So I got back from Perryville today. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!! sure I was grumpy for most of today but that is because i was sleep deprived and i had just woken up and there were morning people all around me and lets just say i am not a morning person - at all. So I felt better after i was awake for more than a 1/2 an hour - but then i had to leave and that was sad. On the way home i was hyper because i was so tired... i think i annoyed Nathan. Hah. I got home with 5 minutes to spare. Heehe so yeah.
Perryville was awesome. I don't think I could ever live there (they go possum huntin' - nope no g on the end - and drive around the roundabout for fun). hehe I know you do more than that but still - i am definatly a city girl (maybe cause i live two seconds from the city) and i couldn't live without the tall buildings and hustle and bustle. Nope. Yep. ok. Wait - its funny cause they say roundabout for traffic circle. I had never heard it called a roundabout before. Another random point - roundabout it fun to type because you have to use so many different fingers and its not a word i usually type so i have to sit and think about it for a second. Hah. OOOH! Major announcement! A record was broken while I was in perryville. I can say I am very proud to be one of the first people to find out that the record for number of times around the roundabout was broken while i was there. The old record was 13. The new record................................ (drum roll)........................................... 103!!! wow. Thankfully i wasn't in the car. All i have to say is that wouldn't have been pretty. Another thing we did was play sand volleyball. That was so much fun. I love volleyball and I haven't played in so long that it was sad. We also don't have any good volleyballs in our house or I would play myself against the brick wall. Yes I know that sounds sad but there is no one to play with me and we have almost no windows on the side of the house that the yard is on so i just play volleyball against the wall. Its kinda funny cause i am sorta playing myself. Yep.
Another thing - I bonded with Larry :) That was fun cause I didn't him very well before this whole thing but all i have to say is - YOU ARE AWESOME! actually i don't think he reads this so yeah.... Sara - tell him to get online more often so i can talk to him more often. yeah.
Hah! Going back in time - Saturday night was so much fun too. I hung out with my school buddies at City Museum. May I just say that place rocks. We hung out there for a while and then we went to Carolyn's house. That was hilarious because we all sat there being tired and talking and being wacky. heheh when are we not wacky? i don't know. Also we went on their neighbors trampoline. that was awesome. I love trampolines - especially at 3:30 in the morning when it starts to rain. heheheheh It was hilarious jumping in the rain because you catch 2x the drops because you are jumping and then when you land the trampoline collects water so you jump into a puddle and water splashes everywhere. I had so much fun. The bottoms (the ends not the butt part...) of my pants go soaked. :)
So I am done talking because this is a really long blog. Maybe I broke my own record. hmmmm.... sorry if it was boring. I am going to go zonk out now because i am so tired. tired tired tired tired. Its fun to type tired. ok bye.