
ok so i stole this from sarah. i was bored, looking through my list of blogs and such, and decided to do this.

1. Yourself: me
2. Your Lover: fantastic
3. Your Hair: messy
4. Your Mother: wonderful
5. Your Father: cute
6. Your Favourite Item: petey
7. Your Dream Last Night: wheelchair
8. Your Favourite Drink: fanta
9. Your Dream Home: artsy
10. The Room You Are In: dorm
11. Your Pet: gone
12. Who You Are Now: student
13. Who You Want to be in Ten Years: designer
14. What You Want to be in Ten Years: happy
15. What You're Not: depressed
16. Your Best Friend: dunno
17. One of Your Wish list Items: car
18. Your Gender: female
19. The Last Thing You Did: phone
20. What You Are Wearing: jeans
21. Your Favourite Weather: sunny
22. Your Favourite Book: harry
23. The Last Thing You Ate: pretzel
24. Your Life: hilarious
25. Your Mood: eh

ok, so an update from yesterday's post - back to working on the wheelchair probably. i had class today, and the girl was there, but Mike (the guy) wasn't. We left a message on his phone for him to call us, but who knows. Kailin (the girl) is actually doing a lot of work now. She is making the wheels, so I am not mad at her anymore. I am pissed at Mike. But Kelly (my teacher) today was talking to me and Kailin because he can tell that Mike hasn't been around and is doing like no work, and so he was like "make sure you write all of that in your evaluations, because I want to know the truth." and he was saying that we each get individual grades, and if he did no work, and what we did does look good etc etc we would get a good grade, and he would end up with a shitty one probably, if he doesn't pick it up and actually start working. The due date was pushed back - one class day. Which doesn't seem like much, but it will really really help a lot. So that is good, but I am still probably going to go up there and work on it tonight.

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