE PAINTING! so I had to walk all the way back and get it. Ahh - i love my forgetfulness.
So then I went home, ate, and was lazy. Ahh, gotta love spring break.
But then I had karate. Karate was fun, but it was a workout. I got hurt a lot this class. We stretched out and I had to be on the wood, which isnt bad until we have to do pushups - on our knuckles. Lets just say that that wasn't pleasant. Then I had to do rolls on the wood. Take into account that i haven't done rolls in about two weeks AND I haven't done rolls on the wood in months. That was kinda painful but not too bad. I think i am going to have some bruises on my hip and shoulder and then a sore neck. But hey, whatever. I actually did some good handstands though! I would get up and stay up but then not be able to roll out (which is frustrating). I did roll out once though, and it was pretty smooth!! YAY!! So the next thing we did that was painful is punches and blocks. Basically you are with a partner and you punch them as quickly as you can (but not too strong) and they have to block as strongly and quickly as they can and then they punch back etc... etc... etc... This doesn't seem to bad until you have been doing this for 5 minutes and they keep hitting the same place on your arm... yep... my arm is pretty sore now. Then we did ippon kumite which is basically like freestyle fighting with specific attacks. For example the first attack is always a punch to the head and you defend however you like. Then the attacks go on to a punch to the stomach, forward kick, side kick, roundhouse kick, back kick, slide punch, and slide reverse punch. This is cool but hard because it is really hard to think of good things to do on the spot. I of course had to work with this really really good black belt. He has a tendency of being really rough. Which isnt so much fun when you are already kinda sore. so he did this one take down where he hooked my ankle, but he kinda caught my ankle and twisted it, which didnt feel so good. Then he did this other attack where he does an elbow to the back of my neck, and he came down harder than i expected and my neck was still kinda sore from earlier so ... yeah.. ow. But hey - i didn't complain which is good! YAY! I am getting more used to getting hit etc... which is good cause i used to get teary when I would get hit and that makes me feel really dumb. so yeah, no tearing this time. yay! Then we worked on breaking boards. This is really fun, for a short time. Your hand starts to tingle after a while. I break them with my open hand still (its the way people from 10-16 do it because their hands are still developing and punching boards etc.. can screw up growing bones). I am scared to punch - it seems more painful even if it may be easier to break the board. We didn't actually work with real wood boards today - just the plastic ones that have the little interlocking thingys so you can put it back together after you break it. These vary in difficulty from about 1/4 of a board to 2 boards. I actually broke one that would be about a board and a half today! Thats the highest I have ever gone! YAY!!! So I was pretty excited about that. then class was over. Dont get me wrong, I love karate and its fun but it can be hard (note: i didnt talk about all the stuff we did in class today, its not like i went and got beat up, we did other stuff in between which wasnt painful...).
So then I get home and I sit down at the computer. I was like - hey I will update my blog! So I open explorer and its like "you have a new email!". I thought it would probably be some stupid ad or something but it was a letter from Bettina!! That made my day!! I havent heard from her in so long! YAY!! (In case you didnt know/dont remember Bettina is my german penpal). YAY!!
ok, so i am really done now. I think i am going to go play some sims and relax cause guess what - ITS SPRING BREAK!!! WOO HOO!!!!
(p.s. yay for long blogs!!! hehehe)
wow- that took me 33 minutes to write! woo.
Hello. Today at school was weird. I did basically nothing - haha. The classes were only an hour because of the late start and there was also a pep rally for spring sports at the end of the day. Sleeping in was nice. I love late starts - especially when they are every wednesday. In homeroom we got this month's issue of hallways (the nerinx newspaper if you didnt know). That was interesting. There are always some good articles to read. There was one explaining the whole St. Stanislaus situation and there was another article about how the public is all on the side of St. Stanislaus and how the archbishop should listen to the people and not think about the money etc... Then there was this weird editorial about how the nerinx students should pay more attention to the uniform rules. It was weird because this lady was an alum and she was talking about how we shouldn't be allowed to wear pants, shorts, and SWEATSHIRTS!! She was like - the school is air conditioned - why wear shorts. The school is heated why wear pants?? For the most part, people do wear skirts and I don't know why it is so bad that we can wear shorts and pants. Then she started complaining about sweatshirts saying that they look horrible on girls and should only be worn when a person is working out. I live in sweatshirts. I rarely wear anything else! I was like "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??!?!?!" So this lady is basically telling us that we should adhere to the dress code - but the funny thing is that it says, in the dress code, that we can wear shorts, pants, and sweatshirts. So i was really confused. She was also saying that we should go to the council and bring up these issues as if we were on her side! I was like, um... you are never going to get people to give up our shorts, pants, and sweatshirts! I think she is insane. So after reading hallways i went to art. Art was good. I painted - and my hands have lots of black and white and gray paint on em. Then there was contact where I had to go to an outreach meeting and then a meeting about ozarks for spring break! I am so excited about the ozarks!! WOO HOO!! cant wait. so then i had free, in which i worked on my painting some more and almost ruined it! I was trying to fix some things but I wasn't doing a very good job of matching the colors and i almost had a mental breakdown - ask carolyn, she was there. Then I tried to help her think of ideas for the tshirt for the benefit concert. Anyone got any good sayings?? we need em by saturday. then i had german - in which we watched more of "Das Boot". It is about a german u boat during world war two. It is really cool, but we have to have subtitles because they use a lot of words we don't know. Then i had lunch - we ate outside. It was nice to be able to sit outside again. Then I had humanities in which we talked about Amadeus and then talked about this insane project we have to do for our final exam. So, i didn't do much today, and the stuff i did do was rather artsy (hence the title of this blog) and I HAVE NO HOMEWORK! woo hoo!
can't wait for spring break - one more day (and that day has hour classes because of the faculty show - more on that tomorrow! YAY!!)
ok - gtg check on dinner - gotta make sure its not boiling over or something.
bye :)
can't wait for spring break - one more day (and that day has hour classes because of the faculty show - more on that tomorrow! YAY!!)
ok - gtg check on dinner - gotta make sure its not boiling over or something.
bye :)
one year!!
woo hoo! So i just realized that i have had this blog for one whole year!! (well, actually, one year on the 18th but whatever - same thing right?). It is kinda cool to be able to look back over the past year and read all of the really random stuff i wrote. Times when I was hyper, stressed out, sad, just kinda blah.... yeah.
I really don't know why I am blogging today. I seriously have little to nothing to talk about. I had school (which was boring so i dont think i will even bother telling you about it. but maybe that is what i will resort to if i have nothing else to say.)
yeah... i have nothing else to say so here goes my rambling about school. So i actually woke up on time today (ok, so i really hit the snooze button once, but i plan for that when i set my alarm - it is sad that i am at that point isnt it?). I had toaster struedel for breakfast - cherry flavor - mmmm. I got to school and I actually got one of the good spaces (you know the ones right on big bend across the street from school... oh yeah!)!! WOO HOO! I wandered around school doing random things til morning show. I worked camera two today - thats the camera that is on the live announcements - not the anchors. that was good - nothing too complicated today. First class I had chorus. That was fun. We sounded ok today - the sopranos are improving and sounding louder which is good because we are alto heavy. after that was contact. I had an outreach meeting I had to go to. That was good. Then i had pre-calc. That was really boring. i came really really close to falling asleep three times. I had to force myself to wake up and semi pay attention - which is really hard because i understand it like the first time she explains stuff and then she has to explain it a lot more in depth so other people get it too. Then I had my first humor in american lit class. that was ok. the teacher gets on my nerves sometimes - but hey, i will live. its fourth quarter. last i had christian life. we watched a news story thing and then talked about it. I would ramble about the discussion, but i don't feel like it right now. too sleepy. then i came home, did homework, ate, and i am now presently seated here - typing this. yep.
nothing else to say.... lalalala.
oh! last night i finished "the wedding". its the sequel to the book "the notebook" (yes - it the movie was based off the book. - the book is better. the movie changed some stuff). the wedding was sweet and cute. i liked it but i am at my limit for romance like novels at the moment. so i am currently reading "the restaurant at the end of the galaxy" the sequel to "the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy". Good books. read em.
Oooh - garden state. That was a really good movie. I would reccommend it to anyone. - no i am not insane and random things dont just pop into my head- i thought of that because i am currently listening to the soundtrack. exquisite soundtrack by the way. really good relaxing and being lazy in general music.
hmm..... what else should i talk about??
oooo - i have a cold. again. yes. it is stinky. I had that one cold basically from the beginning of december all the way into late january. it finally went away and then during the second week of february it came back! Grrr!! It isn't as bad as the first cold was, in any stretch of the word. the last cold was like i was on my deathbed (or at least i sounded like it) and this cold is just more of a slight cough. but still IT WONT GO AWAY! I am pumping the vitamin c and still it stays. grr... at least now it has been reduced to a slight scratchy throat in the morning and stuffy nose.
yeah... enough about my health....
lalalalala. i think i am done for the day. enough random news.
bye! :)
I really don't know why I am blogging today. I seriously have little to nothing to talk about. I had school (which was boring so i dont think i will even bother telling you about it. but maybe that is what i will resort to if i have nothing else to say.)
yeah... i have nothing else to say so here goes my rambling about school. So i actually woke up on time today (ok, so i really hit the snooze button once, but i plan for that when i set my alarm - it is sad that i am at that point isnt it?). I had toaster struedel for breakfast - cherry flavor - mmmm. I got to school and I actually got one of the good spaces (you know the ones right on big bend across the street from school... oh yeah!)!! WOO HOO! I wandered around school doing random things til morning show. I worked camera two today - thats the camera that is on the live announcements - not the anchors. that was good - nothing too complicated today. First class I had chorus. That was fun. We sounded ok today - the sopranos are improving and sounding louder which is good because we are alto heavy. after that was contact. I had an outreach meeting I had to go to. That was good. Then i had pre-calc. That was really boring. i came really really close to falling asleep three times. I had to force myself to wake up and semi pay attention - which is really hard because i understand it like the first time she explains stuff and then she has to explain it a lot more in depth so other people get it too. Then I had my first humor in american lit class. that was ok. the teacher gets on my nerves sometimes - but hey, i will live. its fourth quarter. last i had christian life. we watched a news story thing and then talked about it. I would ramble about the discussion, but i don't feel like it right now. too sleepy. then i came home, did homework, ate, and i am now presently seated here - typing this. yep.
nothing else to say.... lalalala.
oh! last night i finished "the wedding". its the sequel to the book "the notebook" (yes - it the movie was based off the book. - the book is better. the movie changed some stuff). the wedding was sweet and cute. i liked it but i am at my limit for romance like novels at the moment. so i am currently reading "the restaurant at the end of the galaxy" the sequel to "the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy". Good books. read em.
Oooh - garden state. That was a really good movie. I would reccommend it to anyone. - no i am not insane and random things dont just pop into my head- i thought of that because i am currently listening to the soundtrack. exquisite soundtrack by the way. really good relaxing and being lazy in general music.
hmm..... what else should i talk about??
oooo - i have a cold. again. yes. it is stinky. I had that one cold basically from the beginning of december all the way into late january. it finally went away and then during the second week of february it came back! Grrr!! It isn't as bad as the first cold was, in any stretch of the word. the last cold was like i was on my deathbed (or at least i sounded like it) and this cold is just more of a slight cough. but still IT WONT GO AWAY! I am pumping the vitamin c and still it stays. grr... at least now it has been reduced to a slight scratchy throat in the morning and stuffy nose.
yeah... enough about my health....
lalalalala. i think i am done for the day. enough random news.
bye! :)
haha, its been a while. i dont really have much to say at the moment. i am sitting at school during my free period. today is a weird schedule because we have some dumb assembly. i dont wanna go, but i would get a whole bunch of crap if i skipped it. this morning we had a pep rally instead of morning show. who has a pep rally on a monday morning? seriously?? it was pointless. mil (the gym teacher) just wanted us all to cheer for the basketball team who got 4th at state. we could've done that on the morning show. geez. AND the improv people had a really awesome video to show but they couldnt show it because of the stupid pep rally. AND my free was supposed to be an hour and a half today because it should have been lunch period but NO! it is only an hour because lunch was moved back a period - so now german is an hour and a half and my free is only an hour! GRRR!! blah. crappy morning. but then i had humanities first period and we watched the end of amadeus (I love that movie - its hilarious). that took the whole class period (because it was only an hour b/c of the shortened period). then i had art. art was awesome because i worked on my self-portrait. it looks cool so far, there are some parts that irk me but i can always fix those later... hopefully. so that was an hour and 5 minute class. then there was contact, where i basically wandered around school aimlessly for 20 minutes. lalala. now i have free and i was sleeping on the floor, then i decided to go tell the counselor that i decided where i am going to college (xavier) but she was in a meeting, so i went back to lay down. Then carolyn and i went to look at their freak of a pie - its pi day (3.14) and our school gives ex. credit to people who make "pi" pies and bring em in on pi day. Carolyn, Jacquelyn, Sarah, Amanda, and Hovis bought a baby pool and decided to cover the bottom in graham cracker crumbs and then pour pudding over it. it fills the bottom of the pool = and there are sprinkles on the top. people can buy the pies for $3, and of course they bought their own pie and we are going to have a feast at lunch. yummy. can't wait. :)
lala, so carolyn is pretending to study spanish, but she is really messing around with her website and laughing at all the stuff. ahhh reminiscing. hehe
10 minutes left in free....
dont know what else to say. im leaving now. bye bye.
lala, so carolyn is pretending to study spanish, but she is really messing around with her website and laughing at all the stuff. ahhh reminiscing. hehe
10 minutes left in free....
dont know what else to say. im leaving now. bye bye.
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